12 research outputs found

    Perancangan Buku Panduan Pariwisata Kabupaten Pangandaran

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    Jawa Barat memiliki objek wisata alam dan kebudayaan yang tidak kalah indah dibanding tempat wisata lain di Indonesia, salah satunya daerah Kabupaten Pangandaran. Hinga saat ini wisatawan dan masyarakat umum hanya mengetahui bahwa Kabupaten Pangandaran memiliki objek wisata seperti, cagar alam, wisata kebudayaan dan edukasi. Sebagai destinasi tempat wisata yang dikunjungi oleh banyak orang, Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Pangandaran sendiri belum sepenuhnya memperhatikan media informasi untuk menawarkan seluruh objek wisata nya, padahal jika dieksplorasi lagi, Kabupaten Pangandaran memiliki banyak tempat objek wisata. Total ada 20 tempat wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Pangandaran yang terletak di setiap desa-desa kecil. Melalui metode penelitian studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, analisis matriks dan analisis perbandingan, maka dilakukan perancangan Buku Panduan Objek Wisata Kabupaten Pangandaran. Perancangan yang dilakukan pada Kabupaten Pangandaran menggunakan Media Buku Panduan atau guide Book tentang objek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Pangandaran. Perancangan buku panduan ini ini bertujuan untuk memberi informasi kepada para wisatawan dan masyarakat umum mengetahui bahwa Pangandaran memiliki potensi alam dan kebudayaan yang banyak. Hasil perancangan yang telah dibuat akan berupa buku panduan dan juga peta sebagai petunjuk pariwisata di Kabupaten Pangandaran

    Accuracy of bone SPECT/CT for identifying hardware loosening in patients who underwent lumbar fusion with pedicle screws

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    BACKGROUND : The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the accuracy of bone SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography)/CT (computed tomography) in diagnosing loosening of fixation material in patients with recurrent or persistent back pain that underwent lumbar arthrodesis with pedicle screws using surgery and clinical follow-up as gold standard Methods A total of 48 patients (median age 49 years, range 21–81 years; 17 men) who had undergone lumbar spinal arthrodesis were included in this retrospective analysis. SPECT/ CT results were compared to the gold standard of surgical evaluation or clinical follow-up. Positive SPECT/CT results were considered true positives if findings were confirmed by surgery or if clinical and other examinations were completely consistent with the positive SPECT/CT finding. They were considered false positives if surgical evaluation did not find any loose pedicle screws or if symptoms subsided with non-surgical therapy. Negative SPECT/CT scans were considered true negatives if symptoms either improved without surgical intervention or remained stable over a minimum follow-up period of 6 months. Negative SPECT/CTscanswere determined to be false negatives if surgery was still required and loosening of material was found. RESULTS : The median length of time from primary surgery to bone SPECT/CT referral was 29.5 months (range 12– 192 months). Median follow-up was 18 months (range 6– 57) for subjects who did not undergo surgery. Thirteen of the 48 patients were found to be positive for loosening on bone SPECT/CT. Surgical evaluation (8 patients) and clinical follow-up (5 patients) showed that bone SPECT/CT correctly predicted loosening in 9 of 13 patients, while it falsely diagnosed loosening in 4 patients.Of 35 negative bone SPECT/CT scans, 12 were surgically confirmed. In 18 patients, bone SPECT/CT revealed lesions that could provide an alternative explanation for the symptoms of pain (active facet degeneration in 14 patients, and disc and sacroiliac osteodegeneration in 7 patients and 1 patient, respectively). Overall sensitivity and specificity for the detection of loosening were 100 % and 89.7 %, respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 69 % and 100 %, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : This retrospective analysis suggests that bone SPECT/CT bone is a highly sensitive and specific tool for the exclusion of screw loosening in patients who present with recurrent low back pain after having undergone lumbar arthrodesis. In addition, it can identify other potential causes of recurrent low back pain in this patient population.http://link.springer.com/journal/2592017-02-20hb201

    TENGET DALAM PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN Studi kasus: revitalisasi kearifan lokal mengenai lingkungan di Desa Adat Penglipuran, Bangli, Bali

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    Berbagai protes terhadap kerusakan lingkungan sebagai dampalc pembangunan sering terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia. Teori yang melandasi pembangunanpun kemudian banyak diperbincangkan. Balkan implementasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan sebagaimana disarankan oleh Komisi Dunia untuk Lingkungan dan Pembangunan (World Commission on Environment and Development), setelah lebih dari sepulult tahun dicetuskan, kembali dipertanyakan, mengenai keberpihakannya bagi masyanakat miskin dan lingkungan, serta keberhasilannya dalam menjembatani pembangunan dan perlindungan lingkungan. Pada sisi lain, di berbagai negara, terdapat banyak masyarakat tradisional, dengan kearifan lingkungan yang dimiliki, ternyata menunjukkan kemampuannya untuk menyeimbangkan antara aktivitas manusia dengan pelestaiian lingkungan secara berkelanjutan. Di Bali, terdapat suatu fenomena lingkungan berlatar budaya yakni, tenget. Pada segala sesuatu, areal, benda, kegiatan, kelembagaan, norma dan nilai, dimana tenget diyakini ada oleh masyarakatnya, maka lingkungan atau komponen lingkungannya dapat berfungsi dengan lebih lestari. Permasalahan penelitian adalah: ketika pembangunan meningkat, tenget memudar dan dikhawatirkan terjadi kerusakan lingkungan. Bagaimana sesungguhnya hubungan antara tenget dengan pembangunan dalam konteks Pembangunan Berkelanjutan? Sehingga, tujuan penelitian adalah tmtuk membangun pemaharnan (understanding) tentang tenget dalam hubungannya dengan pembangunan dalam konteks Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini: mengikuti tradisi kualitatif; dalam paradigma konstruktivisme; melalui strategi studi kasus di Desa Adat Penglipuran, Bangli, Bali, serta telah dilakukan selama bulan Juli dan Agustus 2002. Informasi dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi lapangan. Basil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tenget adalah `simbol' dari 'etika lingkungan' yang tumbuh dari sistem religi masyarakat; berkembang dalam sistem nilai budaya setempat dan diekspresikan sebagai sikap mental; dan akhimya berfungsi sebagai kendali individu dan kontrol sosial dalam memperlakukan lingkungan. Etika lingkungan yang dimalcsud adalah kesadaran tentang kesetaraan hubungan antara manusia dengan lingkungan (fisik maupun sosial) dalam: inter-relasi; inter-aksi dan inter-dependensi; yang fungsionil holistik. (2) Ketika pembangunan digiatkan di seluruh Pulau Dewata, hingga menjangkau Desa Adat Penglipuran, makna tenget dalam sistem nilai budaya ternyata mengalami pergeseran. Hal ini terjadi karena konsep pembangunan yang diterapkan bersifat antroposentris. Semestinya penerapan konsep pembangunan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan setempat, yakni suatu pembangunan yang berkelanjutan dengan jiwa lokal. (3) Atas alasan tersebut, tenget dapat direvitalisasi dengan men¬sinergi-kan aspek-aspek kearifan lingkungan yang terkandung di dalaninya dengan prinsip¬prinsip Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Dengan demikian tenget tidak hanya berhenti sebagai simbol tetapi juga sebagai sistem kontrol (sosial-budaya, religi dan ekonomi). Dengan fungsinya sebagai sistem kontrol, tenget akan tetap mampu menjaga harmoni kesetaraan hubungan yang fungsionil-holistik antara manusia dengan lingkungan binaan, lingkungan sosial maupun lingkungan alamnya. Alchirnya, Penelitian ini merekomendacikan agar tenget (atau apapun istilahnya di daerah lain), sebagai simbol dan sebagai sistem kontrol dalam meng-komunikasi-kan pesan etika lingkungan bagi masyarakat pendukungnya, hendaknya dapat dipahami dan dipertahankan. Dengan demikian tenget di Desa Adat Penglipuran dapat di adopsi ke dalam perencanaan lingkungan guna mewujudkan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dalam jiwa lokal. Kata kunci: Tenget, Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, revitalisasi, kearifan lokal. There are innumerable claims from all over the world that environment degradation are attributed to development activities. Theories upon which these development activities are based, therefore, are to be debatable. Even the implementation of renowned concept susgested by The World Commission on Environment and Development, i.e. The Sustainable Development Concept, after more than 10 years, are now being questioned for its 'taking sides' (for indigenous peoples and environment), and its 'success'(in balancing between human activities and ecological integrities). Meanwhile, in many countries, there are indications that traditional societies, by means of their `local-genius'or their 'indigenous knowledge', have shown their capacity to maintain human activities in striking balance with the environment. In Bali, there are environmental phenomena, whose root may be found in Balinese cultural setting, called tenget. Whenever, among other things, places, objects, events, institutions, norms, values, or beliefs which are considered by the community as tenget are present, the environment as well as its components may be expected to function sustainedly. The research problems is: when there is an increase in development activities, tenget shows an indication to wither away, which is than followed by environment degradation.. Hence, the main objective of the present research is to construct an 'understanding' of tenget in relation to development activities, within the framework of sustainable development. The research has been conducted through the 'qualitative' tradition; `constructivism' paradigm; and on strategy of 'case study' in Desa Adat (Customary/ Traditional Village of) Penglipuran, Bangli, Bali. Information which builds up during the research is mainly gathered by way of indepth interview and field observation. The result of the research shows that (1) tenget is a symbol to convey environmental ethical messages which grow within the local system of cultural value and then effloresce as the community mental outlook. In this regard, environmental ethics refers to equal relation between men and their environment (be it physical or social) in a functionally-holistic inter-relation, inter¬action and inter-dependency. (2) However, as development activities swept the Island of the Gods, and reached up to the door step of Desa Adat Penglipuran, the meaning of tenget has experienced a significant change, due to anthropocentries orientation of development concepts. So, what the local community requires is development that can ensure their livelihood. In other words, what they could do with is some kind of development concept that really suits their local needs; it is the sustainable development with a local heart. (3) For that reason, tenget has to be revitalized by correlating its environmental ethics in synergical ways with the ingredients of the concept of sustainable development. Only with this effort can tenget function more than just a symbol, but also as a system of [socio-cultural, religious, and economic] control. As a system of control, not solely a symbol, tenget is expected to maintain an equal and functionally-holistic inter-relation, inter-action and inter-dependency between men and their natural, man-made, or social environment. In the end, the present research recommends that tenget (or in whatever terms people in other parts of the world refer to it), as a symbol and as a system of control which communicates environmental ethical messages to the whole local community as well as to the outsiders, should be better understood and preserved. Moreover, any environmental management planning for Desa Adds Penglipuran, or any other place for that matter, should adopt tenget so as to implement sustainable development [with a local heart]

    Quantification of 18F-JNJ-42259152, a novel phosphodiesterase 10A PET tracer: kinetic modeling and test-retest study in human brain

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    Phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) plays a central role in striatal signaling and is implicated in several neuropsychiatric disorders, such as movement disorders and schizophrenia. We performed initial brain kinetic modeling of the novel PDE10A tracer (18)F-JNJ-42259152 (2-[[4-[1-(2-(18)F-fluoroethyl)-4-(4-pyridinyl)-1H-pyrazol-3-yl]phenoxy]methyl]-3,5-dimethyl-pyridine) and studied test-retest reproducibility in healthy volunteers.status: publishe

    Second-generation antipsychotics and constipation: A review of the literature

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    Antipsychotics are the cornerstone in the management of psychotic disorders and schizophrenia. They are effective agents but also have a wide range of side effects. In the recent literature constipation as possible side effect has received little attention. A review of the literature concerning constipation associated with antipsychotics was performed. Overall constipation is a rarely studied or reported side effect of antipsychotic medication. Nevertheless constipation is a common side effect. Antipsychotic agents differ in their liability to induce constipation. Constipation can be severe and can lead to serious consequences such as paralytic ileus, bowel occlusion and death. Active screening, monitoring and treatment are recommended. Further research on incidence, prevalence, underlying mechanisms and preventive measures is required.status: publishe