7 research outputs found

    Case Studies : Subject of waste management fee in Poland

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    Diversification of taxation on personal income depending on the source of income. Justified or not?

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    The article looks at the selected issues concerning personal income tax in Poland depending on the source of income. The first section provides legal definitions and various types of income sources. Next, the author investigates in detail the source of income as one of the crucial aspects of personal income tax construction, which affects tax exemptions, amount of deductable costs and other features of regulatory framework

    Elementy oceny charakteru zmian w prawie podatkowym

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    Significant changes that have taken place in Polish tax law in recent years are primarily aimed at increasing budget revenues. This is done by improving efficiency and sealing the tax system by introducing new forms of burden and using subsequent taxpayer control mechanisms (including those modelled on solutions or recommendations of international importance). However, this is often done by way of frequent amendments, not based on the analysis of the effectiveness of earlier solutions, blurring the border between changes and introducing new taxes.Istotne zmiany, jakie dokonywa艂y si臋 w polskim prawie podatkowym, maj膮 na celu przede wszystkim zwi臋kszenie wp艂yw贸w bud偶etowych. S艂u偶膮 temu wprowadzanie nowych form obci膮-偶e艅 oraz uszczelnianie systemu podatkowego przy zastosowaniu kolejnych mechanizm贸w kontroli podatnik贸w (w tym wzorowanych na rozwi膮zaniach lub rekomendacjach o znaczeniu mi臋dzynaro-dowym). Odbywa si臋 to jednak w drodze zbyt cz臋stych nowelizacji, niepopartych analiz膮 skutecz-no艣ci wcze艣niejszych rozwi膮za艅, z zatarciem granicy mi臋dzy zmianami a wprowadzaniem nowych podatk贸w