50 research outputs found

    Sick leave patterns in common musculoskeletal disorders – a study of doctor prescribed sick leave

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    Comparative data on sick leave within musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is limited. Our objective was to give a descriptive overview of sick leave patterns in different MSDs

    Hand, hip and knee osteoarthritis in a Norwegian population-based study - The MUST protocol

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    AffÀrsekologivisualiseringar : AffÀrsekologiers Roll som GrÀnsöverbryggande Objekt

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    Within the area of Digitisation and Management at Linköping University, a focus is the interconnectivity of management and IT. This can be manifest in a multitude of different ways, such as exploring the consequences of digitisation, transferal of information between individuals and the strategic application of management control theory in organisations where the use of IT plays a significant role. This thesis, Visual Models of Business Ecologies – The role of business ecology visualisations as boundary objects, is written by Oscar Hubertsson and Henrik Johansson. It is presented as our master’s thesis in Digitisation and Management at the Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University. It delves into the application of a business ecology perspective, a technique within strategy and management control to define the relevant organisation, and how visualisations of the understanding gained through this technique can be used to facilitate discussions, understanding and joint problem solving. To gain a firmer understanding of this phenomena this thesis is used to explore how individuals discuss, solve problems, and gain firmer understanding through the lens of boundary objects, representations of knowledge used as instrumentalities to cross boundaries of knowledge that appear between different groups. This thesis aims to make contributions to management control theory by exploring the replicable applicability of a business ecology perspective, the resulting visualisations of any gained understanding and how these visualisations can be used as boundary objects

    Sick leave in osteoarthritis and other muskuloskeletal disorders

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common causes of pain and disability in the musculoskeletal system. Even though the prevalence of OA increases rapidly with age, OA also impacts the working age population. The overall aim of this thesis was to increase the knowledge on sick leave and disability pension in OA and other musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Specific aims were to study patients experiences of sick leave due to MSDs, to study the risk of sick leave and disability pension in patients with knee OA, to give a descriptive overview of sick leave patterns in different diseases within the group of MSDs and to investigate the association between occupation and risk for sick leave and disability pension due to knee and hip OA. The first study of the thesis is a qualitative paper where I study patients’ experiences of sick leave due to MSDs. The other three studies are population based cohort studies where I use data from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, the SkĂ„ne Healthcare Register and Statistics Sweden to study sick leave and disability pension in hip and knee OA. I also use data from a smaller part of the region where I retrieve information on sick leave from medical health care records to study sick leave patterns in different diseases within the group of MSDs. In paper I the patients’ experiences illustrate how rehabilitation is often not about “curing” people, but rather about creating premises for life and work despite remaining limitations. In paper II I find that patients with knee OA have an almost two-fold increased risk of sick leave and about 40 to 50% increased risk of disability pension compared to the general population. In paper III I present comparable estimates of sick leave in other diseases within the group of MSDs. I show that duration, age and sex distribution of sick leave varies considerably between different MSDs. In paper IV I find that women in health care, child care and cleaning and men in construction and metal work have an increased risk of sick leave and disability pension due to knee OA and of disability pension due to hip OA, as compared to women and men working in business and administration. I also find that in health care and child care, the risk of sick leave and disability pension due to knee OA is increased also in occupations with higher educational requirements, like specialist nursing and pre-primary teaching professions

    AffÀrsekologivisualiseringar : AffÀrsekologiers Roll som GrÀnsöverbryggande Objekt

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    Within the area of Digitisation and Management at Linköping University, a focus is the interconnectivity of management and IT. This can be manifest in a multitude of different ways, such as exploring the consequences of digitisation, transferal of information between individuals and the strategic application of management control theory in organisations where the use of IT plays a significant role. This thesis, Visual Models of Business Ecologies – The role of business ecology visualisations as boundary objects, is written by Oscar Hubertsson and Henrik Johansson. It is presented as our master’s thesis in Digitisation and Management at the Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University. It delves into the application of a business ecology perspective, a technique within strategy and management control to define the relevant organisation, and how visualisations of the understanding gained through this technique can be used to facilitate discussions, understanding and joint problem solving. To gain a firmer understanding of this phenomena this thesis is used to explore how individuals discuss, solve problems, and gain firmer understanding through the lens of boundary objects, representations of knowledge used as instrumentalities to cross boundaries of knowledge that appear between different groups. This thesis aims to make contributions to management control theory by exploring the replicable applicability of a business ecology perspective, the resulting visualisations of any gained understanding and how these visualisations can be used as boundary objects

    Participation – a patient’s right : A literature review on patients' experiences of participation in bedside handover

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    Bakgrund: Bedsiderapportering Ă€r en del av utvecklingen mot en mer personcentrerad vĂ„rd med patienten i fokus. Rapporteringen syftar till att fĂ„ patienten delaktig i informationsutbytet mellan sjuksköterskor vid skiftbyte och sker vid patientens sĂ€ng. Kommunikationen vid rapporteringstillfĂ€llet Ă€r viktigt för hur patienten skapar en förstĂ„else för sin situation men ocksĂ„ för att öka patientsĂ€kerheten. År 2015 instiftades nya lagar kring patienters delaktighet i vĂ„rden, vilket resulterat i att kravet pĂ„ delaktighet har ökat. Syfte: Att belysa patienters erfarenheter av att delta i bedsiderapportering. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts. Tio studier valdes ut till resultatet som alla besvarade studiens syfte. Som grund för analys av materialet tillĂ€mpades Fribergs modell. Begreppet vĂ„rdrelation anvĂ€ndes som teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt i studien. Resultat: I resultatet framkom patienters upplevelser och erfarenheter av bedsiderapportering vilka delas upp i tre kategorier; ‘Att fĂ„ information genom bedsiderapportering’, ‘Patientens delaktighet i bedsiderapportering’, och ‘Integritet och sekretess’. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades med relevant litteratur och begreppet vĂ„rdrelation. Resultatet visade att patienterna kĂ€nde sig delaktiga och upplevde trygghet i samband med bedsiderapportering. Detta styrks av vĂ„rdrelationen dĂ„ syftet Ă€r att skapa trygghet hos patienten. Patienter upplevde Ă€ven ett hot mot integriteten dĂ„ det fanns en risk för att andra patienter kunde höra kĂ€nslig information. Vikten av sjuksköterskors diskretion och att tala tyst i en flerbĂ€ddssal för att skydda patientens integritet och sekretess styrks av relevant litteratur.Background: Bedside handover is part of the process towards a more person-centred care. The handover that takes place at the patient's bedside aims to get patients involved in the exchange of information between nurses at the change-of-shift. Communication at the handover is an important part of how the patient gets an understanding of their situation but also serves to increase patient safety. In 2015 new laws were established about patient participation in care, which resulted in a stronger requirement of participation. Aim: To describe patients' experiences of participation in bedside handover. Method: A literature review has been performed. Ten studies that furthered the aim of describing patients’ experiences with bedside handover were selected. The Friberg analysis model was applied as a basis for the analysis. The concept of nurse-patient relationship was used as the theoretical basis of the study. Results: The results depict patients' experiences of bedside handover through three categories; 'Getting information through bedside handover', 'Patient participation in bedside handover' and 'Privacy and confidentiality'. Discussion: The results were discussed with relevant literature and the concept of nurse-patient relationship. The results showed that patients felt involved and safe related to the participation in bedside handover. This is confirmed by the nurse-patient relationship that aims to provide the patient’s feeling of safety. Patients also experienced a threat against their integrity with a risk of other patients hearing sensitive information. The importance of nurses' discretion and to speak quietly in a multi-private room to protect patient integrity and confidentiality is confirmed by relevant literature

    AffÀrsekologivisualiseringar : AffÀrsekologiers Roll som GrÀnsöverbryggande Objekt

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    Within the area of Digitisation and Management at Linköping University, a focus is the interconnectivity of management and IT. This can be manifest in a multitude of different ways, such as exploring the consequences of digitisation, transferal of information between individuals and the strategic application of management control theory in organisations where the use of IT plays a significant role. This thesis, Visual Models of Business Ecologies – The role of business ecology visualisations as boundary objects, is written by Oscar Hubertsson and Henrik Johansson. It is presented as our master’s thesis in Digitisation and Management at the Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University. It delves into the application of a business ecology perspective, a technique within strategy and management control to define the relevant organisation, and how visualisations of the understanding gained through this technique can be used to facilitate discussions, understanding and joint problem solving. To gain a firmer understanding of this phenomena this thesis is used to explore how individuals discuss, solve problems, and gain firmer understanding through the lens of boundary objects, representations of knowledge used as instrumentalities to cross boundaries of knowledge that appear between different groups. This thesis aims to make contributions to management control theory by exploring the replicable applicability of a business ecology perspective, the resulting visualisations of any gained understanding and how these visualisations can be used as boundary objects

    Risk of sick leave and disability pension in working-age women and men with knee osteoarthritis.

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate sick leave and disability pension in working-age subjects with knee osteoarthritis (OA) compared with the general population. METHODS: Population-based cohort study: individual-level inpatient and outpatient SkÄne Health Care Register data were linked with data from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. In 2009 all working-age (16-64 years) SkÄne County residents who in 1998-2009 had been diagnosed with knee OA (International Classification of Diseases-10 code M17) were identified and their sick leave and disability pension in 2009 related to those of the general working-age population (n=789 366) standardised for age. RESULTS: 15 345 working-age residents (49.6% women) with knee OA were identified. Compared with the general population, the RR (95% CI) of having had one or more episodes of sick leave during the year was 1.82 (1.73 to 1.91) for women and 2.03 (1.92 to 2.14) for men with knee OA. The corresponding risk for disability pension was 1.54 (1.48 to 1.60) for women and 1.36 (1.28 to 1.43) for men with knee OA. The annual mean number of sick days was 87 for each patient with knee OA and 57 for the general population (age- and sex-standardised). Of all sick leave and disability pension in the entire population, 2.1% of days were attributable to knee OA or associated comorbidity in the patients with knee OA (3.1% for sick leave and 1.8% for disability pension). CONCLUSIONS/SUBJECTS: with doctor-diagnosed knee OA have an almost twofold increased risk of sick leave and about 40-50% increased risk of disability pension compared with the general population. About 2% of all sick days in society are attributable to knee OA