4 research outputs found


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    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are created using information that derived from processing a number of data, that is data relating to the position of objects on the surface of the earth.  In Jombang district, there are also many a tour visited by people in almost all of Indonesia, namely: Gusdur tomb tourism, and kedung cinet that had entered one of the TV Channels namely Tranz TV as Grand Canyon Jombang.  The problem of tourism in Jombang is the direction to show location to tourist sites and new tours that are not yet known by tourists both local and from foreign countries. Resulting in complaints from tourists as well as a lack of management of tourism data from the Office of Culture Tourism Youth and Sports Jombang because of the many tours that have not been registered with the relevant Office.  From these problems emerged an idea to build a Jombang Tourism Geographic Information System built using the waterfall methodology, with the programming language PHP, HTML, Jquery, while for its database using MySQL, besides that in the process of designing this application using UML, based on the results of analysis and  testing using Black Box Testing.  It was concluded that, the geographic information system of mobile-based tourism in Jombang can be used as a solution for the tourism office in promoting tourism in Jombang. Not only that, in this application there are features data added (tourism, culinary, lodging, and can see the description of tourist locations. Results from the application, this application can makes it easy for the office to provide tourist information and facilitate tourists in knowing the location and distance of a tour.Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dibuat dengan menggunakan informasi yang berasal dari pengolahan sejumlah data, yaitu data yang berkaitan dengan posisi objek di permukaan bumi. Di kabupaten Jombang, juga memiliki tempat wisata yang banyak dikunjungi masyarakat dihampir seluruh Indonesia yakni : wisata makam Gusdur, dan kedung cinet yang sempat masuk salah satu Channel TV  yaitu Tranz TV dengan sebutan Grand Canyon Jombang. Permasalahan dari wisata yang ada di Jombang adalah arah penunjuk ke lokasi wisata serta wisata-wisata baru yang belum di ketahui oleh wisatawan baik local maupun dari manca negara. Sehingga terjadi keluhan dari wisatawan serta kurangnya pengelolaan data wisata dari Dinas Pariwisata Budaya Pemuda dan Olahraga Jombang karena banyaknya wisata yang belum terdaftar di Dinas terkait. Dari permasalahan tersebut muncul suatu gagasan untuk membangun suatu Sistem Informasi Geografis Pariwisata Jombang dibangun Menggunakan Metodelogi waterfall, dengan bahasa pemograman PHP , HTML, Jquery, sedangkan untuk database-nya menggunakan  MySQL, Selain itu dalam proses prancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan UML, Berdasarkan  hasil analisis dan pengujian dengan mengunakan Black Box Testing. Disimpulkan bahwa sistem informasi geografis pariwisata jombang berbasis mobile dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu solusi untuk dinas pariwisata dalam mempromosikan wisata yang ada di Jombang. Serta di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat fitur tambah data (wisata,kuliner,penginapan, dan dapat melihat deskripsi lokasi wisata. Hasil dari penerapan aplikasi Memudahkan pihak dinas untuk memberikan informasi wisata dan memudahkan wisatawan dalam mengetahui lokasi dan jarak tempu wisata

    The impact of educational intervention on attitude towards organ donation among healthcare workers in five hospitals in Malaysia

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    Introduction : The attitude of healthcare workers (HCW) are essential in influencing organ donation rates. Objective : The study aimed to assess the impact of educational intervention on attitudes towards organ donation among HCW. Methodology : A questionnaire-based interventional study was conducted among 458 HCW from five hospitals in Malaysia. A 26-item self-administered questionnaire was distributed online as a pre-intervention test. Afterwards, the respondents went through a website-based educative materials about organ donation and answered the same questionnaire again. Results : A total of 345 (75.3%) respondents completed the tests. Their attitude towards organ donation was positive pre-intervention. Following it, respondents expressed increase willingness to donate organs (P = 0.008) and their relatives’ organs (P <0.001); were more willing to adopt organ donation as part of the end-of-life care (P = 0.002) and were more comfortable to talk to relatives about organ donation (P = 0.001). There was increased willingness to admit patients to the Intensive Care unit for facilitating organ donation (P = 0.007); to employ the same resources to maintain a potential brain-dead donor (P <0.001); and to support organ donation if they or their relatives have end-stage organ failure (P = 0.008). However, there was increased negative attitude regarding association between organ donation with healthcare failure (P = 0.004), and with pain (P = 0.003). The positive attitude scores were higher following the intervention (P <0.001). Conclusion : An educational website-based intervention was able to improve HCW attitudes towards organ donation although some potential improvements are required

    The Impact of educational intervention on attitude toward organ donation among health care workers in Malaysia

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    Background. The attitudes of the health care workers (HCWs) are essential in influencing organ donation rate. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of an educational intervention on attitudes toward organ donation among HCWs. Methods. A questionnaire-based interventional study was conducted with 458 HCW from 5 hospitals in Malaysia. A 26-item self-administered questionnaire was distributed online as a pre- intervention test. Respondents then went through website-based educational materials followed by a post-intervention questionnaire. Results. A total of 345 (75.3%) respondents completed the tests. Their attitude toward organ dona- tion was positive preintervention. After the intervention, respondents expressed an increase willingness to donate their own organs (P = .008) and their relatives’ organs (P < .001) after death; were more willing to adopt organ donation as part of end-of-life care (P =.002); were more comfortable talking to relatives about organ donation (P =.001); and expressed an increase consideration to execute the action at any time (P =.001). There was increased willingness to admit to the intensive care unit for facilitating organ donation (P =.007); to employ the same resources to maintain a potential brain-dead donor (P < .001); and to support organ donation in case they or their relatives were diagnosed with end-stage organ failure (P =.008). However, there was an increase in negative attitudes regarding the association between organ donation with health care failure (P =.004) and with pain (P =.003). Posi- tive attitude scores were higher after the intervention (P < .001). Conclusion. An educational website-based intervention was able to improve the attitudes of HCWs toward organ donation


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    Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dibuat dengan menggunakan informasi yang berasal dari pengolahan sejumlah data, yaitu data yang berkaitan dengan posisi objek di permukaan bumi. Di kabupaten Jombang, juga memiliki tempat wisata yang banyak dikunjungi masyarakat dihampir seluruh Indonesia yakni : wisata makam Gusdur, dan kedung cinet yang sempat masuk salah satu Channel TV yaitu Tranz TV dengan sebutan Grand Canyon Jombang. Permasalahan dari wisata yang ada di Jombang adalah arah penunjuk ke lokasi wisata serta wisata-wisata baru yang belum di ketahui oleh wisatawan. Sehingga terjadi keluhan dari wisatawan serta kurangnya pengelolaan data wisata dari Dinas Pariwisata Budaya Pemuda dan Olahraga Jombang karena banyaknya wisata yang belum terdaftar di Dinas terkait. Dari permasalahan tersebut muncul suatu gagasan untuk membangun suatu Sistem Informasi Geografis Pariwisata Jombang dibangun Menggunakan Metodelogi waterfall, dengan bahasa pemograman PHP , HTML, Jquery, sedangkan untuk database-nya menggunakan MySQL dan Manajemennya menggunakan Web serta Framework 7 Sebagai tampilan Aplikasinya, Selain itu dalam proses prancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan UML,Hasil analisis dan pengujian dengan mengunakan Black Box Testing. Disimpulkan bahwa sistem informasi geografis pariwisata jombang berbasis mobile dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu solusi untuk dinas pariwisata dalam mempromosikan wisata yang ada di Jombang. Serta di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat fitur tambah data (wisata,kuliner,penginapan, dan dapat melihat deskripsi lokasi wisata). Hasil dari penerapan aplikasi Memudahkan pihak dinas untuk memberikan informasi wisata dan memudahkan wisatawan dalam mengetahui lokasi dan jarak tempu wisata. Kata Kunci: Sistem informasi geografis, pariwisata, Mobile, Framewor