2,179 research outputs found

    Effects of cord pretension and stiffness of the Dynesys system spacer on the biomechanics of spinal decompression- a finite element study

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    BACKGROUND: The Dynesys system provides stability for destabilized spines while preserving segmental motion. However, clinical studies have demonstrated that the Dynesys system does not prevent adjacent segment disease. Moreover, biomechanical studies have revealed that the stiffness of the Dynesys system is comparable to rigid fixation. Our previous studies showed that adjusting the cord pretension of the Dynesys system alleviates stress on the adjacent level during flexion. We also demonstrated that altering the stiffness of Dynesys system spacers can alleviate stress on the adjacent level during extension of the intact spine. In the present study, we hypothesized that omitting the cord preload and changing the stiffness of the Dynesys system spacers would abate stress shielding on adjacent spinal segments. METHODS: Finite element models were developed for - intact spine (INT), facetectomy and laminectomy at L3-4 (DEC), intact spine with Dynesys system (IntDyWL), decompressed spine with Dynesys system (DecDyWL), decompressed spine with Dynesys system without cord preload (DecDyNL), and decompressed spine with Dynesys system assembled using spacers that were 0.8 times the standard diameter without cord pretension (DecDyNL0.8). These models were subjected to hybrid control for flexion, extension, axial rotation; and lateral bending. RESULTS: The greatest decreases in range of motion (ROM) at the L3-4 level occurred for axial rotation and lateral bending in the IntDyWL model and for flexion and extension in the DecDyWL model. The greatest decreases in disc stress occurred for extension and lateral bending in the IntDyWL model and for flexion in the DecDyWL model. The greatest decreases in facet contact force occurred for extension and lateral bending in the DecDyNL model and for axial rotation in the DecDyWL model. The greatest increases in ROMs at L2-3 level occurred for flexion, axial rotation and lateral bending in IntDyWL model and for extension in the DecDyNL model. The greatest increases in disc stress occurred for flexion, axial rotation and lateral bending in the IntDyWL model and for extension in the DecDyNL model. The greatest increases in facet contact force occurred for extension and lateral bending in the DecDyNL model and for axial rotation in the IntDyWL model. CONCLUSIONS: The results reveals that removing the Dynesys system cord pretension attenuates the ROMs, disc stress, and facet joint contact forces at adjacent levels during flexion and axial rotation. Removing cord pretension together with softening spacers abates stress shielding for adjacent segment during four different moments, and it provides enough security while not jeopardizes the stability of spine during axial rotation

    Constrained K-means and Genetic Algorithm-based Approaches for Optimal Placement of Wireless Structural Health Monitoring Sensors

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    Optimal placement of wireless structural health monitoring (SHM) sensors has to consider modal identification accuracy and power efficiency. In this study, two-tier wireless sensor network (WSN)-based SHM systems with clusters of sensors are investigated to overcome this difficulty. Each cluster contains a number of sensor nodes and a cluster head (CH). The lower tier is composed of sensors communicating with their associated CHs, and the upper tier is composed of the network of CHs. The first step is the optimal placement of sensors in the lower tier via the effective independence method by considering the modal identification accuracy. The second step is the optimal placement of CHs in the upper tier by considering power efficiency. The sensors in the lower tier are partitioned into clusters before determining the optimal locations of CHs in the upper tier. Two approaches, a constrained K-means clustering approach and a genetic algorithm (GA)-based clustering approach, are proposed in this study to cluster sensors in the lower tier by considering two constraints: (1) the maximum data transmission distance of each sensor; (2) the maximum number of sensors in each cluster. Given that each CH can only manage a limited number of sensors, these constraints should be considered in practice to avoid overload of CHs. The CHs in the upper tier are located at the centers of the clusters determined after clustering sensors in the lower tier. The two proposed approaches aim to construct a balanced size of clusters by minimizing the number of clusters (or CHs) and the total sum of the squared distance between each sensor and its associated CH under the two constraints. Accordingly, the energy consumption in each cluster is decreased and balanced, and the network lifetime is extended. A numerical example is studied to demonstrate the feasibility of using the two proposed clustering approaches for sensor clustering in WSN-based SHM systems. In this example, the performances of the two proposed clustering approaches and the K-means clustering method are also compared. The two proposed clustering approaches outperform the K-means clustering method in terms of constructing balanced size of clusters for a small number of clusters. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-12-01 Full Text: PD

    A Novel IoT Based Positioning and Shadowing System for Dementia Training.

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    A rapid increase in the number of patients with dementia, particularly memory decline or impairment, has led to the loss of self-care ability in more individuals and increases in medical and social costs. Numerous studies, and clinical service experience, have revealed that the intervention of nonpharmacological management for people with dementia is effective in delaying the degeneration caused by dementia. Due to recent rapid developments in information and communications technology, many innovative research and development and cross-domain applications have been effectively used in the dementia care environment. This study proposed a new short-term memory support and cognitive training application technology, a "positioning and shadowing system," to delay short-term memory degeneration in dementia. Training courses that integrate physical and digital technologies for the indoor location of patients with dementia were constructed using technologies such as Bluetooth Low Energy, fingerprint location algorithm, and short-range wireless communication. The Internet of Things was effectively applied to a clinical training environment for short-term memory. A pilot test verified that the results demonstrated learning effects in cognitive training and that the system can assist medical personnel in training and nursing work. Participants responded with favorable feedback regarding course satisfaction and system usability. This study can be used as a reference for future digital smart cognitive training that allows observation of the performance of patients with dementia in activities of daily living

    Benthic Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon from Gas Hydrate Sediments in the Northern South China Sea

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    Hydrocarbon vents have recently been reported to contribute considerable amounts of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the oceans. Many such hydrocarbon vents widely exist in the northern South China Sea (NSCS). To investigate if these hydrocarbon vent sites release DOC, we used a real-time video multiple-corer to collect bottom seawater and surface sediments at vent sites. We analyzed concentrations of DOC in these samples and estimated DOC fluxes. Elevated DOC concentrations in the porewaters were found at some sites suggesting that DOC may come from these hydrocarbon vents. Benthic fluxes of DOC from these sediments were 28 to 1264 µmol m−2 d−1 (on average ~321 µmol m−2 d−1 which are several times higher than most DOC fluxes in coastal and continental margin sediments. The results demonstrate that the real-time video multiple-corer can precisely collect samples at vent sites. The estimated benthic DOC flux from the methane venting sites (8.6 x 106 mol y-1, is 24% of the DOC discharge from the Pearl River to the South China Sea, indicating that these sediments make an important contribution to the DOC in deep waters

    A glance of child’s play privacy in smart toys

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2016. A smart toy is defined as a device consisting of a physical toy component that connects to one or more toy computing services to facilitate gameplay in the Cloud through networking and sensory technologies to enhance the functionality of a traditional toy. A smart toy in this context can be effectively considered an Internet of Things (IoT) with Artificial Intelligence (AI) which can provide Augmented Reality (AR) experiences to users. Referring to the direction of the United States Federal Trade Commission Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the European Union Data Protection Directive (EUDPD), this study adopts the definition of a child to be an individual under the age of 13 years old. In this study, the first assumption is that children do not understand the concept of privacy. The second assumption is that children will disclose as much information to smart toys as they can trust. Breaches of privacy can result in physical safety of child user, e.g., child predators. While the parents/legal guardians of a child strive to ensure their child’s physical and online safety and privacy, there is no common approach for these parents/guardians to study the information flow between their child and the smart toys they interact with. This paper discusses related privacy requirements for smart toys in a toy computing environment with a case study on a commercial smart toy called Hello Barbie from Mattel

    In vitro propagation of Gentiana scabra Bunge – an important medicinal plant in the Chinese system of medicines

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    Background: Gentiana scabra Bunge commonly known as `Long dan cao\u27 in China has been used in traditional Chinese medicines for more than 2000 years. Dry roots and rhizome of the herb have been used for the treatment of inflammation, anorexia, indigestion and gastric infections. Iridoids and secoiridoids are the main bioactive compounds which attribute to the pharmacological properties of this plant. The species is difficult to mass propagate by seed due to the low percentage of germination and limited dormancy period. Wild populations in some locations are considered to be in the endangered category due to over exploitation. Results: In the present study, we report an efficient micropropagation system. Shoot apices of six weeks old in vitro grown G. scabra plants were used as explants for the in vitro propagation. Induction of multiple shoots (9.1/explant) was achieved on the culture of shoot apices on half strength Murashige and Skoog\u27s basal medium (MSBM) containing 2.0 mg/L 1 6-benzylaminopurine (BA), 3% sucrose and 0.9% Difco agar. In vitro shoots induced profuse rooting on half strength of MSBM supplemented with 0.1 mg/L 1 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 3% sucrose and 0.3% gelrite. A two-stage ventilation closure procedure during the in vitro culture, and transparent sachet technique enhanced the survival rate of G. scabra plantlets to 96% in the greenhouse. Tissue culture plants flowered after 5 months of transfer to pots. Conclusions: A simple and an efficient in vitro propagation protocol of Gentiana scabra Bunge by optimizing the medium composition and ventilation closure treatments has been developed. The protocol can be very useful in germplasm conservation and commercial cultivation of G. scabra plants

    Smart Object Reminders with RFID and Mobile Technologies

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we present a reminder system that sends a reminder list to the user's mobile device based on the history data collected from the same user and the events in the user's calendar on that day. The system provides an individualized service. The list is to remind the user with objects he/she might have forgotten at home. The objects that the user brings along with are detected by passive RFID technology. Objects are classified into three different levels based on their frequencies in the history data. Rules of the three levels are then followed to decide if a certain object should be in the reminder list or not. A feedback mechanism is also designed to lower the possibility of unnecessary reminding.[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]電子