11 research outputs found

    A conceptual model of information technology innovation implementation effectiveness in higher education

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    Research on innovation in organizations has mainly focused on adoption phase as compared to implementation phase of innovation. Implementation is the critical gateway between the decision to adopt an innovation and the routine use of the innovation. In the case of IT innovation, while the development of IT innovation is relatively controllable, the actual implementation of IT is far more difficult to control as it involves complex interactions between people, technology and environment. Often times there is resistance in using the new technology and in many circumstances, the organization has to face IT implementation failure. In the context of higher education, there has been major transformation occurring in the formal education sector partly due to the development of IT innovation, as well as the form of networking, knowledge sharing and interactive learning that IT facilitate. Nevertheless, many universities are facing a lot of challenges in implementing IT innovation successfully. Although there have been some researches on the implementation of innovations in general, very few studies explored IT innovation implementation in the context of higher education. The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework for evaluating IT innovation implementation in higher educational institutions (HEIs), particularly in the developing countries. The proposed model was derived from the general innovation models, but was adapted to suit the HEIs context

    The information system project profiles among universities in Indonesia

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    Information system (IS) utilizations may have been one of the determinant factors for the survival requirement of the higher education sector in Indonesia. Despite the IS projects have been conducted since the 1980s in this country, but many studies indicated that success of the projects seems like in the low level. This survey study was purposed to know the status of the IS project success among universities by involving the internal stakeholders. The higher education database of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (MRTHE) and the Association of Computing and Informatics Institutions Indonesia (ASCII-I) in the year 2015 were used for selecting around 1.230 respondents based on a purposive random sampling. The blended questionnaires were then distributed with almost 298 (ยฑ24%) responses. This paper presents five project profiles, including the aim, IS strategic plan availability, internal team involvement, budget allocation, and the success level of the projects

    Teknologi, Perempuan dan Pemerintah; (Meneropong Kebijakan Pemerintah atas Kejahatan IT terhadap Perempuan)

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    As we all know globalization is a consequence of the ease ofthe transportation of information and communication by technology that has far-reaching effects in economy, politics, social and culture, its presence cannot be avoided in this life. But, it becomes a problem when the development of science and technology that has given us a lot of positives can also give us a negative effect that is just as large that is felt by women without the notice of the government. Many criminal acts and even acts of utmost criminality often happen and women have become operational targets from the development of science and technology itself Why do women have to be the victims and why are 80% of the victims women? This has been the subject of debate for researchers and bystanders. With the existing problems, this article asks the readers to observe some of the technological crimes that are launched against women and also to see how far the government has acted as the policy holder

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Wakaf Berbasis Web Divisi Wakaf Departemen Agama RI

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    The Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs is the legal body given the task by the government related to religious affairs. The Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs consist of several division, one of the division is the charitable division that handles about charitable land. The property is assisted by PPAIW Subdistrict as the officials of Charitable Promisee Act and the National Land Agency (BPN), which create a certificate benefaction land. According to data available on directorate Development of the Directorate General of Zakat and Wakaf Bimas Islam wide charitable land throughout Indonesia in 2005 is 403.845 lots. As we know that the charitable assets is one of the Islamic community, so that it is necessary to arrange security efforts and held a sophisticated data collection for charitable land itself. So management information system is needed to support the charitable performance for the division related to the making of the year to year land charitable growth charts for the PPAIW reducing the burden of data processing about charitable property number Act and the Charitable Promisee Act replacement auto-generate, so that there is no duplication, and for the BPN related to acceptance of data charitable property that is uptodate to accelerate the creation of land certificates and the auto-generate numbering process, so that the duplication would not happen. Information system of charitable property processing has been designed using structured method approach to facilitate the problems mentioned above. The information system was made using series of web technology used today, named Apache, MySQL and PHP

    ICT implementation barriers and organizational issues in Islamic-based higher education institution: the case of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta

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    Nowadays, most Higher Education Institutions(HEI) rely on Information and Communication Technology(ICT) for all aspects of their activities such as administration, teaching, learning and research services. Even though the adoption of ICT in higher education has been extensive since mid 1990s, it has failed to produce the radical changes in learning and teaching. While many studies have been conducted on ICT usage in higher education especially in the developed countries, similar studies in the context of Islamic-based higher education institution(IHEI) are scarce. IHEI are unique institutions because its mission and vision are based on Islamic teachings and values. While it is well recognized that ICT implementation is a complex process, planning its use in the context of IHEI posed a greater challenge due to the cultural factor and the negative attitude towards the technology. This paper presents the analysis of ICT implementation barriers and organizational issues at DIN Jakarta, as a case study of an Islamic-based higher education institution in Indonesia. The findings revealed that the barriers include aspects related to organizational constraints, technological constraints, IT management problems, individual and cultural factors. While most factors are common, the aspect of organizational culture factor that relates to its being a religious institution is unique to this HEI


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    Masalah yang seringkali dialami oleh mahasiswa di kampus adalah enggan bertanya pada dosen dan kurang familiar dengan fasilitas kampus, hal ini dapat berakibat negatif seperti timbulnya kecemasan. Kondisi tersebut akan berdampak pada penilaian mahasiswa terhadap kampusnya. Penilaian individu berkaitan dengan keadaan lingkungan tempat belajarnya disebut dengan school well-being. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara school wellbeing dengan kecemasan akademik pada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif asosiatif atau hubungan. Adapun penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada mahasiswa aktif S1 IAIN Kediri dengan jumlah populasi pada penelitian ini adalah 6216 mahasiswa. Sedangkan pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik probability sampling berupa stratified random sampling, kemudian didapatkan sampel sebanyak 330 mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala school well-being dan skala kecemasan akademik. Kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis korelasi Product Moment dari Pearson yang memiliki taraf kesalahan 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang negatif yang signifikan antara school well-being dengan kecemasan akademik dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,653. Hasil penghitungan sumbangan efektif didapatkan bahwa sumbangan variabel school well-being dengan kecemasan akademik sebesar 42,6%. Dengan demikian masih terdapat 67,4% faktor lain lagi yang mempengaruhi kecemasan akademik pada mahasiswa IAIN Kediri, yang mana hal tersebut tidak diungkap dalam penelitian ini. Kata kunci: School Well-Being, Kecemasan Akademik


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    Card PPI series serves as a liaison (interface) between a PC with equipment beyond the PC. This circuit is used as a comparator IC and IC 74LS688 8255 as the output data from microcomputer. to activate this card PPI use of assembly language programs that previously have done port initialization. IC 8255 will be active when the comparator is active (low), determine which ports are used is from the address bus A0 and A1. PPI Card With this we can make a circuit or a module outside of a PC (Personal Computer) that can be treated by using a computer program. like, moving the series of LED lights, moving the DC motor circuit

    Zakat Mall dan Daya Produktifitas Perikanan Gurami

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    Kemiskinan merupakan bahaya besar bagi umat manusai dan tidak sedikit umat yang jatuh peradabannya disebabkan karena kefakiran sebagaimana sabda Nabi yang menyatakan, " kada l-faqru 'an yakuna kufran", keafakiran itu mendekatkan pada kekufuran. islam mempunyai konsep yang bisa menjawab dan memberikan solusi terhadap problem-problem yang disebabkan faktor sosial ekonomi msayarakat dengan diterapkannya perintah zakat. Ialam sebagai al-diin telah menawarkan beberapa doktrin bagi manusai yang beralaku secara universal dengan dua ciri, yaitu kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan hidup di dunia serta kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan di akhirat. Salah satu cara menanngulangi kemiskinan adalah dukungan orang yang mampu untuk mengeluarkan harta kekayaan mereka berupa dana zakat kepada kaum yang kekurangan (mustahiq al-zakat)