10 research outputs found

    Evaluación del rendimiento, características organolépticas, fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas del queso fresco elaborado con leche con y sin adición del activador del sistema lactoperoxidasa (lp)

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo por objetivo, evaluar las características fisicoquímicas, rendimiento, microbiológicas y organolépticas del queso fresco elaborado con y sin adición del activador del sistema (LP) – Stabilak a la leche, almacenada a 24, 48 y 72 h a la temperatura ambiental. inicialmente se evaluó las características fisicoquímicas de la leche con y sin la adición del activador del sistema LP, tales como Acidez, pH, % de grasa, Densidad aparente, Solidos totales, Humedad y % de Proteínas como lactoalbúmina, almacenadas a temperatura ambiente fluctuante de 2 °C a 26 °C para tiempos de 24, 48 y 72 h, siendo que a 72 h la leche se cuajó o desnaturalizó; se encontró que las características fisicoquímicas mencionadas presentan diferencia significativa (pvalue < 0.05), Asimismo se evaluó las características fisicoquímicas del queso elaborado con y sin la adición del activador del sistema LP a la leche, tales como: Acidez, pH, % de grasa, Humedad, Proteínas como lactoalbúmina y Textura, verificándose que estas muestran diferencia significativa (p-value < 0.05), es decir el Stabilak no impide el cambio de las características fisicoquímicas del queso fresco y de la leche. Por otro lado el rendimiento quesero (superiores a 13.8%) muestran diferencia significativa (p-value < 0.05), en tanto que el recuento microbiológico (E. coli y Coliformes ≥ 10 ufc/mL) no (p-value > 0.05), la evaluación de la correlación de Pearson para las características fisicoquímicas, muestra que estas presentan correlación mayores a rs 0.7 y menores a rs -0.7 (p-value < 0.05). Asimismo la evaluación organoléptica revela que no existe diferencia significativa entre los quesos elaborados con y sin la adición activador del sistema LP a la leche, evaluados a través de la prueba de Friedman.Tesi

    Fortificación de yogurt con hierro hémico y su aceptación en niños del sector rural de la región Apurímac

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    Los alimentos fortificados son una alternativa para mejorar las deficiencias en nutrientes. Se evaluó el yogurt fortificado con hierro hémico a base de harina de sangre pre cocida de cerdo con niveles de fortificación al 5%, 10% y 15 % frente a una muestra control, se evaluaron las características físicas, químicas, composición proximal y sensorial. El yogurt fortificado mostro características físicas y químicas aceptables con una variación en densidad de 1,05 a 1,07 (g/ml), acidez con una variación de 70, 16 a 74,00 °D, el pH vario de 4,45 a 4,56 y la composición proximal: con una variación en humedad de  70,23 a 79,43 (%b.h), proteínas vario de 4,26% a 6,45%, grasa de 3.27% a 4, 882%, ceniza de 0,84% a 1,07%, carbohidratos de 8,20% a 12,14%, energía de 95,39 a 103, 35 kcal/100, hierro de 2,09 a 4, 53 mg/100, con color por encima de la tolerancia, la evaluación sensorial por los niños del programa Qali Warma tuvo aceptación con los atributos de color, sabor, olor y textura a un nivel de fortificación al 10%, siendo una alternativa de consumo en alto contenido en hierro y proteína

    Sustainable management and comprehensive administrative control of asphalt pavements case study, Perú

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    The management of asphalt pavements is of great importance for the development of road, motorway and airport runway infrastructures. For the company to achieve its goals, the use of administrative control instruments or tools such as evaluations and follow-ups of employees. Such control begins with the design by the company of an organizational structure where activities are planned and their effectiveness with their subsequent evaluations. The study aimed to analyze the management of asphalt maintenance and its administration process in a pavement and construction company in the Lima region, Peru. The methodology used was the hypothetical deductivo. Thedesign was non-experimental and cross-sectional deliberating the variables in a single time of study in a descriptive way, the sample population was the administrative workers and workers to perform the research technique, the type of instrument used was the survey with anonymous questions and closed questions, or at least all those questions that best respond to the situation we want to know. An analysis of frequencies and weighting of percentages was made from which it obtained, the values that allowed us to know the problems of the company with respect to the variables under study such as administrative control and maintenance, the validity of the instrument had a degree of reliability of Cronbach's alpha of 0.879 for the variable Administrative control and maintenance of 0.849. In the research regarding the dimensions of asphalt pavement have a relationship with the administrative management of the company, having a positive significance

    “I did it my way": Learning Autonomy and Online Self-Access Skills of Students in Reading Classes in Pandemic Era in Peru Context

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    In order for students to succeed, especially in times of crisis like the Covid 19 Pandemic, they must be trained to be self-sufficient in their language studies. This research investigates using a self-access language learning strategy in an emergency virtual reading class during the covid 19 pandemics to improve language learners' Autonomy. It employed a descriptive correlational research design. The study involved 89 randomly selected language students in one University of Peru. Results of the study showed that the students can utilize internet as their learning resource using devices they have. This shows that all of the students have devices to be used for their online and blended language learning. It is interesting to note the all the sampled students have access to internet for their online language learning. Hence the students have a motivated level of learning Autonomy in reading classes. As to the assessment of internet self-access reading skills of the students. This shows that the students have a favorable attitude towards using the internet in their reading lessons. It shows that the students have a fair level of technology acceptance and utilization for their language learning. Self-Access Skills in Reading was shown to be closely linked to Students' Learning Autonomy. This suggests that the relevant factors in the research have a positive correlation. This means that the students are more likely to adopt online self-access reading skills if they have a good attitude about learning Autonomy. This result shed light on the gap in addressing students' online language learning engagement in the COVID 19 era, particularly in the context of Peru

    Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil of Species of the Genus Tagetes

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    This study investigated the bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of two species of the genus Tagetes (Tagetes minuta L. and Tagetes elliptica Sm). The essential oil was obtained by steam distillation, and its extraction performance, relative density, refractive index, and solubility in ethanol (70% v/v) were determined. The chemical components were evaluated by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Antioxidant activity was determined by the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrocyl (DPPH) method and the trapping capacity of the ABTS*+ radical cation. In the essential oils of the species Tagetes, it was possible to identify 26 chemical components for the species Tagetes elliptica Sm. and 16 for Tagetes minuta L., both species presented as main components monoterpenes (61%) and sesquiterpenes (44%). The compounds found were β-myrcene, trans-tagetone, β-trans-ocimene, and β-caryophyllene. Essential oils showed a variation in extraction yields and density. The refractive index was higher in the species Tagetes elliptica Sm., finding a high solubility in both species. A variation was found between 1.77 and 2.56 mg/mL of antioxidant activity by the DPPH method and 21.02–41.06 mg/mL for ABTS*+. The essential oils of the species Tagetes elliptica Sm.y and Tagetes minuta L. have bioactive components with antimicrobial and antioxidant potentialities for use for food preservatives

    Evaluación del rendimiento, características organolépticas, fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas del queso fresco elaborado con leche con y sin adición del activador del sistema lactoperoxidasa (lp)

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo por objetivo, evaluar las características fisicoquímicas, rendimiento, microbiológicas y organolépticas del queso fresco elaborado con y sin adición del activador del sistema (LP) – Stabilak a la leche, almacenada a 24, 48 y 72 h a la temperatura ambiental. inicialmente se evaluó las características fisicoquímicas de la leche con y sin la adición del activador del sistema LP, tales como Acidez, pH, % de grasa, Densidad aparente, Solidos totales, Humedad y % de Proteínas como lactoalbúmina, almacenadas a temperatura ambiente fluctuante de 2 °C a 26 °C para tiempos de 24, 48 y 72 h, siendo que a 72 h la leche se cuajó o desnaturalizó; se encontró que las características fisicoquímicas mencionadas presentan diferencia significativa (pvalue < 0.05), Asimismo se evaluó las características fisicoquímicas del queso elaborado con y sin la adición del activador del sistema LP a la leche, tales como: Acidez, pH, % de grasa, Humedad, Proteínas como lactoalbúmina y Textura, verificándose que estas muestran diferencia significativa (p-value < 0.05), es decir el Stabilak no impide el cambio de las características fisicoquímicas del queso fresco y de la leche. Por otro lado el rendimiento quesero (superiores a 13.8%) muestran diferencia significativa (p-value < 0.05), en tanto que el recuento microbiológico (E. coli y Coliformes ≥ 10 ufc/mL) no (p-value > 0.05), la evaluación de la correlación de Pearson para las características fisicoquímicas, muestra que estas presentan correlación mayores a rs 0.7 y menores a rs -0.7 (p-value < 0.05). Asimismo la evaluación organoléptica revela que no existe diferencia significativa entre los quesos elaborados con y sin la adición activador del sistema LP a la leche, evaluados a través de la prueba de Friedman.Tesi

    Suspension de la séance du 15 juillet 1789

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    Suspension de la séance du 15 juillet 1789. In: Archives Parlementaires de 1787 à 1860 - Première série (1787-1799) Tome VIII - Du 5 mai 1789 au 15 septembre 1789. Paris : Librairie Administrative P. Dupont, 1875. p. 237

    Didactic strategies and satisfaction of Administration students at the Jose Maria Arguedas National University, Peru

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la aplicación de estrategias didácticas y la satisfacción académica de los estudiantes. Con respecto a la metodología, se trata de una investigación de alcance descriptivo con un diseño no experimental de tipo descriptivo correlacional, de corte transversal. La población estuvo conformada por 405 estudiantes de la Escuela de Administración, con una muestra de 198 estudiantes, seleccionados de manera probabilística, aleatoria estratificada. Las variables analizadas fueron Estrategias didácticas y Satisfacción académica de estudiantes. El recojo de información se realizó mediante un cuestionario que permite medir el nivel de percepción de los estudiantes sobre estrategias didácticas y satisfacción académica de los estudiantes con 27 y 24 ítems respectivamente. Para el procesamiento y análisis de los datos obtenidos se utilizó el Microsoft Excel y el SPSS versión 25. Se concluye que existe una correlación positiva muy alta entre las variables de investigación; ya que, el coeficiente de correlación es 0,900 y el nivel de significancia 0,00 menor a 0,05; concluyendo que los estudiantes se encuentran satisfechos con las estrategias didácticas que utilizan los docentes en sesiones de aprendizaje de diversas asignaturas. Palabras clave: estrategias didácticas; satisfacción académica; planificación; ejecución, evaluación.The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the application of didactic strategies and students' academic satisfaction. With respect to the methodology, this is descriptive research with a non-experimental design of correlational descriptive type, cross-sectional. The population consisted of 405 students of the School of Management, with a sample of 198 students, selected in a stratified random probabilistic manner. The variables analyzed were didactic strategies and student academic satisfaction. The information was collected by means of a questionnaire that allows measuring the level of perception of the students on didactic strategies and academic satisfaction of the students with 27 and 24 items respectively. For the processing and analysis of the data obtained, Microsoft Excel and SPSS version 25 were used. It is concluded that there is a very high positive correlation between the research variables; since the correlation coefficient is 0.900 and the significance level 0.00 is less than 0.05. Concluding that students are satisfied with the didactic strategies used by teachers in learning sessions of various subjects. Keywords: didactic strategies; academic satisfaction; planning; execution; evaluation

    “I did it my way": Learning Autonomy and Online Self-Access Skills of Students in Reading Classes in Pandemic Era in Peru Context

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    In order for students to succeed, especially in times of crisis like the Covid 19 Pandemic, they must be trained to be self-sufficient in their language studies. This research investigates using a self-access language learning strategy in an emergency virtual reading class during the covid 19 pandemics to improve language learners' Autonomy. It employed a descriptive correlational research design. The study involved 89 randomly selected language students in one University of Peru. Results of the study showed that the students can utilize internet as their learning resource using devices they have. This shows that all of the students have devices to be used for their online and blended language learning. It is interesting to note the all the sampled students have access to internet for their online language learning. Hence the students have a motivated level of learning Autonomy in reading classes. As to the assessment of internet self-access reading skills of the students. This shows that the students have a favorable attitude towards using the internet in their reading lessons. It shows that the students have a fair level of technology acceptance and utilization for their language learning.&nbsp;&nbsp; Self-Access Skills in Reading was shown to be closely linked to Students' Learning Autonomy. This suggests that the relevant factors in the research have a positive correlation. This means that the students are more likely to adopt online self-access reading skills if they have a good attitude about learning Autonomy. This result shed light on the gap in addressing students' online language learning engagement in the COVID 19 era, particularly in the context of Peru. &nbsp