2,114 research outputs found

    The more the merrier: grid based modelling of Kepler dwarfs with 5-dimensional stellar grids

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    We present preliminary results of our grid based modelling (GBM) of the dwarf/subgiant sample of stars observed with Kepler including global asteroseismic parameters. GBM analysis in this work is based on a large grid of stellar models that is characterized by five independent parameters: model mass and age, initial metallicity (\zini), initial helium (\yini), and mixing length parameter (αmlt\alpha_{mlt}). Using this grid relaxes assumptions used in all previous GBM work where the initial composition is determined by a single parameter and that αmlt\alpha_{mlt} is fixed to a solar-calibrated value. The new grid allows us to study, for example, the impact of different galactic chemical enrichment models on the determination of stellar parameters such as mass radius and age. Also, it allows to include new results from stellar atmosphere models on αmlt\alpha_{mlt} in the GBM analysis in a simple manner. Alternatively, it can be tested if global asteroseismology is a useful tool to constraint our ignorance on quantities such as \yini and αmlt\alpha_{mlt}. Initial findings show that mass determination is robust with respect to freedom in the latter quantities, with a 4.4\% maximum deviation for extreme assumptions regarding prior information on \yini-\zini relations and αmlt\alpha_{mlt}. On the other hand, tests carried out so far seem to indicate that global seismology does not have much power to constrain \yini-\zini relations of αmlt\alpha_{mlt} values without resourcing to additional information.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the joint TASC2/KASC9 workshop - SPACEINN & HELAS8 conference. 4 page

    Catch and Release: Ludological Dynamics in Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly

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    Videogames are software-based artifacts, and their nature as such affords researchers the opportunity to study a range of stable semiotic interface elements. Players engaged with a game become increasingly skilled at decoding these games over a range of semiotic registers to navigate through the game, interpret elements in the visual field, and respond effectively to game challenges. Using techniques drawn from scientific analysis of visual images and video data, the author has examined the videogame Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. After identifying modes of play corresponding to clusters of operations and representations in recordings of game navigation, the author identifies patterns of repetition and suspense which support the aesthetics experience appropriate for a horror game; however, this effect does not operate in isolation. The article also criticizes approaches toward the analysis of videogames which rely on stark distinctions between operational and representational modes of reception, arguing instead for a simultaneous decoding of elements in the visual field. As signifiers are decoded within a given register, whether operational or diegetic, those signifying elements remain latently available for decoding in others. These latent, deferred decodings – evoking the resemblances and eerie identities described in the traditional discourse on the uncanny – are considered another element in the production of uncanny experience in Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. *** En tant qu’artefacts de nature logicielle, les jeux vidéo permettent aux chercheurs d’étudier une variété d’éléments sémiotiques stables au niveau de leur interface. Au fil de leur expérience, les joueurs deviennent progressivement plus habiles à décoder le jeu à travers un éventail de registres sémiotiques pour orienter leur navigation, interpréter des éléments du champ visuel, et répondre efficacement aux défis du jeu. À partir de techniques puisées de l’analyse scientifique d’images et de données vidéo, l’auteur a examiné le jeu vidéo Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. Après avoir identifié des modes de jeu correspondant à des noyaux d'opérations et de représentation dans des enregistements de parties, l'auteur identifie des motifs de répétition et de suspense qui contribuent à l'expérience esthétique appropriée pour un jeu d'horreur; toutefois, cet effet n'opère pas de manière isolée. L'article critique aussi les approches analytiques de jeux vidéo qui reposent sur une nette distinction entre les modes de réception opérationnels et représentationnels, plaidant plutôt pour un décodage simultané des éléments présents dans le champ visuel. Bien que les signifiants soient décodés à l'intérieur d'un registre donné, qu'il soit opérationnel ou diégétique, ces éléments signifiants demeurent disponibles de façon sous-jacente pour un décodage dans d'autres registres. Ces décodages latents, en suspens, évoquent les ressemblances et les identités inquiétantes décrites dans le discours traditionnel sur l'inquiétante étrangeté, et sont considérées comme un élément supplémentaire dans la production de l'expérience d'étrangeté dans Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. This issue was generously supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and published in partnership with Ludiciné

    3D Face Tracking and Texture Fusion in the Wild

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    We present a fully automatic approach to real-time 3D face reconstruction from monocular in-the-wild videos. With the use of a cascaded-regressor based face tracking and a 3D Morphable Face Model shape fitting, we obtain a semi-dense 3D face shape. We further use the texture information from multiple frames to build a holistic 3D face representation from the video frames. Our system is able to capture facial expressions and does not require any person-specific training. We demonstrate the robustness of our approach on the challenging 300 Videos in the Wild (300-VW) dataset. Our real-time fitting framework is available as an open source library at http://4dface.org

    Dynamic Mutual Capacitive Sensor for Human Interactions.

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    This dissertation introduces the novel concept of removing the ground conductive plate by utilizing body capacitance as the ground in the capacitive sensor, whereby circuit pressure sensing can occur with only one plate and one dielectric. Additionally, body capacitance sensing was limited to a binary touch-no-touch output, whereas the method presented here can sense various applied pressures. The resulting circuit acts as an antenna that receives local capacitance signals from a human interaction. The advantage of this design is that it allows for both proximity sensing and pressure sensing (once the body part is touching the dielectric material). This setup is ideal for a z-axis dimensional interface for touchscreen devices, as well as pressure sensing palpation or planter region interaction

    Fitting 3D Morphable Models using Local Features

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    In this paper, we propose a novel fitting method that uses local image features to fit a 3D Morphable Model to 2D images. To overcome the obstacle of optimising a cost function that contains a non-differentiable feature extraction operator, we use a learning-based cascaded regression method that learns the gradient direction from data. The method allows to simultaneously solve for shape and pose parameters. Our method is thoroughly evaluated on Morphable Model generated data and first results on real data are presented. Compared to traditional fitting methods, which use simple raw features like pixel colour or edge maps, local features have been shown to be much more robust against variations in imaging conditions. Our approach is unique in that we are the first to use local features to fit a Morphable Model. Because of the speed of our method, it is applicable for realtime applications. Our cascaded regression framework is available as an open source library (https://github.com/patrikhuber).Comment: Submitted to ICIP 2015; 4 pages, 4 figure

    Entangled Singularity patterns of Photons in Ince-Gauss modes

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    Photons with complex spatial mode structures open up possibilities for new fundamental high-dimensional quantum experiments and for novel quantum information tasks. Here we show for the first time entanglement of photons with complex vortex and singularity patterns called Ince-Gauss modes. In these modes, the position and number of singularities vary depending on the mode parameters. We verify 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional entanglement of Ince-Gauss modes. By measuring one photon and thereby defining its singularity pattern, we non-locally steer the singularity structure of its entangled partner, while the initial singularity structure of the photons is undefined. In addition we measure an Ince-Gauss specific quantum-correlation function with possible use in future quantum communication protocols

    Genetically Encoded Photo-cross-linkers Map the Binding Site of an Allosteric Drug on a G Protein-Coupled Receptor

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are dynamic membrane proteins that bind extracellular molecules to transduce signals. Although GPCRs represent the largest class of therapeutic targets, only a small percentage of their ligand-binding sites are precisely defined. Here we describe the novel application of targeted photo-cross-linking using unnatural amino acids to obtain structural information about the allosteric binding site of a small molecule drug, the CCR5-targeted HIV-1 co-receptor blocker maraviroc
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