6 research outputs found

    Media Indonesia Marketing Strategy to Incrase Their Gen Y Readers

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    Since Gen Y is the biggest population in Indonesia, Gen Y were also being the most potential market for Media Indonesia to increase their readership. To fit their newspaper for the Gen Y crowd, Media Indonesia should do several things. They should understand about Gen Y, know their needs, and choose a marketing strategy that fit the Gen Y as their target market. This research was collected from a survey of 170 respondents with a characteristic age around 14-35, living in DKI Jakarta, familiar with newspapers, familiar with the internet, and with minimal Senior High School educational background. This research also conducted an interview with the Media Indonesia Business Development General Manager and Media Indonesia readers. This research found that Content, Cover & Layout, and Brand being factors that raises the Gen Y interest in reading a newspaper. This research also found the favorite contents of Gen Y are Sports, Technology, Music & Film, Economy, and Communities. To maintain and increase readership of their Gen Y readers, Media Indonesia shall set up their marketing strategy that fit the Gen Y group. This marketing strategy is set up for 5 years with a target to increase the total readership of their Gen Y demographic. The recommendation here is that Media Indonesia shall improve their content, cover & layout, and their brand to fit for the Gen Y group. After doing some improvement of their newspaper, they recommended to apply a new wave of marketing strategy to get the attention of the Gen Y group. The new wave marketing mix of strategies that was suggested is co creation, communal activation, conversation, and commercialization

    Predifining Emotion Through Product Design

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    In the recent decades the business environment has changed tremendously due to the advance of globalization and competition, changing the essentials for success. To overcome competitive pressure, marketer and designer have to focus on customer's sensory needs and desires to create a deep rooted relationship through emotional dialogue. In this context, innovativeness appears to be a key ingredient to create and control consumer's emotion. Perceived of innovativeness is strongly influenced by consumer desire attribute of product. Design innovativeness is one of a powerful differentiator, which can be used as a strategic tool to achieve and sustain competitive advantages. Design's contribution to a product's success manifests itself in several ways, for example in packaging design. Packaging is a tool to build emotional connectivity with consumer. Marketer and designer have to be creative to build deep relationship with consumer through aesthetics and visual attribute of packaging design, in this case : cosmetics packaging. This study attempts to show that perceived innovativeness which are build from consumer's visual standard are important aspect in building emotional responses. Collecting method in this research is using questionnaire Population in this research is working woman in Jakarta, sample amounting to 102 people. Hypothesis examination in this research by correlation and multiple regression. Analysis result indicate that perceived innovativeness and consumer's visual standard have an effect to emotional elicited

    Integrated Marketing Communication to Enhance Active User of Internet Banking Service: Case Study Bank XYZ

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    Internet banking is a form of self-service technology. In the global banking business, Internet banking has a big role for doing the business. In developing country, Internet banking received relatively little attention although has been deployed for years. Only 3% of customer Bank XYZ in Indonesia using Internet banking service actively, although has been 9 years Bank XYZ introduced Internet banking service. This study addressed what factor that drives and influences Internet banking acceptance, why Internet banking does not seems quite attractive to customer and how banks manage their Internet banking. SWOT analysis of Bank XYZ and customer toward Internet banking service is mapped in order to see the connection between them and determine the root causes. The alternative solution for Bank XYZ problem is a marketing communication strategy to educate the customer about the importance of doing transaction through internet banking which is easy and practical. The approaching concept to develop marketing communications programs are Interest, Search, Action, Share, and Loyal. Some alternative programs are developed based on that approach concept. At the end there are two scenarios of recommended program. The implementation of the recommended program as the business solution, formed in an activity planning schedule and human resources needed for each recommended scenarios

    Measuring the Effectiveness of Social Media at Online Discussion Forum Modifikasi.com

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    The rapid growth of business process is affected by technology development at the time. Social media, which is a relatively new form of information technology development, have a potential to bring a revolution or huge changes at this time and for the future, a development which have to be noticed by the business owners so they can keep growing in this rapidly changing of business situation like today. Forums or discussion boards are the longest established form of online social media. They most commonly exist around specific topics and interest, for example cars or music. Discussion board or forum is one of the most favorable social media form by the internet users because it is the most used by some communities to gather and share in a certain interest or hobby. Modifikasi.com, or to be shortened as ModCom, is one of the biggest online discussion forum in Indonesia. It has a certain theme, which is an automotive world, and has a huge number of members. The purpose of doing this research is to analyzing effectiveness of the use of social media in online discussion forum Modifikasi.com by using the measurement of social media ROI, analyzing the position of the company at this time by using the Strategic Options for Social Media Measurement approach method, evaluating the effectiveness and the position of online discussion forum Modifikasi.com and creating marketing strategies. The research was conducted through desk research, interviews, and surveys. Respondents in this study are member of Modifikasi.com forum. Given this research, it is known the effectiveness of social media on Modifikasi.com in terms of brand awareness, brand engagement, and word of mouth, by comparing with competitors' efforts in social media, to determine the appropriate measures for the increase of the effectiveness and ROI of Modifikasi.com in the future. The purpose of the social media effort is to increase brand awareness, brand engagement, as well as word of mouth from brand Modifikasi.co

    Marketing VAS Innovation Case of Kalkulator Nutrisi (KANU)

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    VAS (Value Added Services) define as services which are not basic telecommunication services. VAS has become alternative for telecommunication opertor in order to gain revenue since the average revenue per user is quite low. VAS industry especially text based services immediatly experienced reflux due to several fraud such us pulse stealing, scam, and other form of business model abuse. In October 2011 Indonesia government takes action by deciding morotarium to stop all VAS services business and Telecommunication operator need to restart the services. The morotarium made VAS operator lass all the customer and they need to regain cusomer. Since that day october were known as Black October for telecommunication operator and VAS player. KANU or Kalkulator built by Creative Indonesia is one of VAS Innovation. Built to help parents in take care ot their child food and nutrition. KANU first launch based on mobile content business model and suffered from government morotarium due to fraud of VAS services. Creative Indonesia has to face two challenges. The first challanges come from VAS business environment and second challange was the fact that they still in introduction stage of product life cycle

    La evaluaci贸n en el texto escrito : La met谩fora como estrategia ret贸rica

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    Desde la estil铆stica cl谩sica, las met谩foras han sido caracterizadas como recursos ling眉铆sticos que aportan valor est茅tico a los textos, como formas po茅ticas e imaginativas que exceden el lenguaje ordinario y cuyo prop贸sito es adornar la expresi贸n. Sin embargo, los aportes de Lakoff y Johnson (Lakoff, 1987; Lakoff y Johnson, 1980) revelan un alcance mucho mayor de las expresiones metaf贸ricas en cuanto a su capacidad esencial de conceptualizar la experiencia humana. Diversos estudios del discurso tratan de explicar qu茅 estructuras o entendimientos se generan en el texto a partir de los usos metaf贸ricos y c贸mo 茅stos transmiten o refuerzan mensajes en la comunicaci贸n. La ret贸rica, concebida como un tipo de discurso instrumental por medio del cual se refuerza o altera la comprensi贸n de una audiencia o interlocutor (Gill y Whedbee, 1997), o la trama social de una comunidad, proporciona un marco para el estudio de la dimensi贸n metaf贸rica del texto desde una perspectiva pragm谩tica. Desde esta perspectiva, y siguiendo el modelo interaccional de an谩lisis de Bol铆var (1988, 1994a, 1994b, 1995, 1997) y aportes del discurso cr铆tico y de la ciencia cognitiva, este trabajo investiga c贸mo se presenta la informaci贸n evaluativa en un texto editorial. Se observa que la met谩fora constituye el recurso ret贸rico sobre el que el editorialista apoya su estrategia argumentativa global y se muestra c贸mo se articula la evaluaci贸n en el lenguaje y en el texto a trav茅s de un complejo metaf贸rico que instaura una cognici贸n social tras la cual subyace un control ideol贸gico. En particular, se ve que las cadenas l茅xicas en el nivel del lenguaje crean construcciones metaf贸ricas que por un lado estructuran el texto coherente y cohesivamente y por otro activan guiones en el lector. Mediante dichos guiones, el editorialista busca dirigir las inferencias del lector para poder negociar con 茅xito su evaluaci贸n. Vali茅ndose de estrategias ret贸ricas entabla un intercambio l煤dico con su lector en donde el valor argumentativo de la met谩fora est谩 sustentado en la estructura textual.Fil: Moldero, Ana Soledad. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci贸n; Argentina