680 research outputs found

    The folly of EU policy transfer: why the CAP does not fit Central and Eastern Europe (new revised title)

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    This paper assesses the appropriateness of the EU’s CAP for meeting rural development challenges in the New Member States (NMS). It argues that while the mitigation of structural problems confronting rural areas in these countries is critical to meeting the challenge of effectively integrating Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) into the EU, the CAP is poorly suited for four key reasons: (i) lack of convergence between the socio-economic conditions of rural areas in the NMS and EU15; (ii) differences in farm structures in terms of both size and organisational type; (iii) an inappropriate balance of resources between Pillars I and II; and (iv) inadequate capacity to implement rural development measures in NMS. Overall, the CAP was insufficiently reformed and represents a failure to adequately adjust from an exclusively western European institution into an appropriate pan-European organisation

    A Cartographic Depiction and Exploration of the Boy Scouts of America's Historical Membership Patterns

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the historical membership patterns of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) on a regional and council scale. Using Annual Report data, maps were created to show membership patterns within the BSA’s 12 regions, and over 300 councils when available. The examination of maps reveals the membership impacts of internal and external policy changes upon the Boy Scouts of America. The maps also show how American cultural shifts have impacted the BSA. After reviewing this thesis, the reader should have a greater understanding of the creation, growth, dispersion, and eventual decline in membership of the Boy Scouts of America. Due to the popularity of the organization, and its long history, the reader may also glean some information about American culture in the 20th century as viewed through the lens of the BSA’s rise and fall in popularity

    Topical Review of Vulnerability Management for Local Hampton Roads Industry

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    The progress towards an interconnected digital world offers an exciting level of advancement for humanity. Unfortunately, this “online” connection is not safe from the threats and dangers typically associated with physical operations. With the foundation of Cyber Command of DoD cyberspace, the United States Government is taking a prominent stance in cyberspace operations. Like the federal government, both industries and individuals are not immune and are oftentimes unknowingly at risk to cyberattack. This report hopes to bring awareness to common vulnerabilities in multi-user networks by describing a historical background on cyber security as well as outlining current methods of vulnerability management

    Moving Mesh Methods for Implicit Moving Boundary Problems

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    This talk will present a method for achieving arbitrarily high orders of accuracy when approximating PDE-based moving boundary problems using finite element (and related) methods on moving computational meshes. Its effectiveness will be demonstrated on a nonlinear diffusion problem for which the boundary velocity is only defined implicitly as part of the PDE problem. In this situation high-order approximations can be achieved for both the movement of the boundary and the update of the evolving solution on the moving mesh

    Analysis of Iterative Methods for the Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation

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    In this article we consider the iterative solution of the linear system of equations arising from the discretisation of the poly-energetic linear Boltzmann transport equation using a discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximation in space, angle, and energy. In particular, we develop preconditioned Richardson iterations which may be understood as generalisations of source iteration in the mono-energetic setting, and derive computable a posteriori bounds for the solver error incurred due to inexact linear algebra, measured in a relevant problem-specific norm. We prove that the convergence of the resulting schemes and a posteriori solver error estimates are independent of the discretisation parameters. We also discuss how the poly-energetic Richardson iteration may be employed as a preconditioner for the generalised minimal residual (GMRES) method. Furthermore, we show that standard implementations of GMRES based on minimising the Euclidean norm of the residual vector can be utilized to yield computable a posteriori solver error estimates at each iteration, through judicious selections of left- and right-preconditioners for the original linear system. The effectiveness of poly-energetic source iteration and preconditioned GMRES, as well as their respective a posteriori solver error estimates, is demonstrated through numerical examples arising in the modelling of photon transport.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    A 2D extension of a large time step explicit scheme (CFL>1) for unsteady problems with wet/dry boundaries

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    A 2D Large Time Step (LTS) explicit scheme on structured grids is presented in this work. It is first detailed and analysed for the 2D linear advection equation and then applied to the 2D shallow water equations. The dimensional splitting technique allows us to extend the ideas developed in the 1D case related to source terms, boundary conditions and the reduction of the time step in the presence of large discontinuities. The boundary conditions treatment as well as the wet/dry fronts in the case of the 2D shallow water equations require extra effort. The proposed scheme is tested on linear and non-linear equations and systems, with and without source terms. The numerical results are compared with those of the conventional scheme as well as with analytical solutions and experimental data

    Regional Assessment of Cheerleading Injury Frequency, Distrlbution and Associated Factors

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