45 research outputs found

    Stability of a Pair of Vortices between Two Cylinders

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    A Note on the Theory of the Wind Tunnel Interference

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    The problem of the wind tunnel interference has long been studied and not a little is known about it1>. But recently, many experiments are made on the wing cascade, using a special kind of wind tunnels. And to obtain characteristics of the wing cascade, it is necessary to make corrections as to the theory of interference of these wind tunnels. In this peper, I have explained a fundamental theory based on the well-known method of correction, and then made a comparison with experimental results

    An Approximate Method for Calculating Turbulent Boundary Layer in Incompressible Fluids

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    In this paper, the problem of the turbulent boundary layer with pressure gradient is treated. While the velocity profile in the boundary layer is influenced by the pressure gradient, the temperature profile is not greatly influenced by the pressure gradient, and hence a fictitious or virtual convective heat transfer is considered and an auxiliary equation which determines the velocity profile is obtained. The results of this method of calculation are compared with the experimental results

    The Lift on an Aerofoil with a Circular Arc Section placed near the Ground

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    The outside region of a segment of a circular arc and a straight line is transformed conformally into a rectangular region and then the _flow of the perfect fluid and the lift and its moment acting on the circular arc are expressed by using the elliptic functions

    On the two-dimensional flow around the flap wing section composed of two circular arcs

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    In this paper the author treats the problem of two-dimensional potential flow around flap wing section composed of two circular arcs by the method of conformal representation. And the results of approximate calculation by the method of vortex field are added

    On the Two-dimensional Flow around Slotted Wing Sections

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    The flow of the perfect fluid around a circle and a circular arc is investigated. Then they are transformed coformally into a slotted wing section and the lift and the moment of the lift are calculated

    On the Turbulent Boundary Layer with Pressure Rise and Fall

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    This paper contains results from both, experiments and computations. The first part covers the experimental results of the velocity distributions of turbulent boundary layers in diverging and converging channels. To express the varying forms of these velocity distributions, the following empirical formula is proposed. u = u₀g(y/δ){m + (i-m)h(y/δ)}, where u is the velocity at distance y from the surface of the wall, δ is the thickness of the boundary layer and u₀ is the velocity at y=δ or at the outer boundary of the layer. As the function of g(y/δ), the form of velocity distribution in a parallel wall channel or along a flat plate placed edgewise to the stream is taken. Then h(y/δ) is a function of y/δ, which is obtained from the experimental results and shown in .Figs. 6 and 10 in the original paper. Some considerations on the back flow in a diverging channel are suggested. As the result it was found that the back flow may occur on one side of the wall at a smaller diverging angle than is the case of back flow on both sides. the ratio of these angles being about 0.5. As applications of the above formula of the velocity distribution, problems of turbuient boundary layer of figure of revolution and approximate relations between the Reynolds' number and maximum lift coefficient of aerofoil section are treated, making use of Gruschwitz's empirical formula

    Heat Transfer in a Turbulent Boundary Layer with Pressure Gradient

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    The relation between the volocity and temperature distributions in a turbulent boundary layer with pressure gradient and the effect of the pressure gradient on Stanton or Nusselt number are investigated theoretically. The result is summarized as follows. The velocity distribution and, hence, the skin friction coefficient are affected by the pressure gradient while the temperature distribution and Stanton number are almost independent of the pressure gradient