6 research outputs found

    Impact of Runway Incursion on Air Traffic Satefy

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    Kontrolori zračnog prometa i piloti svojim postupcima i odlukama direktno utječu na sigurnost letenja, a njihove greške mogu dovesti do neodobrenog ulaska na uzletno-sletnu stazu. Ukoliko dođe do nezgode ili nesreće potrebno je napraviti analizu događaja kako bi se pronašla rješenja i spriječilo ponavljanje istih ili sličnih situacija. Događaji se klasificiraju po ozbiljnosti, a svaki neodobreni ulazak na uzletno-sletnu stazu, kao i događaj koji je na bilo koji način ugrozio sigurnost mora biti istražen. Kako bi klasifikacija događaja bila ispravna potrebno je imati dodatne podatke i informacije. Razvijanjem tehnologije uvode se novi sustavi uz pomoć kojih se poboljšala sigurnost zračnog prometa.Air traffic controllers and pilots with their actions and decisions directly affect safety and their mistakes can lead to runway incursions. In the event of accident or incident it is necessary to make analysis of the occurrence in order to find solutions and to prevent same or similar situations. Occurrence is classified by severity and every runway incursion as well as occurrence that can endanger safety in any way has to be investigated. It is necessary to have additional data and information so that classification could be correct. By developing technology new systems are being implemented that will help improve safety of air traffic

    Impact of Runway Incursion on Air Traffic Satefy

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    Kontrolori zračnog prometa i piloti svojim postupcima i odlukama direktno utječu na sigurnost letenja, a njihove greške mogu dovesti do neodobrenog ulaska na uzletno-sletnu stazu. Ukoliko dođe do nezgode ili nesreće potrebno je napraviti analizu događaja kako bi se pronašla rješenja i spriječilo ponavljanje istih ili sličnih situacija. Događaji se klasificiraju po ozbiljnosti, a svaki neodobreni ulazak na uzletno-sletnu stazu, kao i događaj koji je na bilo koji način ugrozio sigurnost mora biti istražen. Kako bi klasifikacija događaja bila ispravna potrebno je imati dodatne podatke i informacije. Razvijanjem tehnologije uvode se novi sustavi uz pomoć kojih se poboljšala sigurnost zračnog prometa.Air traffic controllers and pilots with their actions and decisions directly affect safety and their mistakes can lead to runway incursions. In the event of accident or incident it is necessary to make analysis of the occurrence in order to find solutions and to prevent same or similar situations. Occurrence is classified by severity and every runway incursion as well as occurrence that can endanger safety in any way has to be investigated. It is necessary to have additional data and information so that classification could be correct. By developing technology new systems are being implemented that will help improve safety of air traffic

    Impact of Runway Incursion on Air Traffic Satefy

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    Kontrolori zračnog prometa i piloti svojim postupcima i odlukama direktno utječu na sigurnost letenja, a njihove greške mogu dovesti do neodobrenog ulaska na uzletno-sletnu stazu. Ukoliko dođe do nezgode ili nesreće potrebno je napraviti analizu događaja kako bi se pronašla rješenja i spriječilo ponavljanje istih ili sličnih situacija. Događaji se klasificiraju po ozbiljnosti, a svaki neodobreni ulazak na uzletno-sletnu stazu, kao i događaj koji je na bilo koji način ugrozio sigurnost mora biti istražen. Kako bi klasifikacija događaja bila ispravna potrebno je imati dodatne podatke i informacije. Razvijanjem tehnologije uvode se novi sustavi uz pomoć kojih se poboljšala sigurnost zračnog prometa.Air traffic controllers and pilots with their actions and decisions directly affect safety and their mistakes can lead to runway incursions. In the event of accident or incident it is necessary to make analysis of the occurrence in order to find solutions and to prevent same or similar situations. Occurrence is classified by severity and every runway incursion as well as occurrence that can endanger safety in any way has to be investigated. It is necessary to have additional data and information so that classification could be correct. By developing technology new systems are being implemented that will help improve safety of air traffic

    Examining Relation of a Number of Air Traffic Control Student Instructions with Human-Machine Interactions during Simulated Approach Air Traffic Control Exercises

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    Studenti kontrolori zračnog prometa koji su sudjelovali na projektu „ATCOSIMA“ odradili su deset vježbi prilazne kontrole leta na generičkom zračnom prostoru TMA Frankfurt. Pomoću video i audio zapisa zabilježen je broj instrukcija svakog studenta na pojedinoj vježbi, a pomoću aplikacije za bilježenje broja interakcija čovjek-stroj zabilježen je broj korištenja simulatorske opreme. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka u radu je ispitana povezanost između instrukcija studenata kontrolora zračnog prometa i interakcija čovjek-stroj na vježbama prilaznog simulatora.Air traffic control students who have participated in „ATCOSIMA“ performed ten approach control exercises on generic TMA Frankfurt airspace. The number of instructions of each student on each exercise was recorded with the help of video and audio recordings, and the number of uses of simulator equipment was recorded with the help of the application for recording the number of human-machine interactions. Based on the collected data, the connection between the instructions of the students of the air traffic controller and the human-machine interactions on the exercises of the approach simulator was examined

    Examining Relation of a Number of Air Traffic Control Student Instructions with Human-Machine Interactions during Simulated Approach Air Traffic Control Exercises

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    Studenti kontrolori zračnog prometa koji su sudjelovali na projektu „ATCOSIMA“ odradili su deset vježbi prilazne kontrole leta na generičkom zračnom prostoru TMA Frankfurt. Pomoću video i audio zapisa zabilježen je broj instrukcija svakog studenta na pojedinoj vježbi, a pomoću aplikacije za bilježenje broja interakcija čovjek-stroj zabilježen je broj korištenja simulatorske opreme. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka u radu je ispitana povezanost između instrukcija studenata kontrolora zračnog prometa i interakcija čovjek-stroj na vježbama prilaznog simulatora.Air traffic control students who have participated in „ATCOSIMA“ performed ten approach control exercises on generic TMA Frankfurt airspace. The number of instructions of each student on each exercise was recorded with the help of video and audio recordings, and the number of uses of simulator equipment was recorded with the help of the application for recording the number of human-machine interactions. Based on the collected data, the connection between the instructions of the students of the air traffic controller and the human-machine interactions on the exercises of the approach simulator was examined

    Examining Relation of a Number of Air Traffic Control Student Instructions with Human-Machine Interactions during Simulated Approach Air Traffic Control Exercises

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    Studenti kontrolori zračnog prometa koji su sudjelovali na projektu „ATCOSIMA“ odradili su deset vježbi prilazne kontrole leta na generičkom zračnom prostoru TMA Frankfurt. Pomoću video i audio zapisa zabilježen je broj instrukcija svakog studenta na pojedinoj vježbi, a pomoću aplikacije za bilježenje broja interakcija čovjek-stroj zabilježen je broj korištenja simulatorske opreme. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka u radu je ispitana povezanost između instrukcija studenata kontrolora zračnog prometa i interakcija čovjek-stroj na vježbama prilaznog simulatora.Air traffic control students who have participated in „ATCOSIMA“ performed ten approach control exercises on generic TMA Frankfurt airspace. The number of instructions of each student on each exercise was recorded with the help of video and audio recordings, and the number of uses of simulator equipment was recorded with the help of the application for recording the number of human-machine interactions. Based on the collected data, the connection between the instructions of the students of the air traffic controller and the human-machine interactions on the exercises of the approach simulator was examined