7,983 research outputs found

    Body Weight and Labour Market Outcomes in Post-Soviet Russia

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    This paper estimates the impacts of weight, measured by body mass index (BMI), on employment, wages, and missed work due to illness for Russian adults by gender, in order to better understand the mechanisms through which obesity affects employment, wages, and sick-leave days using recent panel data (1994-2005) from the nationally representative Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS). We employ econometric techniques to control for unobserved heterogeneity and potential biases due to endogeneity in BMI. The results show an inverted U-shaped effect of BMI on probability of employment for men and women. We did not find evidence of wage penalty for higher BMI. In fact, the wages for overweighed men are higher. However, having a BMI above 28.3 increases the number of days missing work days due to health problems for men. Overall, we find negative effects of obesity (BMI above 30) on employment only for women but not on wages. During the transition in Russia, the increasingly competitive pressure in the labour market combined with economic insecurity faced by the population has lead to a muted impact of an individual’s weight on labour market outcomes.Russia; BMI; Labour outcomes

    FHA/VA Financing and Price Discounts

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    This study examines the effects of FHA and VA mortgage financing on home prices. FHA and VA borrowers receive higher loan-to-value ratios (LVRs) and payment to income (PTIs) ratios relative to conventional underwriting standards. These more lenient standards are offset by the payment of additional financing costs in the form of default insurance premiums and origination fees. The hypothesis for this study is that the origination fees (in the form of insurance premiums and the funding fees) associated with FHA and VA financing will (1) be capitalized into buyer reservation values and (2) result in price discounts relative to conventional loans with lower LVRs. Using a database of nearly 9,000 homes sales in the San Antonio, TX area, we perform hedonic analyses that indicate that both types of government backed financing are associated with reductions in selling prices. The results of this study may imply a cost shifting behavior on the part of buyers and an implicit subsidy on the part of sellers. Our preferred regressions find that the price discounts for FHA underwriting are about 4% (3.81% to 4.14%) relative to conventional financing. VA discounts, as expected, are smaller, ranging from about 2% to 3.46%. Given the prior literature, we hypothesize that the results are likely a result of the fact that FHA and VA homebuyers are able to shift some costs to sellers.

    Thoroughfares and Apartment Values

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    While the monocentric urban models were once adequate for predicting the declining rent gradients for North American cities, the advent of a transportation system with major arteries such as turnpikes, thoroughfares and commuter rails has distorted the rent gradient for many cities. In this study we examine the rent (or value) gradient for the City of Philadelphia with special reference to the impact of two major urban thoroughfares on apartment values. We find that apartment values decline by approximately 2.2% and 3.8% per block from major thoroughfares, while holding distance to the CBD and standard variables constant. As to be expected, distance to the CBD still continues to exert a dominant influence on apartment values in spite of the impacts of the thoroughfares. The findings are consistent with Ôaxial growth theory.

    Social Assistance Programs and Outcomes: Food Assistance in the Context of Welfare Reform

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    Food assistance programs play an important role in meeting the basic needs of low-income households. We consider the complex interactions among food stamps, labor force participation, and food insecurity status of low-income households under different program designs and economic conditions. The analysis uses data from the Survey of Program Dynamics to jointly estimate the role of participation in the Food Stamp Program (FSP), labor market participation and well-being, measured as food security, through the use of a simultaneous equation model. The results of our research suggest that food insecurity has a positive effect on FSP participation while labor force participation reduces FSP participation. Furthermore, FSP participation is more responsive to changes in the program benefits than to changes in nonlabor income. The linkages among food program participation, labor force participation, and well-being, measured in terms of food insecurity, are complex. The structural approach provides evidence that, among low-income households, program parameters affect FSP participation but no evidence that the food assistance reduces food insecurity.

    Wind tunnel tests on a tail-less swept wing span-distributed cargo aircraft configuration

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    The configuration consisted of a 30 deg -swept, untapered, untwisted wing utilizing a low-moment cambered airfoil of 20 percent streamwise thickness designed for low wave drag at M = 0.6, C sub L = 0.4. The tests covered a range of Mach numbers 0.3 to 0.725 and chord Reynolds number 1,100,000 to 2,040,000, angles of attack up to model buffet and sideslip angles + or - 4 deg. Configuration build up, wing pod filleting, airfoil modification and trailing edge control deflection effects were briefly investigated. Three wing tip vertical tail designs were also tested. Wing body filleting and a simple airfoil modification both produced increments to maximum lift/drag ratio. Addition of pods eliminated pitch instability of the basic wing. While the magnitude of these benefits probably was Reynolds number sensitive, they underline the potential for improving the aerodynamics of the present configuration. The cruise parameter (product of Mach number and lift/drag ratio) attained a maximum close to the airfoil design point. The configuration was found to be positively stable with normal control effectiveness about all three axes in the Mach number and C sub L range of interest

    Aerodynamic characteristics of a tandem wing configuration of a Mach number of 0.30

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    An investigation was conducted to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of a tandem wing configuration. The configuration had a low forward mounted sweptback wing and a high rear mounted sweptforward wing jointed at the wing tip by an end plate. The investigation was conducted at a Mach number of 0.30 at angles of attack up to 20 deg. A comparison of the experimentally determined drag due to lift characteristics with theoretical estimates is also included

    Subsonic longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a vectored-engine-over-wing configuration having spanwise leading-edge vortex enhancement

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    A configuration which integrates a close coupled canard wing combination, spanwise blowing for enhancement of the wing leading edge vortex, an engine-over-wing concept, and a wing trailing edge coanda-effect flap is studied. The data on the configuration are presented in tabular from without discussion. The investigation was conducted in the Langley 7- by 10-foot high speed tunnel at a Mach number of 0.166 through an angle-of-attack range from -2 to 22 deg. Rectangular main engine nozzles of aspect ratio 4, 6, and 8 were tested over a momentum coefficient range from 1.0 to 1.8

    Influence of optimized leading-edge deflection and geometric anhedral on the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a low-aspect-ratio highly swept arrow-wing configuration

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    An investigation conducted in the Langley 7 by 10 foot tunnel to determine the influence of an optimized leading-edge deflection on the low speed aerodynamic performance of a configuration with a low aspect ratio, highly swept wing. The sensitivity of the lateral stability derivative to geometric anhedral was also studied. The optimized leading edge deflection was developed by aligning the leading edge with the incoming flow along the entire span. Owing to spanwise variation of unwash, the resulting optimized leading edge was a smooth, continuously warped surface for which the deflection varied from 16 deg at the side of body to 50 deg at the wing tip. For the particular configuration studied, levels of leading-edge suction on the order of 90 percent were achieved. The results of tests conducted to determine the sensitivity of the lateral stability derivative to geometric anhedral indicate values which are in reasonable agreement with estimates provided by simple vortex-lattice theories

    The Dynamics of the Russian Lifestyle During Transition: Changes in Food, Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption

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    This paper presents evidence on the impact of individual as well as regional characteristics on changes in fat, protein, alcohol and cigarette consumption, and on diet’s diversity between 1994 and 2004. The results from a dynamic econometric model suggest that among individual determinants such as initial levels of consumption, gender, education, household income changes, and access to a garden plot all have a significant impact on the changes in consumption behavior in Russia. Regarding the macroeconomic variables, inflation has a significant impact on changes in alcohol and cigarettes consumption, while unemployment changes significantly impact smoking behavior. Russian consumers only respond to own price changes of fat and protein, but do not respond to own prices for alcohol and cigarettes. Analysis of subsamples conditional on initial consumption behavior reveals significant heterogeneity in consumption patterns, which is important for effective policy targeting different population groups in achieving healthier lifestyle choices in Russia.food consumption; smoking; alcohol; economic transition; Russia

    Effect of canard position and wing leading-edge flap deflection on wing buffet at transonic speeds

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    A generalized wind-tunnel model, with canard and wing planform typical of highly maneuverable aircraft, was tested. The addition of a canard above the wing chord plane, for the configuration with leading-edge flaps undeflected, produced substantially higher total configuration lift coefficients before buffet onset than the configuration with the canard off and leading-edge flaps undeflected. The wing buffet intensity was substantially lower for the canard-wing configuration than the wing-alone configuration. The low-canard configuration generally displayed the poorest buffet characteristics. Deflecting the wing leading-edge flaps substantially improved the wing buffet characteristics for canard-off configurations. The addition of the high canard did not appear to substantially improve the wing buffet characteristics of the wing with leading-edge flaps deflected