27 research outputs found

    Cell‐free DNA profiling in retinoblastoma patients with advanced intraocular disease: An MSKCC experience

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    Purpose The enucleation rate for retinoblastoma has dropped from over 95% to under 10% in the past 10 years as a result of improvements in therapy. This reduces access to tumor tissue for molecular profiling, especially in unilateral retinoblastoma, and hinders the confirmation of somatic RB1 mutations necessary for genetic counseling. Plasma cell‐free DNA (cfDNA) has provided a platform for noninvasive molecular profiling in cancer, but its applicability in low tumor burden retinoblastoma has not been shown. We analyzed cfDNA collected from 10 patients with available tumor tissue to determine whether sufficient tumorderived cfDNA is shed in plasma from retinoblastoma tumors to enable noninvasive RB1 mutation detection. Methods Tumor tissue was collected from eye enucleations in 10 patients diagnosed with advanced intra‐ocular unilateral retinoblastoma, three of which went on to develop metastatic disease. Tumor RB1 mutation status was determined using an FDA‐cleared tumor sequencing assay, MSK‐IMPACT. Plasma samples were collected before eye enucleation and analyzed with a customized panel targeting all exons of RB1. Results Tumor‐guided genotyping detected 10 of the 13 expected somatic RB1 mutations in plasma cfDNA in 8 of 10 patients (average variant allele frequency 3.78%). Without referring to RB1 status in the tumor, de novo mutation calling identified 7 of the 13 expected RB1 mutations (in 6 of 10 patients) with high confidence. Conclusion Plasma cfDNA can detect somatic RB1 mutations in patients with unilateral retinoblastoma. Since intraocular biopsies are avoided in these patients because of concern about spreading tumor, cfDNA can potentially offer a noninvasive platform to guide clinical decisions about treatment, follow‐up schemes, and risk of metastasis.ISSN:2045-763

    Characterisation of a Tip60 Specific Inhibitor, NU9056, in Prostate Cancer

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    <div><p>Tip60 (KAT5) is a histone acetyltransferase (HAT enzyme) involved in multiple cellular processes including transcriptional regulation, DNA damage repair and cell signalling. In prostate cancer, aggressive cases over-express Tip60 which functions as an androgen receptor co-activator via direct acetylation of lysine residues within the KLKK motif of the receptor hinge region. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterise a Tip60 acetylase inhibitor. High-throughput screening revealed an isothiazole that inhibited both Tip60 and p300 HAT activity. This substance (initially identified as 4-methyl-5-bromoisothiazole) and other isothiazoles were synthesised and assayed against Tip60. Although an authentic sample of 4-methyl-5-bromoisothiazole was inactive against Tip60, in an <em>in vitro</em> HAT assay, 1,2-bis(isothiazol-5-yl)disulfane (NU9056) was identified as a relatively potent inhibitor (IC<sub>50</sub> 2 ”M). Cellular activity was confirmed by analysis of acetylation of histone and non-histone proteins in a prostate cancer cell line model. NU9056 treatment inhibited cellular proliferation in a panel of prostate cancer cell lines (50% growth inhibition, 8–27 ”M) and induced apoptosis via activation of caspase 3 and caspase 9 in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Also, decreased androgen receptor, prostate specific antigen, p53 and p21 protein levels were demonstrated in response to treatment with NU9056. Furthermore, pre-treatment with NU9056 inhibited both ATM phosphorylation and Tip60 stabilization in response to ionising radiation. Based on the activity of NU9056 and the specificity of the compound towards Tip60 relative to other HAT enzymes, these chemical biology studies have identified Tip60 as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of prostate cancer.</p> </div

    NF2 Loss Promotes Oncogenic RAS-Induced Thyroid Cancers via YAP-Dependent Transactivation of RAS Proteins and Sensitizes Them to MEK Inhibition

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    Ch22q LOH is preferentially associated with RAS mutations in papillary and in poorly differentiated thyroid cancer (PDTC). The 22q tumor suppressor NF2, encoding merlin, is implicated in this interaction because of its frequent loss of function in human thyroid cancer cell lines. Nf2 deletion or Hras mutation are insufficient for transformation, whereas their combined disruption leads to murine PDTC with increased MAPK signaling. Merlin loss induces RAS signaling in part through inactivation of Hippo, which activates a YAP-TEAD transcriptional program. We find that the three RAS genes are themselves YAP-TEAD1 transcriptional targets, providing a novel mechanism of promotion of RAS-induced tumorigenesis. Moreover, pharmacological disruption of YAP-TEAD with verteporfin blocks RAS transcription and signaling, and inhibits cell growth. The increased MAPK output generated by NF2 loss in RAS-mutant cancers may inform therapeutic strategies, as it generates greater dependency on the MAPK pathway for viability

    NU9056 reduces PSA and p53 protein levels.

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    <p>To confirm the effects of Tip60 on androgen receptor activity we used 2.5 nM siRNA specifically targeted against Tip60 in LNCaP cells, or non-silencing control. Knockdown was achieved after 48 hours in steroid depleted medium after which time 10 nM DHT was applied to induce androgen receptor activity and PSA expression. RNA was collected after 24 hours DHT stimulation, reverse transcription and real-time PCR performed. Expression of (A) PSA and (B) Tip60 was normalised relative to HPRT1 expression. (C) LNCaP cells were treated with 24 ”M NU9056 over 48 hours and protein samples were collected in SDS sample buffer. Protein analysis was carried out by SDS PAGE and Western blotting for p53, p21, AR, PSA and alpha tubulin. (D) Densitometry was performed on Western blots. All experiments were performed twice and the mean ± standard deviation is shown.</p

    NU9056 reduces LNCaP cell survival by inducing apoptosis.

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    <p>(A) LNCaP cells were seeded onto 6 well plates for 24 hours, then increasing doses of NU9056 were applied for (i) 24 hours, (ii) 96 hours or (iii) GI<sub>25</sub> (17 ”M) or (iv) GI<sub>50</sub> (24 ”M) was applied over 4 days. All cells were collected and fixed with cytofix/cytoperm (BD) then caspase 3 and caspase 9 assay kits (BD) were used to assess their activity by flow cytometry. Fluorescence was detected on the FL-1 channel of the FACSCAN. (B) Analysis of the SubG1 population was performed on these same cells using propidium iodide to stain cellular DNA. LNCaP cells were seeded onto 6 well plates for 24 hours, then NU9056 was applied for (C) 1 or (D) 4 days. (E) LNCaP, LNCaP-AI and LNCaP-CdxR cells were seeded out onto 6 well plates and NU9056 was applied for 24 hours. Analysis of SubG1 was performed as described above. All cells were collected and fixed with cytofix/cytoperm (BD) then cell cycle analysis was performed using propidium iodide to stain cellular DNA. All FACS data was analysed using WinMDI. All experiments were performed 3 times and the mean ± standard error is shown. *p-value <0.05; **p-value <0.005; ***p-value <0.001.</p

    IC<sub>50</sub> values of 1,2-bis(isothiazol-5-yl)disulfane (7) and related compounds towards HATs.

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    <p>To assess the activity against Tip60 HAT, <i>in vitro</i> HAT assays using <sup>3</sup>H acetyl-CoA were carried out using histones as substrates. Assays were performed in quadruplicate and repeated twice. Individual IC<sub>50</sub> values are presented.</p