170 research outputs found

    Survey on level of understanding about Baitulmal among students in UiTM Puncak Alam / Nurul Huda Amir Azha

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    As an institution that manages the assets and property of the Muslims, Baitulmal has a great deal of trust and responsibility in distributing property to the community. However, is the existence and the roles of the Baitulmal itself known to the general public? There is a need for the public especially the students to recognize the role of Baitulmal in improving the economy and developing the country. Thus, a research about Baitulmal Institution was conducted with the purpose of giving awareness to the students of UiTM Puncak Alam. The main objective in this research is to analyze the level of understanding about Baitulmal among UiTM Puncak Alam’s students. This research is based on the information obtained from quantitative method which is through questionnaire form. Questionnaire form is the main method of data collection in this research. The students will answer and give their opinion about Baitulmal through the questionnaire form. All the data and information was analyzed to evaluete and determine the level of understanding about Baitulmal among UiTM Puncak Alam’s students. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 24.0 has been used to measure and analyse the validity of the data. Then, the results of the information that has been analyzed, found out that there were still students who did not know what is Baitulmal and its function. This shows that the awareness and knowledge of the Baitulmal among students still low. In this study, some suggestions are also as a reference and guide to improve students' understanding of Baitulmal and its function

    The relationship between personality traits and English language speaking anxiety among Faculty of Economics and Management undergraduates in UKM

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    The role of personality in second and foreign language learning are acknowledged and are viewed as useful predictors of language learning success. Personality can either encourage or inhibit language learning, and language anxiety among students often stem predominantly from speaking situations. The present study investigated the personality traits and English language speaking anxiety among Faculty of Economics and Management (FEP) undergraduates in UKM. Additionally, the study examined any significant relationship between the personality traits and English language speaking anxiety among FEP UKM students. A total of 104 FEP undergraduate students from Business, Economics, Accounting, and Entrepreneurship majors across different years of study were selected using purposive random sampling to participate as respondents to this quantitative study. The Big Five Inventory (BFI) and English Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (ELSAS) were used to identify personality traits and levels of English language speaking anxiety respectively. Results were tabulated and run through SPSS to obtain a correlation matrix. The results show Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness as the most recurring personality trait of FEP undergraduates. A majority of FEP undergraduates have moderate level of Communication Apprehension and Fear of Negative Evaluation. Pearson Correlatives show a positive relationship between Communication Apprehension and Fear of Negative Evaluation with Neuroticism, but a negative relationship with Extraversion


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    O presente trabalho se propôs a verificar as características que perpassam a personagem espírito livre em Humano, Demasiado Humano (1878): por certo não se trata do chamado livre-arbítrio; o homem que atingiu a liberdade se desvinculou da moral tradicional, assim tornando-se um imoral, ou seja, despreza o que é tido como dever pelos valores vigentes, não por acaso o difamam ou caracterizam-no de criminoso; ele é a exceção, enquanto seu irmão mais rude, a regra. A observação psicológica se mostrou enquanto condição para a investigação apropriada, procedimento vinculado às próprias intenções do pensamento de Nietzsche. É uma análise puramente psicológica e, portanto, não transcendente, o que se relaciona com a nova psicologia antidogmática proposta por Nietzsche. O filósofo alemão preocupa-se, no início do capítulo segundo, com a carência de observação psicológica por parte das pessoas, e isso permitiu o presente trabalho concluir que esse procedimento é realizado apenas por espíritos livres, ou seja, as exceções. Com efeito, o sujeito preso no cativeiro moral não investiga suas motivações na mesa de dissecação psicológica, pois vincula-se aos métodos tradicionais


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    The problem in this study is contrary to the problems found at the Muhammadiyah MA Difficult Water, namely the low ability to solve mathematical problems. One contributing factor is the source of learning. Learning resources that are used by students do not support the madrasa mission, namely to realize Islamic education and learning, quality, and ncble character to uphold amar makruf nahi mungkar. One learning resource used is LKPD. The purpose of this study was to produce a product in the form of LKPD Linear Equation System for Three Integrated Variables of Islam and the Natural Culture of Minangkabau to improve the ability of solving mathematical problems that are valid, and practical. This research uses a development research method which consists of 3 stages: define stage, design stage and develop stage. The results showed that the integrated LKPD of Islam and the Minangkabau Natural Culture that was designed was valid, practical and effective. The result of the validity of the LKPD obtained was 80.97% with a very valid category. While the results of practicality LKPD obtained from the questionnaire responses of students is 68.64% practical category

    Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Variasi Diameter Sudu Kompresor Turbocharger pada Daya, Torsi dan Emisi CB150R

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    Turbocharger merupakan kompresor sentrifugal digerakan oleh turbin yang diputar oleh asap gas buang kendaraan. Turbocharger diaplikasikan pada pembakaran dalam tekanan tinggi seperti mesi diesel untuk meningkatkan energi output dan efisiensi mesin. Pemasangan turbocharger dapat dilakukan pada kendaraan roda 2 pada kapasitas dan dimensi ruang bakar yang lebih besar. Literasi tentang pemanfaatan turbocharger pada kendaraan roda dua seperti motor sangat jarang ditemui dan sulit untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan turbocharger pada sepeda motor. Pada sepeda motor udara intake yang panas dan memiliki tekanan tinggi dapat menimbulkan knocking pada pembakaran mengalami knocking. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pengaruh perubahan ukuran diameter pada sudu kompresor terhadap sepeda motor CB150R. Penelitian ini meninjau perunaham performa daya dan torsi pada sepeda motor. Perubahan diameter kompressor turbocharger berpengaruh terhadap emisi, daya dan torsi yang dihasilkan sepeda motor, dari pengujian yang dilakukan didapat hasil motor yang menggunakan turbocharger dengan ukuran kompresor standart lebih tinggi HP dan Torsinya dari motor standar tanpa turbocharger. Pemasangan turbocharger pada sepeda menghasilkan performa yang bagus namun harus dilakukan penyesuaian spesifikasi kendaraan dan jenis turbocharger yang diaplikasikan

    Pengaruh Variasi Diameter Turbin Turbocharger Tipe IHI RHB 31 terhadap Performa Spark Ignition Engine 200 cc

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    Kendaraan bermotor banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia harganya terjangkau, penggunaannya mudah dan dapat digunakan untuk menjangkau tempat terpencil. Modifikasi kendaraan bermotor banyak dilakukan utnuk mencapai kondisi optimum pada proses pembakaran. Penggunaan turbocharger banyak digunakan pada mesin dengan kompresi tinggi misalnya pada mesin disel. Namun pada saat ini penggunaan turbocharger juga mulai diaplikasikan pada kendaraan roda 2 yang digunakan pada racing. Turbocharger sendiri berfungsi untuk meningkatkan tekanan udara yang akan digunakan dalam proses pembakaran. Saat ini penelitian menganai penggunaan turbocharger sangat jarang dilakukan sehingga sedikit yang dapat diketahui mengenai efek penggunaan turbocharger pada kendaraan bermotor. Pada kendaraan bermotor udara bertekanan tinggi dari turbocharger akan menyebabkan proses pembakaran mengalami knocking akibat peningkatan temperature. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi diameter turbin pada performa penggunaan turbocharger pada motor 4 langkah. Performa yang ditampilkan pada penelitian ini adalah daya dan torsi pada kendaraan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa motor yang menggunakan turbocharger mempunyai nilai daya dan Torsi yang lebih tinggi dari motor standar. Performa terbaik ditunjukkan saat motor menggunakan turbocharger dengan diameter standar. Motor berkapasitas dibawah 200 cc pun dapat menggunakan turbocharger dengan menyesuaikan spesifikasi turbocharger yang digunakan

    An iconographical interpretation of street art in Malaysia / Syafril Amir Muhammad...[et.al]

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    Street art in Malaysia began and active in the 1990s. It is an arena of public art activities such as façade of the buildings and ramparts. Style and method are similar like painting and normally it’s have meaning and definition afterward. This study will involve several towns in Peninsular Malaysia such as Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Johor Bahru, Melaka, Ipoh and Penang. The aim of this study is to analyse the meanings and to recognize a contextual factor that influence the form and content of street art in Malaysia. Iconographical theory will be used to identify, classify and interpret the meaning and understand the phenomenon of street art in Malaysia. Comprehensive documentation will recognize and acquire a fresh perception of this trend