1,621 research outputs found

    A compact design for the Josephson mixer: the lumped element circuit

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    We present a compact and efficient design in terms of gain, bandwidth and dynamical range for the Josephson mixer, the superconducting circuit performing three-wave mixing at microwave frequencies. In an all lumped-element based circuit with galvanically coupled ports, we demonstrate non degenerate amplification for microwave signals over a bandwidth up to 50 MHz for a power gain of 20 dB. The quantum efficiency of the mixer is shown to be about 70%\% and its saturation power reaches 112-112 dBm.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Generating Entangled Microwave Radiation Over Two Transmission Lines

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    Using a superconducting circuit, the Josephson mixer, we demonstrate the first experimental realization of spatially separated two-mode squeezed states of microwave light. Driven by a pump tone, a first Josephson mixer generates, out of quantum vacuum, a pair of entangled fields at different frequencies on separate transmission lines. A second mixer, driven by a π\pi-phase shifted copy of the first pump tone, recombines and disentangles the two fields. The resulting output noise level is measured to be lower than for vacuum state at the input of the second mixer, an unambiguous proof of entanglement. Moreover, the output noise level provides a direct, quantitative measure of entanglement, leading here to the demonstration of 6 Mebit.s1^{-1} (Mega entangled bits per second) generated by the first mixer.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Information can be found here as an ancillary fil

    The Dynamical State of Barnard 68: A Thermally Supported, Pulsating Dark Cloud

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    We report sensitive, high resolution molecular-line observations of the dark cloud Barnard 68 obtained with the IRAM 30-m telescope. We analyze spectral-line observations of C18O, CS(2--1), C34S(2--1), and N2H+(1--0) in order to investigate the kinematics and dynamical state of the cloud. We find extremely narrow linewidths in the central regions of the cloud. These narrow lines are consistent with thermally broadened profiles for the measured gas temperature of 10.5 K. We determine the thermal pressure to be a factor 4 -- 5 times greater than the non-thermal (turbulent) pressure in the central regions of the cloud, indicating that thermal pressure is the primary source of support against gravity in this cloud. This confirms the inference of a thermally supported cloud drawn previously from deep infrared extinction measurements. The rotational kinetic energy is found to be only a few percent of the gravitational potential energy, indicating that the contribution of rotation to the overall stability of the cloud is insignificant. Finally, our observations show that CS line is optically thick and self-reversed across nearly the entire projected surface of the cloud. The shapes of the self-reversed profiles are asymmetric and are found to vary across the cloud in such a manner that the presence of both inward and outward motions are observed within the cloud. Moreover, these motions appear to be globally organized in a clear and systematic alternating spatial pattern which is suggestive of a small amplitude, non-radial oscillation or pulsation of the outer layers of the cloud about an equilibrium configuration.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal; 23 pages, 8 figures; Manuscript and higher resolution images can be obtained at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~ebergin/pubs_html/b68_vel.htm

    Effect of Magnetic Impurities on Energy Exchange between Electrons

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    In order to probe quantitatively the effect of Kondo impurities on energy exchange between electrons in metals, we have compared measurements on two silver wires with dilute magnetic impurities (manganese) introduced in one of them. The measurement of the temperature dependence of the electron phase coherence time on the wires provides an independent determination of the impurity concentration. Quantitative agreement on the energy exchange rate is found with a theory by G\"{o}ppert et al. that accounts for Kondo scattering of electrons on spin-1/2 impurities.Comment: 4 page

    Using Spontaneous Emission of a Qubit as a Resource for Feedback Control

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    Persistent control of a transmon qubit is performed by a feedback protocol based on continuous heterodyne measurement of its fluorescence. By driving the qubit and cavity with microwave signals whose amplitudes depend linearly on the instantaneous values of the quadratures of the measured fluorescence field, we show that it is possible to stabilize permanently the qubit in any targeted state. Using a Josephson mixer as a phase-preserving amplifier, it was possible to reach a total measurement efficiency η\eta=35%, leading to a maximum of 59% of excitation and 44% of coherence for the stabilized states. The experiment demonstrates multiple-input multiple-output analog Markovian feedback in the quantum regime.Comment: Supplementary material can be found as an ancillary objec

    Measuring the distribution of current fluctuations through a Josephson junction with very short current pulses

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    We propose to probe the distribution of current fluctuations by means of the escape probability histogram of a Josephson junction (JJ), obtained using very short bias current pulses in the adiabatic regime, where the low-frequency component of the current fluctuations plays a crucial role. We analyze the effect of the third cumulant on the histogram in the small skewness limit, and address two concrete examples assuming realistic parameters for the JJ. In the first one we study the effects due to fluctuations produced by a tunnel junction, finding that the signature of higher cumulants can be detected by taking the derivative of the escape probability with respect to current. In such a realistic situation, though, the determination of the whole distribution of current fluctuations requires an amplification of the cumulants. As a second example we consider magnetic flux fluctuations acting on a SQUID produced by a random telegraph source of noise.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures; final versio

    Widely tunable, non-degenerate three-wave mixing microwave device operating near the quantum limit

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    We present the first experimental realization of a widely frequency tunable, non-degenerate three-wave mixing device for quantum signals at GHz frequency. It is based on a new superconducting building-block consisting of a ring of four Josephson junctions shunted by a cross of four linear inductances. The phase configuration of the ring remains unique over a wide range of magnetic fluxes threading the loop. It is thus possible to vary the inductance of the ring with flux while retaining a strong, dissipation-free, and noiseless non-linearity. The device has been operated in amplifier mode and its noise performance has been evaluated by using the noise spectrum emitted by a voltage biased tunnel junction at finite frequency as a test signal. The unprecedented accuracy with which the crossover between zero-point-fluctuations and shot noise has been measured provides an upper-bound for the noise and dissipation intrinsic to the device.Comment: Accepted for Physical Review Letters. Supplementary material can be found in the source packag

    The Spitzer c2d Survey of Large, Nearby, Interstellar Clouds. XI. Lupus Observed With IRAC and MIPS

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    We present c2d Spitzer/IRAC observations of the Lupus I, III and IV dark clouds and discuss them in combination with optical and near-infrared and c2d MIPS data. With the Spitzer data, the new sample contains 159 stars, 4 times larger than the previous one. It is dominated by low- and very-low mass stars and it is complete down to M \approx 0.1M_\odot. We find 30-40 % binaries with separations between 100 to 2000 AU with no apparent effect in the disk properties of the members. A large majority of the objects are Class II or Class III objects, with only 20 (12%) of Class I or Flat spectrum sources. The disk sample is complete down to ``debris''-like systems in stars as small as M \approx 0.2 M_\odot and includes sub-stellar objects with larger IR excesses. The disk fraction in Lupus is 70 -- 80%, consistent with an age of 1 -- 2 Myr. However, the young population contains 20% optically thick accretion disks and 40% relatively less flared disks. A growing variety of inner disk structures is found for larger inner disk clearings for equal disk masses. Lupus III is the most centrally populated and rich, followed by Lupus I with a filamentary structure and by Lupus IV, where a very high density core with little star-formation activity has been found. We estimate star formation rates in Lupus of 2 -- 10 M_\odot Myr1^{-1} and star formation efficiencies of a few percent, apparently correlated with the associated cloud masses.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJS. Contains 101 pages, 23 figures, and 13 tables. A version with full resolution figures can be found at http://peggysue.as.utexas.edu/SIRTF/PAPERS/pap102.pub.pd

    Ice and Dust in the Quiescent Medium of Isolated Dense Cores

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    The relation between ices in the envelopes and disks surrounding YSOs and those in the quiescent interstellar medium is investigated. For a sample of 31 stars behind isolated dense cores, ground-based and Spitzer spectra and photometry in the 1-25 um wavelength range are combined. The baseline for the broad and overlapping ice features is modeled, using calculated spectra of giants, H2O ice and silicates. The adopted extinction curve is derived empirically. Its high resolution allows for the separation of continuum and feature extinction. The extinction between 13-25 um is ~50% relative to that at 2.2 um. The strengths of the 6.0 and 6.85 um absorption bands are in line with those of YSOs. Thus, their carriers, which, besides H2O and CH3OH, may include NH4+, HCOOH, H2CO and NH3, are readily formed in the dense core phase, before stars form. The 3.53 um C-H stretching mode of solid CH3OH was discovered. The CH3OH/H2O abundance ratios of 5-12% are larger than upper limits in the Taurus molecular cloud. The initial ice composition, before star formation occurs, therefore depends on the environment. Signs of thermal and energetic processing that were found toward some YSOs are absent in the ices toward background stars. Finally, the peak optical depth of the 9.7 um band of silicates relative to the continuum extinction at 2.2 um is significantly shallower than in the diffuse interstellar medium. This extends the results of Chiar et al. (2007) to a larger sample and higher extinctions.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa