36 research outputs found

    The Genetics of Adaptation for Eight Microvirid Bacteriophages

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    Theories of adaptive molecular evolution have recently experienced significant expansion, and their predictions and assumptions have begun to be subjected to rigorous empirical testing. However, these theories focus largely on predicting the first event in adaptive evolution, the fixation of a single beneficial mutation. To address long-term adaptation it is necessary to include new assumptions, but empirical data are needed for guidance. To empirically characterize the general properties of adaptive walks, eight recently isolated relatives of the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) bacteriophage φX174 (family Microviridae) were adapted to identical selective conditions. Three of the eight genotypes were adapted in replicate, for a total of 11 adaptive walks. We measured fitness improvement and identified the genetic changes underlying the observed adaptation. Nearly all phages were evolvable; nine of the 11 lineages showed a significant increase in fitness. However, fitness plateaued quickly, and adaptation was achieved through only three substitutions on average. Parallel evolution was rampant, both across replicates of the same genotype as well as across different genotypes, yet adaptation of replicates never proceeded through the exact same set of mutations. Despite this, final fitnesses did not vary significantly among replicates. Final fitnesses did vary significantly across genotypes but not across phylogenetic groupings of genotypes. A positive correlation was found between the number of substitutions in an adaptive walk and the magnitude of fitness improvement, but no correlation was found between starting and ending fitness. These results provide an empirical framework for future adaptation theory

    Phylogenetically and spatially close marine sponges harbour divergent bacterial communities

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    Recent studies have unravelled the diversity of sponge-associated bacteria that may play essential roles in sponge health and metabolism. Nevertheless, our understanding of this microbiota remains limited to a few host species found in restricted geographical localities, and the extent to which the sponge host determines the composition of its own microbiome remains a matter of debate. We address bacterial abundance and diversity of two temperate marine sponges belonging to the Irciniidae family - Sarcotragus spinosulus and Ircinia variabilis – in the Northeast Atlantic. Epifluorescence microscopy revealed that S. spinosulus hosted significantly more prokaryotic cells than I. variabilis and that prokaryotic abundance in both species was about 4 orders of magnitude higher than in seawater. Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) profiles of S. spinosulus and I. variabilis differed markedly from each other – with higher number of ribotypes observed in S. spinosulus – and from those of seawater. Four PCR-DGGE bands, two specific to S. spinosulus, one specific to I. variabilis, and one present in both sponge species, affiliated with an uncultured sponge-specific phylogenetic cluster in the order Acidimicrobiales (Actinobacteria). Two PCR-DGGE bands present exclusively in S. spinosulus fingerprints affiliated with one sponge-specific phylogenetic cluster in the phylum Chloroflexi and with sponge-derived sequences in the order Chromatiales (Gammaproteobacteria), respectively. One Alphaproteobacteria band specific to S. spinosulus was placed in an uncultured sponge-specific phylogenetic cluster with a close relationship to the genus Rhodovulum. Our results confirm the hypothesized host-specific composition of bacterial communities between phylogenetically and spatially close sponge species in the Irciniidae family, with S. spinosulus displaying higher bacterial community diversity and distinctiveness than I. variabilis. These findings suggest a pivotal host-driven effect on the shape of the marine sponge microbiome, bearing implications to our current understanding of the distribution of microbial genetic resources in the marine realm.This work was financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT - http://www.fct.pt) through the research project PTDC/MAR/101431/2008. CCPH has a PhD fellowship granted by FCT (Grant No. SFRH/BD/60873/2009). JRX’s research is funded by a FCT postdoctoral fellowship (grant no. SFRH/BPD/62946/2009). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    What are the consequences of combining nuclear and mitochondrial data for phylogenetic analysis? Lessons from Plethodon salamanders and 13 other vertebrate clades

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of mitochondrial DNA data in phylogenetics is controversial, yet studies that combine mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data (mtDNA and nucDNA) to estimate phylogeny are common, especially in vertebrates. Surprisingly, the consequences of combining these data types are largely unexplored, and many fundamental questions remain unaddressed in the literature. For example, how much do trees from mtDNA and nucDNA differ? How are topological conflicts between these data types typically resolved in the combined-data tree? What determines whether a node will be resolved in favor of mtDNA or nucDNA, and are there any generalities that can be made regarding resolution of mtDNA-nucDNA conflicts in combined-data trees? Here, we address these and related questions using new and published nucDNA and mtDNA data for <it>Plethodon </it>salamanders and published data from 13 other vertebrate clades (including fish, frogs, lizards, birds, turtles, and mammals).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find widespread discordance between trees from mtDNA and nucDNA (30-70% of nodes disagree per clade), but this discordance is typically not strongly supported. Despite often having larger numbers of variable characters, mtDNA data do not typically dominate combined-data analyses, and combined-data trees often share more nodes with trees from nucDNA alone. There is no relationship between the proportion of nodes shared between combined-data and mtDNA trees and relative numbers of variable characters or levels of homoplasy in the mtDNA and nucDNA data sets. Congruence between trees from mtDNA and nucDNA is higher on branches that are longer and deeper in the combined-data tree, but whether a conflicting node will be resolved in favor mtDNA or nucDNA is unrelated to branch length. Conflicts that are resolved in favor of nucDNA tend to occur at deeper nodes in the combined-data tree. In contrast to these overall trends, we find that <it>Plethodon </it>have an unusually large number of strongly supported conflicts between data types, which are generally resolved in favor of mtDNA in the combined-data tree (despite the large number of nuclear loci sampled).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Overall, our results from 14 vertebrate clades show that combined-data analyses are not necessarily dominated by the more variable mtDNA data sets. However, given cases like <it>Plethodon</it>, there is also the need for routine checking of incongruence between mtDNA and nucDNA data and its impacts on combined-data analyses.</p

    The origin of multicellularity in cyanobacteria

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    Background: Cyanobacteria are one of the oldest and morphologically most diverse prokaryotic phyla on our planet. The early development of an oxygen-containing atmosphere approximately 2.45 - 2.22 billion years ago is attributed to the photosynthetic activity of cyanobacteria. Furthermore, they are one of the few prokaryotic phyla where multicellularity has evolved. Understanding when and how multicellularity evolved in these ancient organisms would provide fundamental information on the early history of life and further our knowledge of complex life forms. Results: We conducted and compared phylogenetic analyses of 16S rDNA sequences from a large sample of taxa representing the morphological and genetic diversity of cyanobacteria. We reconstructed ancestral character states on 10,000 phylogenetic trees. The results suggest that the majority of extant cyanobacteria descend from multicellular ancestors. Reversals to unicellularity occurred at least 5 times. Multicellularity was established again at least once within a single-celled clade. Comparison to the fossil record supports an early origin of multicellularity, possibly as early as the “Great Oxygenation Event” that occurred 2.45 - 2.22 billion years ago. Conclusions: The results indicate that a multicellular morphotype evolved early in the cyanobacterial lineage and was regained at least once after a previous loss. Most of the morphological diversity exhibited in cyanobacteria today —including the majority of single-celled species— arose from ancient multicellular lineages. Multicellularity could have conferred a considerable advantage for exploring new niches and hence facilitated the diversification of new lineages