14 research outputs found

    Brazilian plant specimens at the Regnellian herbarium:history and repatriation : Brazilian plant specimens at the Regnellian herbarium (S)

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    This article visits the history of Brazil-Sweden’s partnership in botany and the contribution of Anders Fredrik Regnell and other botanical collectors to the knowledge of Brazilian flora. The importance of the herbarium of Stockholm (S) is widely recognized for its collections of Brazilian plants, one of the largest in the world. The majority of the collections from Brazil date from the period between the second half of nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. The main collectors of Brazilian flora from that phase, whose bulk of collections are in Stockholm are Anders Regnell, Gustaf Malme, Per Dusén, Carl Lindman and many others sponsored by the Regnellian fund. The herbarium also houses substantial collections of August Glaziou, a great contributor to the knowledge of the flora of state of Goiás, and Adolf Ducke, pioneer in the taxonomy of Amazonian tree species. The cooperation between Brazil and Sweden is currently being renewed through Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden and the Reflora Program, allowing repatriation of Brazilian specimens housed in Stockholm

    Atratividade de Atta sexdens rubropilosa por plantas de eucalipto atacadas previamente ou não por Thyrinteina arnobia Atta sexdens rubropilosa attractiveness to eucalyptus plants previously attacked or not by Thyrinteina arnobia

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    O sistema de defesa induzido das plantas é ativado após a ocorrência do dano provocado por um herbívoro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se plantas de eucalipto (Eucalyptus grandis) atacadas previamente por lagartas de Thyrinteina arnobia tornam-se resistentes ao corte de operárias de Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Não houve diferença significativa no tempo gasto por operárias dessa formiga em iniciar o corte em plantas atacadas ou não. Porém, houve diferença significativa no tamanho de fragmentos cortados. Concluiu-se que plantas previamente atacadas tornam-se menos atrativas para A. sexdens rubropilosa devido à ativação do seu sistema de defesa induzido.<br>The induced defense system of plants is activated after the occurrence of damage by a herbivore. The objective of this work was to evaluate whether plants of Eucalyptus grandis previously attacked by larvae of Thyrinteina arnobia become resistant to cutting by the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa. There was no significant difference in the lapse of time spent by the workers of this ant before they started cutting plants previously attacked or not. There was significant reduction in the size of leaf fragments cut by the ants. It was concluded that plants previously attacked were less attractive to the leaf cutter due to the activation of their induced defense system

    Composição e riqueza florística do componente arbóreo da Floresta Atlântica submontana na região de Imbaú, Município de Silva Jardim, RJ Floristic composition and richness of the tree community in a submontane Atlantic Forest in the Imbaú region, Silva Jardim, Rio de Janeiro

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a composição florística arbórea de um trecho de Floresta Atlântica submontana na região de Imbaú, Silva Jardim, RJ. Esta região formava um contínuo florestal que foi fragmentado há mais de 50 anos por práticas agropecuárias. Cinco fragmentos foram selecionados e em cada um deles foram alocadas quatro parcelas de 100&times;5 m. Todas as árvores vivas com DAP > 5 cm foram amostradas e identificadas. No hectare amostrado foram encontradas 161 espécies distribuídas por 39 famílias. A similaridade florística entre os fragmentos foi alta, com índice de Morisita variando de 0,36 a 0,79. As famílias Leguminosae, Lauraceae e Rubiaceae apresentaram a maior riqueza de espécies. A comparação florística com uma floresta madura da região indicou forte decréscimo na riqueza de espécies que, juntamente com a elevada densidade de espécies secundárias iniciais, indicam que estas matas se encontram em estádio sucessional secundário. Analisando a similaridade florística entre a região de Imbaú e outras 17 florestas do Rio de Janeiro, observou-se maior similaridade com as florestas submontanas mais próximas geograficamente. Devido ao avançado processo de fragmentação e à importância ecológica destes fragmentos para a manutenção da flora e fauna, sugere-se que a região de Imbaú deva ser prioritária em programas de conservação e manejo de áreas de Mata Atlântica.<br>This study aimed to evaluate tree floristic composition of the submontane Atlantic Forest in the Imbaú region, Silva Jardim, Rio de Janeiro. About 50 years ago, the forest fragmentation process was begun in this region due to farming practices. Five forest remnants were selected and four plots (100&times;5 m) were systematically located in each one. All trees with dbh > 5 cm were sampled and identified. In the one-hectare sample area, 161 species in 39 families were sampled. Species similarity was high between fragments (Morisita index ranging from 0.36 to 0.79). The families Leguminosae, Lauraceae and Rubiaceae showed the highest values of species richness. The studied area had a high density of early secondary species and a decrease in canopy species richness when compared to a mature forest nearby. These results indicated characteristics of secondary forests. When compared to 17 forests of Rio de Janeiro State, the Imbaú region showed stronger floristic relationships with submontane forests, especially those geographically closer. Due to its ecological importance for the local flora and fauna, plus the advanced stage of fragmentation in the region, the Imbaú region should be considered as a priority area for adopting conservation and management practices