3,272 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Hubble sequence in the SDSS DR7 spectroscopic sample: a publicly available bayesian automated classification

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    We present an automated morphological classification in 4 types (E,S0,Sab,Scd) of ~700.000 galaxies from the SDSS DR7 spectroscopic sample based on support vector machines. The main new property of the classification is that we associate to each galaxy a probability of being in the four morphological classes instead of assigning a single class. The classification is therefore better adapted to nature where we expect a continuos transition between different morphological types. The algorithm is trained with a visual classification and then compared to several independent visual classifications including the Galaxy Zoo first release catalog. We find a very good correlation between the automated classification and classical visual ones. The compiled catalog is intended for use in different applications and can be downloaded at http://gepicom04.obspm.fr/sdss_morphology/Morphology_2010.html and soon from the CasJobs database.Comment: A&A in press, english corrections from language editor adde

    Comparing PyMorph and SDSS photometry. II. The differences are more than semantics and are not dominated by intracluster light

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey pipeline photometry underestimates the brightnesses of the most luminous galaxies. This is mainly because (i) the SDSS overestimates the sky background and (ii) single or two-component Sersic-based models better fit the surface brightness profile of galaxies, especially at high luminosities, than does the de Vaucouleurs model used by the SDSS pipeline. We use the PyMorph photometric reductions to isolate effect (ii) and show that it is the same in the full sample as in small group environments, and for satellites in the most massive clusters as well. None of these are expected to be significantly affected by intracluster light (ICL). We only see an additional effect for centrals in the most massive halos, but we argue that even this is not dominated by ICL. Hence, for the vast majority of galaxies, the differences between PyMorph and SDSS pipeline photometry cannot be ascribed to the semantics of whether or not one includes the ICL when describing the stellar mass of massive galaxies. Rather, they likely reflect differences in star formation or assembly histories. Failure to account for the SDSS underestimate has significantly biased most previous estimates of the SDSS luminosity and stellar mass functions, and therefore Halo Model estimates of the z ~ 0.1 relation between the mass of a halo and that of the galaxy at its center. We also show that when one studies correlations, at fixed group mass, with a quantity which was not used to define the groups, then selection effects appear. We show why such effects arise, and should not be mistaken for physical effects.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. The PyMorph luminosities and stellar masses are available at https://www.physics.upenn.edu/~ameert/SDSS_PhotDec

    The high mass end of the stellar mass function: Dependence on stellar population models and agreement between fits to the light profile

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    We quantify the systematic effects on the stellar mass function which arise from assumptions about the stellar population, as well as how one fits the light profiles of the most luminous galaxies at z ~ 0.1. When comparing results from the literature, we are careful to separate out these effects. Our analysis shows that while systematics in the estimated comoving number density which arise from different treatments of the stellar population remain of order < 0.5 dex, systematics in photometry are now about 0.1 dex, despite recent claims in the literature. Compared to these more recent analyses, previous work based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) pipeline photometry leads to underestimates of rho_*(> M_*) by factors of 3-10 in the mass range 10^11 - 10^11.6 M_Sun, but up to a factor of 100 at higher stellar masses. This impacts studies which match massive galaxies to dark matter halos. Although systematics which arise from different treatments of the stellar population remain of order < 0.5 dex, our finding that systematics in photometry now amount to only about 0.1 dex in the stellar mass density is a significant improvement with respect to a decade ago. Our results highlight the importance of using the same stellar population and photometric models whenever low and high redshift samples are compared.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. The PyMorph luminosities and stellar masses are available at https://www.physics.upenn.edu/~ameert/SDSS_PhotDec

    Dynamic exchange coupling and Gilbert damping in magnetic multilayers

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    We theoretically study dynamic properties of thin ferromagnetic films in contact with normal metals. Moving magnetizations cause a flow of spins into adjacent conductors, which relax by spin flip, scatter back into the ferromagnet, or are absorbed by another ferromagnet. Relaxation of spins outside the moving magnetization enhances the overall damping of the magnetization dynamics in accordance with the Gilbert phenomenology. Transfer of spins between different ferromagnets by these nonequilibrium spin currents leads to a long-ranged dynamic exchange interaction and novel collective excitation modes. Our predictions agree well with recent ferromagnetic-resonance experiments on ultrathin magnetic films.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, for MMM'02 proceeding

    Phenotypic Diversity of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Implications for Therapy.

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a progressive incurable condition that is characterized by extensive remodeling of the pulmonary circulation, leading to severe right-sided heart failure and death. Similar to other vascular contractile cells, pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells play central roles in physiological and pathologic vascular remodeling because of their remarkable ability to dynamically modulate their phenotype to ensure contractile and synthetic functions. The dysfunction and molecular mechanisms underlying their contribution to the various pulmonary vascular lesions associated with PAH have been a major focus of research. The aim of this review is to describe the medial and nonmedial origins of contractile cells in the pulmonary vascular wall and present evidence of how they contribute to the onset and progression of PAH. We also highlight specific potential target molecules and discuss future directions that are being explored to widen the therapeutic options for the treatment of PAH

    A robust morphological classification of high-redshift galaxies using support vector machines on seeing limited images. II. Quantifying morphological k-correction in the COSMOS field at 1<z<2: Ks band vs. I band

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    We quantify the effects of \emph{morphological k-correction} at 1<z<21<z<2 by comparing morphologies measured in the K and I-bands in the COSMOS area. Ks-band data have indeed the advantage of probing old stellar populations for z<2z<2, enabling a determination of galaxy morphological types unaffected by recent star formation. In paper I we presented a new non-parametric method to quantify morphologies of galaxies on seeing limited images based on support vector machines. Here we use this method to classify \sim5000050 000 KsKs selected galaxies in the COSMOS area observed with WIRCam at CFHT. The obtained classification is used to investigate the redshift distributions and number counts per morphological type up to z2z\sim2 and to compare to the results obtained with HST/ACS in the I-band on the same objects from other works. We associate to every galaxy with Ks<21.5Ks<21.5 and z<2z<2 a probability between 0 and 1 of being late-type or early-type. The classification is found to be reliable up to z2z\sim2. The mean probability is p0.8p\sim0.8. It decreases with redshift and with size, especially for the early-type population but remains above p0.7p\sim0.7. The classification is globally in good agreement with the one obtained using HST/ACS for z<1z<1. Above z1z\sim1, the I-band classification tends to find less early-type galaxies than the Ks-band one by a factor \sim1.5 which might be a consequence of morphological k-correction effects. We argue therefore that studies based on I-band HST/ACS classifications at z>1z>1 could be underestimating the elliptical population. [abridged]Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, updated with referee comments, 12 pages, 10 figure

    El perfil de clima escolar: estudio transcultural de la validez de una batería de cuestionarios para evaluar el clima escolar

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    This paper studies the validity of the School Climate Battery of Questionnaires for Secondary and High School Teachers (SCBQSHST). The battery includes five questionnaires: Quality of Leadership, Quality of Teachers' Support, School Motivational Orientation, Quality of Students' Attitude, and Quality of Parental Support. A total of 178 teachers from Costa Rica were compared with 343 Spanish teachers. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the questionnaires allow assessing teachers' perceptions of the different dimensions of school climate in a valid and reliable way in both Spain and Costa Rica. Differences in the perception of Spanish and Costa Rican teachers about school climate shown by multigroup confirmatory factor analyses are discussed as well as theoretical and practical implications.Este artículo estudia la validez de la Batería de cuestionarios sobre clima escolar para profesores de Secundaria y Bachillerato (BQCE-SB). La batería incluye cinco cuestionarios: calidad de liderazgo, calidad de apoyo docente, orientación motivacional del centro, calidad de las actitudes de los estudiantes y calidad del apoyo de los padres. Un total de 178 docentes de Costa Rica se compararon con 343 docentes españoles. Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios mostraron que los cuestionarios permiten evaluar de manera válida y confiable las percepciones de los docentes sobre las diferentes dimensiones del clima escolar, tanto en España como en Costa Rica. Se discuten las diferencias en la percepción de los docentes españoles y costarricenses sobre el clima escolar que muestran los análisis factoriales confirmatorios multigrupo, así como sus implicaciones teóricas y práctica

    Early-type Galaxies at z ~ 1.3. II. Masses and Ages of Early-type Galaxies in Different Environments and Their Dependence on Stellar Population Model Assumptions

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    We have derived masses and ages for 79 early-type galaxies (ETGs) in different environments at z ~ 1.3 in the Lynx supercluster and in the GOODS/CDF-S field using multi-wavelength (0.6-4.5 μm; KPNO, Palomar, Keck, Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer) data sets. At this redshift the contribution of the thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) phase is important for ETGs, and the mass and age estimates depend on the choice of the stellar population model used in the spectral energy distribution fits. We describe in detail the differences among model predictions for a large range of galaxy ages, showing the dependence of these differences on age. Current models still yield large uncertainties. While recent models from Maraston and Charlot & Bruzual offer better modeling of the TP-AGB phase with respect to less recent Bruzual & Charlot models, their predictions do not often match. The modeling of this TP-AGB phase has a significant impact on the derived parameters for galaxies observed at high redshift. Some of our results do not depend on the choice of the model: for all models, the most massive galaxies are the oldest ones, independent of the environment. When using the Maraston and Charlot & Bruzual models, the mass distribution is similar in the clusters and in the groups, whereas in our field sample there is a deficit of massive (M ≳ 10^(11) M_☉) ETGs. According to those last models, ETGs belonging to the cluster environment host on average older stars with respect to group and field populations. This difference is less significant than the age difference in galaxies of different masses

    Absolute spin-valve effect with superconducting proximity structures

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    We investigate spin dependent transport in hybrid superconductor(S)--normal-metal(N)--ferromagnet(F) structures under conditions of proximity effect. We demonstrate the feasibility of the absolute spin-valve effect for a certain interval of voltages in a system consisting of two coupled tri-layer structures. Our results are also valid for non-collinear magnetic configurations of the ferromagnets.Comment: 1 TEX file, 2 Postscript files. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Spin Torques in Ferromagnetic/Normal Metal Structures

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    Recent theories of spin-current-induced magnetization reversal are formulated in terms of a spin-mixing conductance GmixG^{mix}. We evaluate GmixG^{mix} from first-principles for a number of (dis)ordered interfaces between magnetic and non-magnetic materials. In multi-terminal devices, the magnetization direction of a one side of a tunnel junction or a ferromagnetic insulator can ideally be switched with negligible charge current dissipation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur