257 research outputs found

    Klipsun Magazine, 1991, Volume 26, Issue 01 - January

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    Тонкощі Порядку Укладення Договору Про Надання Туристичних Послуг

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    In the scientific article author makes an attention on basic nuances of procedure for the conclusion of travel service agreement. The results of the study determined specific features of conclusion of the contract, due to its specificity.У науковій статті автором акцентовано увагу на основних нюансах порядку укладення договору про надання туристичних послуг. За результатами проведе­ного дослідження визначено особливості порядку укладення даного договору, які обумовлені його специфікою

    Language maintenance and shift: case study of Ukrainian in Saskatchewan

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    This study was aimed at examining possible correlations between socio-cultural and demographic factors and Ukrainian language maintenance in the province of Saskatchewan. Total number of 82 respondents with Ukrainian ancestry participated in this research. One issue explored was whether subjects representing demographic groups split by gender, age, highest level of education obtained, occupation, generation of immigration and ethnic identity have language proficiency and language use patterns significantly different from those of other groups. Also, the change of language use in a family from generation to generation was studied. Furthermore, language attitudes of participants towards Ukrainian language and its preservation were ascertained and correlated with demographic factors. It was found that certain socio-cultural factors correlate with frequency of Ukrainian language use and its proficiency. Moreover, rather positive attitudes towards Ukrainian language and its retention were reported; many of them correlated with demographic factors. Some characteristic patterns in language use in the family split by generation of immigration were found

    Dynamics of endogenous intoxication indicators in condition of acute blood loss complicated by ischemia-reperfusion of the limb, and their correction by carbacetam

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    Introduction. In the structure of injuries from gunshot wounds dominate the limb injuries that are often complicated by massive bleeding from the main vessels. The only means of rescue on the battlefield is a timely application of a tourniquet. This ensures complete exsanguination of the limb. The duration of exsanguination should not exceed 2 hours. It is proved that in conditions of acute blood loss complicated by ischemia-reperfusion of the limb, there are prerequisites for the development of dysfunction of internal organs, which in turn exacerbates dysmetabolic and functional disorders, stimulates endotoxicosis and may be complicated by multiple organ failure. However, the patterns of formation of the syndrome of endogenous intoxication in the conditions of ischemia-reperfusion of the limb, acute blood loss and their combinations have not been studied. There are no data on the effect of Carbacetam on these processes. It is known that Carbacetam has proven itself to reduce the manifestations of dysfunction of internal organs in the conditions of ischemic-reperfusion syndrome of the limb.The objective of research: To establish the dynamics of endogenous intoxication in the conditions of ischemia-reperfusion of the limb, acute blood loss and their combination. To evaluate the effectiveness of Carbacetam in the correction of identified abnormalities.Materials and methods. The experimental studies were conducted on 108 white nonlinear male rats weighing 200-220 g, which were housed in standard vivarium conditions. All animals were divided into five groups: control and four experimental. Under thiopental-sodium anesthesia in the first experimental group was simulated ischemia-reperfusion of the limb, in the second – acute blood loss, and in the third – these injuries were combined. In the fourth experimental group, animals with acute blood loss and ischemia-reperfusion of the limb were intraperitoneally administered Carbacetam at a dose of 5 mg per kilogram of animal weight. After 1 and 2 hours, as well as after 1, 7 and 14 days in the blood serum was determined the content of middle-mass molecules (MMM254, MMM280).The results and discussion. It was found that ischemia-reperfusion of the limb in comparison with the control group is accompanied by a significant increase of the MMM254 fraction in the blood serum content. From the first hour of the experiment with a maximum after 1 day and normalization of the index up to 14 days. The content in the blood serum of the MMM280 fraction became significantly higher, from the control only after 1 day with subsequent normalization in the following terms of the experiment. After simulation of acute blood loss, both studied fractions of MMM increased from 1 hour of the experiment, reached a maximum after 1 day and did not return to the control level after 14 days. For the first time it was found that two-hour ischemia-reperfusion of the limb significantly aggravates the course of acute blood loss, which revealed a significantly higher content in the serum of fractions MMM254 and MMM280 compared to other experimental groups in almost all periods of the experiment. Due to the use of Carbacetam, the content of both studied fractions of MMM in the serum compared with animals without correction was significantly reduced after 7 and 14 days of the experiment. Although the studied parameters did not return to the level of the Carbacetam control group, it can be considered a pathogenetically justified means of reducing the level of endotoxicosis in the conditions of ischemia-reperfusion of the limb and acute blood loss.Conclusions. Simulation of limb ischemia-reperfusion is accompanied by accumulation of MMM254-280 fractions with a maximum after 1 day of the experiment and normalization up to 14 days. Acute blood loss causes an increase in the serum content of fractions MMM254-280 from 1 hour of the experiment, which up to 14 days do not reach the level of control. The detected disorders are significantly exacerbated after a combination of acute blood loss and ischemia-reperfusion of the limb. The use of Carbacetam in comparison with animals without correction is accompanied by a significant decrease in the content of MMM254-280 fractions in the serum after 7 and 14 days of the experiment

    Відшкодування Збитків: На Що Розраховувати Туристу?

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    This scientific publication is examining the urgent question of compensation of losses to tourists and due to the fact that the tourist acknowledges as «weak» party in a relationship with tour operators (travel agents), it is proven that in all cases of tourist property tort tour operator (travel agent) must undo any damage in full capacity, unless otherwise provided by the law.У науковій публікації розглянуто актуальне питання відшкодування тури­стам заподіяних їм збитків і обґрунтовано, що у зв’язку з тим, що турист ви­знається «слабкою» стороною у відносинах з туроператорами (турагентами), у всіх випадках заподіяння шкоди майну туриста туроператор (турагент) повинен відшкодувати всі види збитків в повному обсязі , якщо інше не передбачено законом

    Experimental investigation of shear deformation in laboratory prepared layered soil specimens

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    The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the shear deformation mechanisms and structures of laboratory prepared layered soil specimens. Soil specimens made of alternating layers of sand and clay were produced in the laboratory with different layering schemes and layering geometries. Layering schemes are groups of specimens with similar layering geometries. Layering geometries refers to the number of layers of sand and clay, thicknesses of the layers and the layer positions within the specimen. The specimens were sheared perpendicular to layering using a specially designed deformation apparatus and their deformation mechanisms and deformation structures were identified and described. The descriptions of the deformation structures were used to compare the deformation of specimens within and between layering schemes; The study showed that as the sand layer thickness of the specimens increased, the sand deformation structures became more complex. The sand deformation structures, shear bands, did not appear to form in specimens with very thin sand layers, but, as the sand layer thickness increased, secondary shear bands, primary shear bands and tertiary shear bands formed; As the clay percentage of the specimen increased, the clay deformation structures became more complex. In specimens with a low clay percentage, slip lines and step structures were formed. As the clay content increased, clay smears and double clay smears were formed. Specimens with higher clay contents generally required more local strain to form clay deformation structures and have narrower shear zones than specimens with a lower clay content

    Mechanical properties of tuffaceous rocks under triaxial conditions

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    Yucca Mountain has been designated as a potential site for a high level nuclear waste repository. Part of the site characterization program is an investigation of the mechanical properties of the tuffs which comprise Yucca Mountain. The study tested specimens of TCw tuff in triaxial compression to observe the effects of confining pressure, saturation, strain rate, and anisotropy on the compressive strengths and Young\u27s Moduli of the specimens. Test results have shown that increasing the confining pressure increased the compressive strength and generally increased the Young\u27s Modulus. Saturation appears to lower both the compressive strength and Young\u27s Modulus of the specimens. Increasing strain rates increase the compressive strengths, but lowers the Young\u27s Modulus values. There appears to be a stiffness anisotropy where the specimens are stiffer perpendicular to the orientation of the the lithophysal cavity orientation. Correlations with porosity have shown as increase in porosity generally lowers both the compressive strength and the Young\u27s Modulus of the specimens. From the triaxial tests, the Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters have also been determined. A comparison between the strengths and modulus values from this study, values from previous studies and the suggested values reveal that the values computed for this study are generally lower than the previously published data. The dicrepancy may be due to sample and specimen differences between the studies

    Dynamics of violations the absorption function of the small intestine in conditions of acute blood loss complicated by ischemia-reperfusion of the limbs and their correction

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    Introduction. In the structure of modern injuries in wartime and peacetime the share of gunshot wounds increased significantly. The timeliness of applying a tourniquet is one of the main methods of saving lives on the battlefield. The patterns of formation of enteral insufficiency syndrome in conditions of acute blood loss complicated by ischemia-reperfusion of the limb have not been studied enough. There are no data on the features of violations of the absorption function of the small intestine in these conditions and the effectiveness of correction with Carbacetam, which is able to reduce the manifestations of acute hemic hypoxia and ischemic-reperfusion syndrome.The objective of research: To establish the peculiarities of the absorption function of the small intestine in the pathogenesis of acute blood loss, ischemia-reperfusion of the limb and their combination. To evaluate the effectiveness of Carbacetam in the correction of identified abnormalities.Materials and methods. The experimental studies were conducted on 108 white nonlinear male rats weighing 200-220 g, which were housed in standard vivarium conditions. All animals were divided into five groups: control and four experimental. Under thiopental-sodium anesthesia in the first experimental group was simulated ischemia-reperfusion of the limb, in the second group – acute blood loss, and in the third group – these injuries were combined. In the fourth experimental group, animals with acute blood loss and ischemia-reperfusion of the limb were intraperitoneally administered Carbacetam at a dose of 5 mg per kilogram of animal weight. After 1 and 2 hours, as well as after 1, 7 and 14 days studied the absorption function of the intestines by D-xylose test.The results and discussion. Simulation of limb ischemia-reperfusion compared with the control group causes a decrease in the content of D-xylose in the urine after 1 day of the reperfusion period. Also, acute blood loss is accompanied by a significant decrease in this indicator after 1 day. Until the end of the experiment the rate increases, but up to 14 days does not reach the level of control. The combination of acute blood loss and ischemia-reperfusion of the limb causes a decrease in the content of D-xylose in the urine starting from 1 hour of the experiment, which reaches a minimum after 1 day and remains at the same level until 14 days. In these terms the rate was the lowest compared to other studied groups. The use of Carbacetam for corrective purposes in rats with acute blood loss complicated by ischemia-reperfusion of the limb, compared with animals without correction significantly reduces the detected abnormalities after 7 days and more after 14 days of use.Conclusions. Complications of acute blood loss by ischemia-reperfusion of the limb causes a significant decrease in the absorption function of the small intestine after 1 day of the experiment. The intensity of disorders was significantly higher compared to other experimental groups. The use of Сarbacetam for 7-14 days in the reperfusion period in animals with acute blood loss complicated by limb ischemia-reperfusion, compared with animals without correction, causes a significant increase in the absorption function of the small intestine. This indicates the protective effect of the drug under the conditions of simulated pathology

    Engineering Properties of Coquina: An Interesting and Historic Building Stone

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    Coquina is a weak sedimentary limestone composed of shell and shell fragments that have been cemented together. It is most often found in coastal regions, such as the Anastasia Formation along the east coast of Florida. Coquina is a historically significant building material, with the best-known example being the Spanish Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida. It has withstood cannonball fire during battles and centuries of weathering yet is still structurally sound. Although coquina is very important historically, not much is known about its properties. Preliminary studies have shown the orientation of the shells impacts tensile strength. Additionally, larger specimens tended to have lower tensile strength. Building on previously performed tests, I will further investigate how the orientation of shells impacts coquina’s tensile strength, as well as how specimen size affects tensile strength. I predict the specimens cored in the vertical direction will have a higher tensile strength because the shells will be oriented horizontally. The larger specimens will have a lower tensile strength because there is a greater number of existing fractures within the larger specimens. Indirect tension testing will be performed on the specimens. Compression on the top of the puck-shaped specimens will cause failure in tension. I will use acoustic emission monitoring to measure microcracking events during testing, specifically looking for the beginning of unstable crack growth. Unstable crack growth is a precursor to ultimate failure, where microcracks coalesce and form a macroscopic failure plane

    The dynamics of abnormalities of the biochemical composition of bile under the influence of two-hour tourniquet limb ischemia and acute blood loss in the experiment

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    Introduction. Traumatism is one of the most current problems nowadays. Its increase is caused by the escalation in number of emergencies. In recent years the proliferation of frequency of terrorist attacks and local armed conflicts has been observed. Under those circumstances, the acute blood loss is considered to be the leading cause of injured people’s death. An effective way of stopping a massive external haemorrhage from the limbs is applying the tourniquet which entirely ceases arterial blood flow. It is deemed that safe duration of tourniquet application is two hours. Individual authors’ researches indicate the negative impact of post-tourniquet reperfusion on body. However, influence of the acute blood loss, which is complicated by limb ischemia-reperfusion, on the internal organs is insufficiently studied.                        Objective of research: to establish peculiarities of the functional state of the liver under impact of two-hour tourniquet limb ischemia and acute blood loss in the experiment.             Materials of the research and their discussion. The experiments were conducted on 96 non-linear male rats weighing 200-220g. All animals were divided into four groups: control and three experimental ones. Injuries were inflicted under thiopental l- sodium anesthesia. In the first experimental group, the limb ischemia-reperfusion injury was performed on animals by a method of applying a band of an elastic tourniquet SWAT-T. (USA), the width of 10 mm, proximally to the rat’s left paw for 120 minutes. Acute blood loss (20% of circulating blood volume) was performed by severing a femoral vein in the second experimental group.  In the third experimental group, these lesions were combined. The control group included the animals, which were injected into anesthesia and subsequently were used for investigations in an hour.                     An hour and two hours later, as well as in 1, 7 and 14 days, the functional state of the liver was determined in experimental animals through collecting the bile within an hour with a further determination of the total bile acids concentration, the cholesterol and calculation of the cholate-cholesterol coefficient.            Result of the research and their discussion. It was established that the two-hour exsanguination of the limb in the reperfusion period can negatively affect the functional state of the liver with a maximum of abnormalities after 3 hours. In comparison with the control group, the content of total bile acids in the bile appreciably decreased and the cholate-cholesterol coefficient increased. Under the circumstances of the acute bleeding, the abnormalities were significantly greater. The reduction in the content of the total bile acids in bile and the cholate-cholesterol ratio was perceived at all periods of the observation as well as the increase in the content of the cholesterol after 1 and 7 days of the experiment, which indicate the dysfunctions in process of the bile acids synthesis from cholesterol and the amplification in lithogenic characteristics of bile. For the first time, it was shown that the combination of acute blood loss and limb ischemia-reperfusion exacerbated the dysfunction of functional state of the liver. Besides, a greater decrease in the content of total bile acids in bile, particularly in 3 hours, in 1 and 14 days of experiment, a significant increase in cholesterol content and a reduction in cholate-cholesterol coefficient after three hours of reperfusion period were observed.                        Consequently, the two-hour tourniquet application in the condition of the acute blood loss in the amount of 20% of circulating blood volume aggravates the liver dysfunction in comparison to each of the effects in particular. This should be taken into consideration while assisting injured and affected people with acute blood loss from limbs, who were being applied with tourniquet. Our results aim at searching for efficacious tools of counteracting the impact of limb ischemia-reperfusion in conditions of acute blood loss.                  Conclusions. The complication of acute blood loss by limb ischemia-reperfusion is accompanied by a summation of their negative impact on the functional state of the liver with a maximum value after 3 h - 1 day of the experiment. Under these circumstances, in 3 hours, 1 and 14 days the content of total bile acids in bile is statistically probably lower compared to the experimental group in which the acute blood loss was solely performed. The increase in the content of the cholesterol in bile is observed as well as the reduction in cholesterol ratio that are statistically substantial after 3 hours of the experiment