28 research outputs found

    Turning Research into Practice: Key Strategies for Developing a Shared Vision Approach for Health Education Advocacy

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    Public health studies thus far have not identified methods toward developing a shared vision to reduce health disparities in a unique area such as the U.S./Mexico border region. Purpose: To identify strategies to foster a shared vision among those in the media, the public, and policy arenas to help reduce health disparities in the U.S.- Mexico border. Methods: The Healthy Border 2010 research project included qualitative structured face-to-face interviews with ten individuals, each from Las Cruces, NM, El Paso, TX, and Cd. Juarez, Chih, Mexico, for a total of 30 interviewees from the media, the public and policy affiliations. Participants were identified and selected from the population of agenda-setters in the Paso Del Norte region. A snowball sample was used for studying the sometimes “hidden” population of border region agenda-setters. Data-analysis included extraction, coding, and quantifying of common themes from a transcription of interviews. Findings: Most participants (93%) suggested a systems level approach is required. The second most suggested strategy with 63% of participant support was sensitizing border leaders of the reality of issues in the area. Participants (46%) also suggested networking and media advocacy (40%) strategies as more important than the inclusion of priority audience (23%) or the proper allocation of resources (23%). Conclusion: In review of many current border health issues, there are significant gaps where a clear, shared vision is yet to emerge. When a common vision is well developed in a group or population, that is when genuine cooperative actions foster health policy development

    Social Justice in the Borderlands: How Agenda-setting Theory Might Be Used to Reduce Health Disparities along the U.S./Mexico Border

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    Background and Purpose: Along the U.S./Mexico border, poverty, unemployment, and no to low access to health care is the norm. A primary goal of this article was to discuss a framework based on agendasetting theory to aid community members in getting relevant health care issues on the community “agenda.” To accomplish this, we aimed to better understand the demographics of influential people, or agenda-setters, in the area. Methods: We identified and interviewed 30 agenda-setters in communities on both sides of the U.S./ Mexico border. Health promotion agenda-setting (HPA-S) theories guided our study, and primarily qualitative research methods were utilized to analyzed transcripts taken from individual interviews with. Results: Participants indicated that community members can best advocate for health care resources by creating a shared vision among community members prior to asking for resources- by understanding the priorities of those holding the purse-strings, by framing the community wants within the bounds of those priorities, and by fostering strategic partnerships with influential agenda-setters in their communities. Conclusion: Through application of this framework, community members can increase their social justice by becoming better able to advocate for and obtain needed health care resources

    Introducing Health Promotion Agenda-Setting for Health Education Practitioners

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    Health professionals must continuously address health promotion issues using the latest strategies and research. Currently in health care, too often an underdeveloped and under supported agenda prioritizes problems, issues, and solutions. Further, an ongoing competition exists among issues due to an undocumented agenda-setting process to gain the attention of media, public, and policy makers. Agendasetting is based on the belief that the media influence what we talk about, rather than controlling what we think, and how often an issue appears in the media influences the policy agenda (Dearing & Rogers, 1996). If an issue is “salient” and receives frequent or expansive coverage by media, audience members will talk more about that issue than one that is not as salient. A Health Promotion Agenda-Setting approach works to specify and prioritize problems and alternative solutions for increasing media exposure and setting agendas for “sustained” courses of action, (Kozel et al., 2003). The crucial link between agenda-setting and the process of establishing effective legislation, policy, and programs has been researched. However, many health practitioners do not understand what agenda setting is, nor how to apply agenda setting within the field of health education. Professional development in Health Promotion Agenda-Setting offers health education practitioners new knowledge, skills, methods, and opportunities to strengthen practices that influence the public health agenda and transform health promotion leadership

    Exploring Agenda-Setting for Healthy Border 2010: Research Directions and Methods

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    Policy makers take action largely on issues that attain the pinnacle of the policy agenda (Pertschuck, 2001). As a result, how decision makers choose which issues are important has been the subject of much research. Agenda-setting conceptualizes the process of how issues move from relative unimportance to the forefront of policymakers’ thoughts (Dearing & Rogers, 1996). An area within agenda-setting research, Health Promotion Agenda-Setting, provides Health Promotion practitioners with an innovative framework and strategy to set agendas for sustained courses of action (Kozel, Kane, Rogers, & Hammes, 1995). In this interdisciplinary and bi-national exploratory study, funded by the Center for Border Health Research of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, we examine agenda-setting processes in the Paso del Norte Region and evaluates how the public health agenda is determined within the U.S.-Mexico border population. Integrating both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, the current research is focused on identifying deficiencies in the public health infrastructure in the U.S.-Mexico border area, and identifying channels that exist for working toward the bi-national goals presented in Healthy Border 2010 (U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission, 2003). Research directions, design, and methodologies for exploring health promotion agenda-setting in applied settings, such as Healthy Border 2010, provide health practitioners and policy makers the potential to improve public health leadership by influencing the public health and policy agendas

    Temporal turnover and the maintenance of diversity in ecological assemblages

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    Temporal variation in species abundances occurs in all ecological communities. Here, we explore the role that this temporal turnover plays in maintaining assemblage diversity. We investigate a three-decade time series of estuarine fishes and show that the abundances of the individual species fluctuate asynchronously around their mean levels. We then use a time-series modelling approach to examine the consequences of different patterns of turnover, by asking how the correlation between the abundance of a species in a given year and its abundance in the previous year influences the structure of the overall assemblage. Classical diversity measures that ignore species identities reveal that the observed assemblage structure will persist under all but the most extreme conditions. However, metrics that track species identities indicate a narrower set of turnover scenarios under which the predicted assemblage resembles the natural one. Our study suggests that species diversity metrics are insensitive to change and that measures that track species ranks may provide better early warning that an assemblage is being perturbed. It also highlights the need to incorporate temporal turnover in investigations of assemblage structure and function

    Predictors of Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening among Chamorro Women in Southern California

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    This study examined the role of sociodemographic characteristics, health insurance, cancer knowledge, perceived health risk, and having a recent physicians’ visit on breast and cervical cancer screening utilization among a randomly selected group of Chamorro women (n = 250) residing in San Diego, California. Data were collected by a telephone survey and analyzed using multiple logistic regression models. After adjusting for covariates, having a recent full exam was the strongest predictor of having had a Pap exam in the past 2 years for women 21 years and older and a clinical breast exam in the past 2 years for women 40 years and over

    Linking species abundance distributions in numerical abundance and biomass through simple assumptions about community structure

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    Species abundance distributions (SADs) are widely used as a tool for summarizing ecological communities but may have different shapes, depending on the currency used to measure species importance. We develop a simple plotting method that links SADs in the alternative currencies of numerical abundance and biomass and is underpinned by testable predictions about how organisms occupy physical space. When log numerical abundance is plotted against log biomass, the species lie within an approximately triangular region. Simple energetic and sampling constraints explain the triangular form. The dispersion of species within this triangle is the key to understanding why SADs of numerical abundance and biomass can differ. Given regular or random species dispersion, we can predict the shape of the SAD for both currencies under a variety of sampling regimes. We argue that this dispersion pattern will lie between regular and random for the following reasons. First, regular dispersion patterns will result if communities are comprised groups of organisms that use different components of the physical space (e.g. open water, the sea bed surface or rock crevices in a marine fish assemblage), and if the abundance of species in each of these spatial guilds is linked to the way individuals of varying size use the habitat. Second, temporal variation in abundance and sampling error will tend to randomize this regular pattern. Data from two intensively studied marine ecosystems offer empirical support for these predictions. Our approach also has application in environmental monitoring and the recognition of anthropogenic disturbance, which may change the shape of the triangular region by, for example, the loss of large body size top predators that occur at low abundance