160 research outputs found

    MAGMA: analysis of two-channel microarrays made easy

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    The web application MAGMA provides a simple and intuitive interface to identify differentially expressed genes from two-channel microarray data. While the underlying algorithms are not superior to those of similar web applications, MAGMA is particularly user friendly and can be used without prior training. The user interface guides the novice user through the most typical microarray analysis workflow consisting of data upload, annotation, normalization and statistical analysis. It automatically generates R-scripts that document MAGMA's entire data processing steps, thereby allowing the user to regenerate all results in his local R installation. The implementation of MAGMA follows the model-view-controller design pattern that strictly separates the R-based statistical data processing, the web-representation and the application logic. This modular design makes the application flexible and easily extendible by experts in one of the fields: statistical microarray analysis, web design or software development. State-of-the-art Java Server Faces technology was used to generate the web interface and to perform user input processing. MAGMA's object-oriented modular framework makes it easily extendible and applicable to other fields and demonstrates that modern Java technology is also suitable for rather small and concise academic projects. MAGMA is freely available at www.magma-fgcz.uzh.ch

    PhyloDetect: a likelihood-based strategy for detecting microorganisms with diagnostic microarrays

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    Motivation: Detection and identification of microbes using diagnostic arrays is still subject of ongoing research. Existing significance-based algorithms consider an organism detected even if a significant number of the microarray probes that match the organism are called absent in a hybridization. Further, they do generate redundant results if the target organisms show high sequence similarity and the microarray probes cannot discriminate all of them. Results: We propose a new analysis strategy that considers organism similarities and calls organisms only present if the probes that match the organism but are absent in a hybridization can be explained by random events. In our strategy, we first identify the groups of target organisms that are actually distinguishable by the array. Subsequently, these organism groups are placed in a hierarchical tree such that groups matching only less specific probes are closer to the tree root, and groups that are discriminated only by few probes are close to each other. Finally, we compute for each group a likelihood score that is based on a hypothesis test with the null hypothesis that the group was actually present in the hybridized sample. We have validated our strategy using datasets from two different array types and implemented it as an easy-to-use web application. Availability: http://www.fgcz.ethz.ch/PhyloDetect Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Example data is available at http://www.fgcz.ethz.ch/PhyloDetec

    Effects of a male meiotic driver on male and female transcriptomes in the house mouse

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    Not all genetic loci follow Mendel's rules, and the evolutionary consequences of this are not yet fully known. Genomic conflict involving multiple loci is a likely outcome, as restoration of Mendelian inheritance patterns will be selected for, and sexual conflict may also arise when sexes are differentially affected. Here, we investigate effects of the t haplotype, an autosomal male meiotic driver in house mice, on genome-wide gene expression patterns in males and females. We analysed gonads, liver and brain in adult same-sex sibling pairs differing in genotype, allowing us to identify t-associated differences in gene regulation. In testes, only 40% of differentially expressed genes mapped to the approximately 708 annotated genes comprising the t haplotype. Thus, much of the activity of the t haplotype occurs in trans, and as upregulation. Sperm maturation functions were enriched among both cis and trans acting t haplotype genes. Within the t haplotype, we observed more downregulation and differential exon usage. In ovaries, liver and brain, the majority of expression differences mapped to the t haplotype, and were largely independent of the differences seen in the testis. Overall, we found widespread transcriptional effects of this male meiotic driver in the house mouse genome

    Transcriptomic profiling of canine decidualization and effects of antigestagens on decidualized dog uterine stromal cells

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    Maternal-stroma derived decidual cells, the only cell population in the canine placenta expressing the nuclear progesterone (P4) receptor (PGR), are crucial for the maintenance of canine pregnancy. Decreased circulating progesterone (P4) levels, or blockage of PGR function with antigestagens, terminate canine pregnancy. As an in vitro model for canine decidualization, dog uterine stromal (DUS) cells can be decidualized in vitro with cAMP. The antigestagens aglepristone and mifepristone ablate the expression of decidualization markers in DUS cells (e.g., PGR, PRLR, IGF1 or PTGES). Here, the transcriptome profile of DUS cells was investigated to acquire deeper insights into decidualization-associated changes. Additionally, effects mediated by antigestagens (competitive PGR blockers) in decidualized cells were assessed. Decidualization led to the upregulation of 1841 differentially expressed genes (DEGs, P and FDR < 0.01) involved in cellular proliferation and adhesion, mesenchymal-epithelial transition, extracellular matrix organization, and vaso- and immunomodulation. The 1475 DEGs downregulated after decidualization were mostly associated with apoptosis and cell migration. In decidualized DUS cells, aglepristone modulated 1400 DEGs and mifepristone 1558 DEGs. Interestingly, around half of the identified DEGs were modulated by only one of the antigestagens. In all cases, however, PGR-blockage was mainly associated with an inversion of several decidualization-induced effects. Comparison between antigestagen-mediated effects and transcriptional changes in the canine placenta at term allowed the identification of 191 DEGs associated with diminished cell proliferation and adhesion, and vascular and immune modulation. This study emphasizes the importance of P4/PGR signaling for decidual cell function, providing new insights into the maintenance of canine pregnancy

    Nematode microRNAs can Individually Regulate Interferon Regulatory Factor 4 and mTOR in Differentiating T Helper 2 Lymphocytes and Modulate Cytokine Production in Macrophages

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    Parasitic nematodes are masterful immunomodulators. This class of pathogens has evolved a spectrum of sophisticated strategies to regulate and evade host immune responses, mediated through the release of various molecules. In this context, the release of microRNAs (miRNAs), short post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression, has been of particular interest in the host-parasite interplay. Evidence that parasite-derived miRNAs modulate host innate and adaptive immune responses has become increasingly compelling. However, since miRNAs are usually contained in extracellular vesicles containing other mediators, it is difficult to assign an observed effect on host cells to miRNAs specifically. Here, the effects of some abundantly secreted miRNAs by nematodes used as models of gastrointestinal infections (Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri, Trichuris muris and Ascaris suum) were evaluated, addressing the potential of parasite miRNAs to impair in vitro differentiation of two important types of immune cells in the context of helminth infections, Th2 lymphocytes and macrophages. Mimicking a continuous exposure to low concentrations of nematode miRNAs, the interferon gamma signaling, the IL-2/STAT5 signaling, and the mTOR signaling pathways were identified as downregulated by Hpo-miR-71-5p. Interferon regulatory factor 4 (Irf4) was validated as a target of Hpo-miR-71-5p, while Mtor is targeted by Asu-miR-791-3p, abundant in the T. muris secretions. By trend, Hpo-miR-71-5p impacts mildly but consistently on the amounts of inflammatory cytokines in unpolarized macrophages but leads to slightly increased IL-10 level in alternatively activated cells. In addition, our data suggests that transfected miRNAs remain for days in recipient cells, and that Hpo-miR-71-5p can incorporate into mouse Argonaute protein complexes. Nematode miRNAs can impair both innate and adaptive arms of host immunity. Hpo-miR-71-5p in particular, absent in mammals, interacts with host genes and pathways with crucial involvement in anthelmintic immune responses. This report brings new insights into the dynamics of miRNA-driven immunomodulation and highlights putative targeted pathways. Although the absolute repression is subtle, it is expected that the dozens of different miRNAs released by nematodes may have a synergistic effect on surrounding host cells

    Monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages autonomously determine severe outcome of respiratory viral infection

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    Various lung insults can result in replacement of resident alveolar macrophages (AM) by bone marrow monocyte–derived (BMo)–AM. However, the dynamics of this process and its long-term consequences for respiratory viral infections remain unclear. Using several mouse models and a marker to unambiguously track fetal monocyte–derived (FeMo)–AM and BMo-AM, we established the kinetics and extent of replenishment and their function to recurrent influenza A virus (IAV) infection. A massive loss of FeMo-AM resulted in rapid replenishment by self-renewal of survivors, followed by the generation of BMo-AM. BMo-AM progressively outcompeted FeMo-AM over several months, and this was due to their increased glycolytic and proliferative capacity. The presence of both naïve and experienced BMo-AM conferred severe pathology to IAV infection, which was associated with a proinflammatory phenotype. Furthermore, upon aging of naïve mice, FeMo-AM were gradually replaced by BMo-AM, which contributed to IAV disease severity in a cell-autonomous manner. Together, our results suggest that the origin rather than training of AM determines long-term function to respiratory viral infection and provide an explanation for the increased severity of infection seen in the elderly

    scRNA-Seq of Cultured Human Amniotic Fluid from Fetuses with Spina Bifida Reveals the Origin and Heterogeneity of the Cellular Content

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    Amniotic fluid has been proposed as an easily available source of cells for numerous applications in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. The use of amniotic fluid cells in biomedical applications necessitates their unequivocal characterization; however, the exact cellular composition of amniotic fluid and the precise tissue origins of these cells remain largely unclear. Using cells cultured from the human amniotic fluid of fetuses with spina bifida aperta and of a healthy fetus, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing to characterize the tissue origin and marker expression of cultured amniotic fluid cells at the single-cell level. Our analysis revealed nine different cell types of stromal, epithelial and immune cell phenotypes, and from various fetal tissue origins, demonstrating the heterogeneity of the cultured amniotic fluid cell population at a single-cell resolution. It also identified cell types of neural origin in amniotic fluid from fetuses with spina bifida aperta. Our data provide a comprehensive list of markers for the characterization of the various progenitor and terminally differentiated cell types in cultured amniotic fluid. This study highlights the relevance of single-cell analysis approaches for the characterization of amniotic fluid cells in order to harness their full potential in biomedical research and clinical applications

    The transcriptional response to encystation stimuli in Giardia lamblia is restricted to a small set of genes

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of American Society for Microbiology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Eukaryotic Cell 9 (2010): 1566-1576, doi:10.1128/EC.00100-10.The protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia undergoes stage-differentiation in the small intestine of the host to an environmentally resistant and infectious cyst. Encystation involves secretion of an extracellular matrix comprised of cyst wall proteins (CWPs) and a β(1-3)-GalNAc homopolymer. Upon induction of encystation, genes coding for CWPs are switched on, and mRNAs coding for a transcription factor Myb and enzymes involved in cyst wall glycan synthesis are upregulated. Encystation in vitro is triggered by several protocols, which call for changes in bile concentrations or availability of lipids, and elevated pH. However, the conditions for induction are not standardized and we predicted significant protocol-specific side effects. This makes reliable identification of encystation factors difficult. Here, we exploited the possibility to induce encystation with two different protocols, which we show to be equally effective, for a comparative mRNA profile analysis. The standard encystation protocol induced a bipartite transcriptional response with surprisingly minor involvement of stress genes. A comparative analysis revealed a core set of only 18 encystation genes and showed that a majority of genes was indeed upregulated as a side effect of inducing conditions. We also established a Myb binding sequence as a signature motif in encystation promoters, suggesting coordinated regulation of these factors.We acknowledge in particular the “Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung an der Universität Zürich” for financial support for this project. C.S. was supported by the Roche and Novartis Foundation, and “Stiftung für Forschungsförderung” University of Zurich. Research in the Hehl laboratory is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant #31003A-125389)

    Gene expression profile of bladder tissue of patients with ulcerative interstitial cystitis

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    BACKGROUND: Interstitial cystitis (IC), a chronic bladder disease with an increasing incidence, is diagnosed using subjective symptoms in combination with cystoscopic and histological evidence. By cystoscopic examination, IC can be classified into an ulcerative and a non-ulcerative subtype. To better understand this debilitating disease on a molecular level, a comparative gene expression profile of bladder biopsies from patients with ulcerative IC and control patients has been performed. RESULTS: Gene expression profiles from bladder biopsies of five patients with ulcerative IC and six control patients were generated using Affymetrix GeneChip expression arrays (Affymetrix--GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0). More than 31,000 of > 54,000 tested probe sets were present (detection p-value < 0.05). The difference between the two groups was significant for over 3,500 signals (t-test p-value < 0.01), and approximately 2,000 of the signals (corresponding to approximately 1,000 genes) showed an IC-to-healthy expression ratio greater than two. The IC pattern had similarities to patterns from immune system, lymphatic, and autoimmune diseases. The dominant biological processes were the immune and inflammatory responses. Many of the up-regulated genes were expressed in leukocytes, suggesting that leukocyte invasion into the bladder wall is a dominant feature of ulcerative IC. Histopathological data supported these findings. CONCLUSION: GeneChip expression arrays present a global picture of ulcerative IC and provide us with a series of marker genes characteristic for this subtype of the disease. Evaluation of biopsies from other bladder patients with similar symptoms (e.g. patients with non-ulcerative IC) will further indicate whether the data presented here will be valuable for the diagnosis of IC

    Effects of ACTH-Induced Long-Term Hypercortisolism on the Transcriptome of Canine Visceral Adipose Tissue

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    Cushing’s syndrome, or hypercortisolism (HC), a common endocrinopathy in adult dogs, is caused by chronic hypercortisolemia. Among different metabolic disorders, this syndrome is associated with enhanced subcutaneous lipolysis and visceral adiposity. However, effects of HC in adipose tissue, especially regarding visceral adipose tissue (VAT), are still poorly understood. Herein, the transcriptomic effects of chronic HC on VAT of dogs were evaluated. For this, subcutaneously implanted ACTH-releasing pumps were used, followed by deep RNA sequencing of the canine VAT. Prolonged HC seems to affect a plethora of regulatory mechanisms in VAT of treated dogs, with 1190 differentially expressed genes (DEGs, p and FDR < 0.01) being found. The 691 downregulated DEGs were mostly associated with functional terms like cell adhesion and migration, intracellular signaling, immune response, extracellular matrix and angiogenesis. Treatment also appeared to modulate local glucocorticoid and insulin signaling and hormonal sensitivity, and several factors, e.g., TIMP4, FGF1, CCR2, CXCR4 and HSD11B1/2, were identified as possible important players in the glucocorticoid-related expansion of VAT. Modulation of their function during chronic HC might present interesting targets for further clinical studies. Similarities in the effects of chronic HC on VAT of dogs and humans are highlighted
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