53 research outputs found

    Effect of live yeast on the fermentation and microbiological physico-chemical parameters of the rumen, depending on the nature of the diet : modeling and validation in ruminant

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    Ruminal acidosis is one of the major concerns of current dairy farms. Live yeasts (LY) have been extensively studied and used in dairy cows for stabilization of rumen fermentation. Recently, measurement of ruminal redox potential (Eh, in mV) has been considered as an interesting tool to indicate ruminal fermentation disorder. The positive effect of LY on ruminal Eh has been reported, but it remains variable according to the experimental conditions. The aims of this work was to provide better understanding of mode of actions of LY, and to define the optimal condition of LY utilization in dairy cows. The first part of this work consisted to quantitative analysis of existing results from 22 experiments with cannulated dairy cattle. The second part of this work consisted to verify some of the results from quantitative analysis by an in vivo experiment in lactating cows. By using quantitative analysis of existing data from previously conducted experiments, we clarified the relationship between ruminal redox and other main ruminal parameters such as pH and VFA profile, and suggested that Eh variations might be related to the transfer of electrons in the reactions producing VFAs in the rumen. Moreover, response of ruminal Eh following live yeast supplementation was also related to that of ruminal VFA profile, which suggested that the effect of LY on VFA profile was achieved via the increase of reducing power, possibly reflected improved electron transfer and use in the rumen. The analysis further demonstrated that the regulation of ruminal Eh by LY would be particularly effective when risk of digestive disorder is high. Since the influence of dietary characteristics on ruminal Eh was quantified, the effect of LY in a given diet could be indirectly estimated. In addition, quantitative analysis also associated the response of ruminal Eh following LY supplementation to the intake of soluble sugars. The in vivo experiment in early-lactating cows confirmed greater effect of LY on ruminal Eh in diet rich in soluble sugars, and further demonstrated that i) LY supplementation tended to impact the richness of ruminal bacteria, and ii) some unidentified metabolites were also influenced by LY supplementation, probably associated to the decrease of ruminal Eh

    Pastured rabbit systems and organic certification: European union regulations and technical and economic performance in France

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    In the European Union (EU), organic rabbit farming (ORF) remains uncommon (≈50 farms), found mainly in France, and to a much lesser extent in Austria, Switzerland, Spain and Italy. As rabbits are herbivorous, ORF is based mainly on grazing. This review summarises information on the functioning and performance of rabbit farming systems in France, with organic certification and/or access to pasture. Recent studies have quantified the grass intake (30 to 80 g dry matter/d/rabbit) and growth rate of rabbits on pasture (15 to 30 g/d). ORF has an extensive production cycle with a mean of 2.7 parturitions per doe and per year. The main concerns for the farmers developing ORF include available land and managing health and feeding. However, in France, a herd with 40 does on 4 ha (of pastures and complementary crops), can provide a halftime minimum salary. Since January 2022, a new regulation on ORF is applied for all EU member countries that recommends a maximum use of pasture but nevertheless allows farmers to keep a herd with 40 does on only 200 m² of pasture. It also does not require rotating rabbits on the pasture between batches of animals, wich increases the risk of parasitism. A smartphone application (GAELA) was recently developed to assist with daily management of rabbit farming, and to build a database of technical benchmarks to support the development of organic and pastured rabbit farming in France

    Effect of housing enrichment and type of flooring on the performance and behaviour of female rabbits

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    [EN] This study investigated the effect of housing enrichments (scratching card, gnawing material and a platform), of a change in height and in the type of flooring on the live weight, reproductive performance and behaviour of female rabbits, as well as on the feed intake and spatial distribution of females and their kits. A total of 40 multiparous female rabbits were monitored in three consecutive reproductive cycles (48-d intervals). Four days before parturition in each reproductive cycle, the females were randomly assigned to one of the five types of housing: Control (CNT: 102×47×30 cm, L×W× H); Scratching card (SCT: containing a scratching card); Gnawing materials (GNW: CNT dimensions plus a compressed lucerne hay block and a wooden stick); Platform (PLT: 102×47×60 cm, including a platform with a plastic floor) and Combination (CBN: PLT dimensions with the scratching card, the gnawing materials and a platform). Data were only recorded during the first and third reproductive cycles. The living conditions did not significantly alter the females’ live weight (4889 g at housing; 4890 g at mid-lactation; 4867 g at weaning), reproductive performance (9.0 kits born alive), survival of the kits (90%), nor the feed intake of females and their litters (542 g/day). Providing animals with a gnawing block stimulated Gnawing behaviour (median frequency per group: CTL=0.00, SCT=0.00, GNW=4.69, PLT=0.00, and CBN=2.34; PRearing up behaviour (median frequencies per group: CTL=0.00, SCT=0.00, GNW=0.00, PLT=2.08, and CBN=3.12; P=0.06), and when a platform was present, the rabbits used it (mean values per group: CTL=0.00, SCT=0.00, GNW=0.00, PLT=1.79, and CBN=4.91; P=0.003). Regarding the type of floor, females appeared to prefer the plastic mesh flooring (31.2%) to the wire mesh flooring (18.8%). To sum up, providing female rabbits with simple enrichments appears to stimulate specific behaviours like Gnawing and Rearing up and may contribute to their wellbeing.Huang, Y.; Bréda, J.; Savietto, D.; Debrusse, A.; Bonnemère, J.; Gidenne, T.; Combes, S.... (2021). Effect of housing enrichment and type of flooring on the performance and behaviour of female rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 29(4):275-285. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2021.15848OJS275285294Altmann J. 1974. Observational study of behavior: sampling methods. Behaviour, 49: 227-266. https://doi.org/10.1163/156853974X00534Animal Welfare Committee. 2009. Five Freedoms. Available at https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110909181150/http://www.fawc.org.uk/freedoms.htm. Accessed February 2021.ANSES. 2018. ANSES proposes a definition of animal welfare and sets the foundation for its research and expert appraisal work. Available at https://www.anses.fr/en/content/ansesproposes-definition-animal-welfare-and-sets-foundation-itsresearch-and-expert. Accessed February 2021.Barge P., Masoero G., Chicco R. 2008. Raising rabbit does in platform cages. In Proc.: 9th World Rabbit Congress, 10-13 June, 2008. Verona, Italy. 1:1153-1158.Buijs S., Maertens L., Hermans K., Vangeyte J., Tuyttens F.A.M. 2015. Behaviour, wounds, weight loss and adrenal weight of rabbit does as affected by semigroup housing. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 172: 44-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2015.09.003Baumans, V. 2005. Environmental enrichment for laboratory rodents and rabbits: requirements of rodents, rabbits, and research. Ilar Journal, 46: 162-170. https://doi.org/10.1093/ilar.46.2.162Coureaud G., Fortun-Lamothe L., Rödel H.G., Monclús R., Schaal B. 2008. The developing rabbit: some data related to the behaviour, feeding and sensory capacities between birth and weaning. INRA-Prod. Anim. 21: 231-238. https://doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.2008.21.3.3395Coureaud G., Rödel H.G., Le Normand B., Fortun-lamothe L. 2015. Habitat et Comportement. In: Gidenne T. (Eds), Le lapin de la biologie à l'élevage, Editions Quae, Versailles, France, pp. 107-136.Dixon L.M., Hardiman J.R., Cooper J.J. 2010. The effects of spatial restriction on the behavior of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 5: 302-308. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2010.07.002EFSA AHAW Panel 2020. Scientific Opinion on the health and welfare of rabbits farmed in different production systems. EFSA Journal, 18: 5944. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2020.5944Farkas T.P., Dal Bosco A., Szendro Z., Filiou E., Matics Z., Odermatt M., Radnai I., Paci G., Gerencser Z. 2016. Production of Growing Rabbits in Large Pens with and without Multilevel Platforms. In Proc.: 11th World Rabbit Congress, 15-18 June, 2016. Qingdao, China. 1: 663-666.Gerencsér Z., Farkas T.P., Dal Bosco A., Filiou E., Matics Z., Odermatt M., Paci G., Szendrő Z. 2016. The usage of multilevel platforms in growing rabbits housed in large pens as affected by platfor mmaterial (wire-mesh vs plastic-mesh). In Proc. 11th World Rabbit Congress, 15-18 June, 2016. Qingdao, China. 1: 671-674.Hawkins P., Hubrecht R., Buckwell A., Cubitt S., Howard B., Jackson A., Poirier, G. M. 2008. Refining rabbit care. A resource for those working with rabbits in research. RSPCA, West Sussex and UFAW, Hertfordshire.Huang Y., Breda J., Savietto D., Debrusse A., Combes S., Fortun-Lamothe L. 2021. Part-time grouping of rabbit does in enriched housing: effects on performances, injury occurrence and enrichment use. Animal. in press.Jordan D., Gorjanc G., Kermauner A., Štuhec I. 2011. The behaviour of individually housed growing rabbits and the influence of gnawing sticks as environmental enrichment on daily rhythm of behavioural patterns duration. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 98: 51-61.Jordan D., Gorjanc G., Štuhec I. 2008. Wooden sticks as environmental enrichment: effect on fattening and carcass traits of individually housed growing rabbits. World Rabbit Sci., 16: 237-243. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2008.619Lang C., Hoy S. 2011. Investigations on the use of an elevated platform in group cages by growing rabbits. World Rabbit Sci., 19: 95-101. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2011.800Leach M.C., Allweiler S., Richardson C., Roughan J.V., Narbe R., Flecknell P.A. 2009. Behavioural effects of ovariohysterectomy and oral administration of meloxicam in laboratory housed rabbits. Res. Vet. Sci., 87: 336-347. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2009.02.001Luzi F., Ferrante V., Heinzl E. Verga M. 2003. Effect of environmental enrichment on productive performance and welfare aspects in fattening rabbits. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 2: 438-440.Matics Z., Farkas T. P., Dal Bosco A., Szendrő Z., Filiou E., Nagy I., Odermatt M., Paci G., Gerencsér Z. 2018. Comparison of pens without and with multilevel platforms for growing rabbits. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 17: 469-476. https://doi.org/10.1080/1828051X.2017.1363640Mikó A., Matics Z., Gerencsér Z., Odermatt M., Radnai I., Nagy I., Szendrő K. Szendrő, Z. 2014. Performance and welfare of rabbit does in various caging systems. Animal, 8: 1146-1152. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731114001244Mirabito L., Buthon L., Cialdi G., Galliot P., Souchet C. 1999. Effet du logement des lapines en cages réhaussées avec plate-forme: Premiers resultats. In Proc.: 8èmes Journées de la Recherche Cunicole. 9-10 June, 1999. Paris, France. 1: 67-70.Mirabito L., Galliot P., Souchet C. 2000. Effect of different ways of cage enrichment on the productive traits and mortality of fattening rabbits. In Proc.: 7th World Rabbit Congress 4-7 July, 2000. Valencia, Spain. 1: 4-7.Monclús R., Rödel H. G. 2008. Different forms of vigilance in response to the presence of predators and conspecifics in a group-living mammal, the European Rabbit. Ethology, 114: 287-297. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0310.2007.01463.xMorton D.B., Jennings M., Batchelor G.R., Bell D., Birke L., Davies K., Eveleigh J.R., Gunn D., Heath M., Howard B., Koder P., Phillips J., Poole T., Sainsbury A.W., Sales G.D., Smith D.J.A., Stauffacher M., Turner R.J. 1993. Refinements in rabbit husbandry: Second report of the BVAAWF/FRAME/RSPCA/UFAW joint working group on refinement. Laboratory Animals, 27: 301-329. https://doi.org/10.1258/002367793780745633Podberscek A.L., Blackshaw J.K., Beattie A.W. 1991. The behaviour of group penned and individually caged laboratory rabbits. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 28: 353-363. https://doi.org/10.1016/0168-1591(91)90167-VPrincz Z., Orova Z., Nagy I., Jordan D., Štuhec I., Luzi F., Verga M. Szendrő Z. 2007. Application of gnawing sticks in rabbit housing. World Rabbit Sci., 15: 29-36. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2007.607Rommers J.M., Bracke M., Reuvekamp B., Gunnink H., de Jong I.C. 2014. Cage-enrichment: rabbit does prefer straw or a compressed wooden block. World Rabbit Sci., 22: 301-309. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2014.1353Rommers J., de Greef K. H. 2018. Are combi parks just as useful as regular parks for fatteners for part-time group housing of rabbit does? World Rabbit Sci., 26: 299-305. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2018.9587Rosell J.M., De la Fuente L.F. 2009. Effect of footrests on the incidence of ulcerative pododermatitis in domestic rabbit does. Animal Welfare, 18: 199-204.Rosell J.M., De la Fuente L. 2013. Assessing ulcerative pododermatitis of breeding rabbits. Animals, 3: 318-326. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani3020318Szendrő Z., Matics Z., Odermatt M., Gerencsér Z., Nagy I., Szendrő K., Dalle Zotte A. 2012. Use of different areas of pen by growing rabbits depending on the elevated platforms' floor-type. Animal, 6: 650-655. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731111001819Szendrő Z., Trocino A., Hoy S., Xiccato G., Villagrá A., Maertens L. 2019. A review of recent research outcomes on the housing of farmed domestic rabbits: reproducing does. World Rabbit Sci., 27: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2019.10599Trocino A., Zomeño C., Filiou E., Birolo M., White P., Xiccato, G. 2019. The Use of Environmental Enrichments Affects Performance and Behavior of Growing Rabbits Housed in Collective Pens. Animals, 9: 537. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani9080537Verga M., Zingarelli I., Heinzl E., Ferrante V., Martino P.A., Luzi F. 2004. Effect of housing and environmental enrichment on performance and behaviour in fattening rabbits. In Proc.: 8th World Rabbit Congress, 7-10 September, 2004. Pueblo, Mexico. 1:1283-1288.Verga M., Luzi F., Carenzi C. 2007. Effects of husbandry and management systems on physiology and behaviour of farmed and laboratory rabbits. Hormones and Behavior, 52: 122-129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2007.03.02

    Robotics Dexterous Grasping: The Methods Based on Point Cloud and Deep Learning

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    Dexterous manipulation, especially dexterous grasping, is a primitive and crucial ability of robots that allows the implementation of performing human-like behaviors. Deploying the ability on robots enables them to assist and substitute human to accomplish more complex tasks in daily life and industrial production. A comprehensive review of the methods based on point cloud and deep learning for robotics dexterous grasping from three perspectives is given in this paper. As a new category schemes of the mainstream methods, the proposed generation-evaluation framework is the core concept of the classification. The other two classifications based on learning modes and applications are also briefly described afterwards. This review aims to afford a guideline for robotics dexterous grasping researchers and developers

    Synthesis of a magnetic π-extended carbon nanosolenoid with Riemann surfaces

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    Riemann surfaces are deformed versions of the complex plane in mathematics. Locally they look like patches of the complex plane, but globally, the topology may deviate from a plane. Nanostructured graphitic carbon materials resembling a Riemann surface with helicoid topology are predicted to have interesting electronic and photonic properties. However, fabrication of such processable and large π-extended nanographene systems has remained a major challenge. Here, we report a bottom-up synthesis of a metal-free carbon nanosolenoid (CNS) material with a low optical bandgap of 1.97 eV. The synthesis procedure is rapid and possible on the gram scale. The helical molecular structure of CNS can be observed by direct low-dose high-resolution imaging, using integrated differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy. Magnetic susceptibility measurements show paramagnetism with a high spin density for CNS. Such a π-conjugated CNS allows for the detailed study of its physical properties and may form the base of the development of electronic and spintronic devices containing CNS species

    Large enhancement of the thermopower in Nax_xCoO2_2 at high Na doping

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    Research on the oxide perovskites has uncovered electronic properties that are strikingly enhanced compared with those in conventional metals. Examples are the high critical temperatures of the cuprate superconductors and the colossal magnetoresistance in the manganites. The conducting layered cobaltate NaxCoO2\rm Na_xCoO_2 displays several interesting electronic phases as xx is varied including water-induced superconductivity and an insulating state that is destroyed by field. Initial measurements showed that, in the as-grown composition, NaxCoO2\rm Na_xCoO_2 displays moderately large thermopower SS and conductivity σ\sigma. However, the prospects for thermoelectric cooling applications faded when the figure of merit ZZ was found to be small at this composition (0.6<x<<x<0.7). Here we report that, in the poorly-explored high-doping region x>x>0.75, SS undergoes an even steeper enhancement. At the critical doping xpx_p\sim 0.85, ZZ (at 80 K) reaches values \sim40 times larger than in the as-grown crystals. We discuss prospects for low-temperature thermoelectric applications.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Effet des levures vivantes sur les paramètres physico-chimiques, fermentaires et microbiologiques du rumen, en fonction de la nature de la ration : modélisation et validation zootechnique chez le ruminant

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    L'acidose ruminale est l'une des préoccupations majeures des exploitations laitières actuelles. Les levures vivantes (LV) ont été largement étudiées et utilisées chez les vaches laitières pour stabiliser la fermentation ruminale. Récemment, la mesure du potentiel redox ruminal (Eh, en mV) a été considérée comme un outil intéressant pour indiquer le trouble de la fermentation ruminale. L'effet positif de LV sur Eh ruminal a été rapporté, mais il reste variable selon les conditions expérimentales. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient de fournir une meilleure compréhension du mode d'action de LV et de définir la condition optimale de l'utilisation de LV chez les vaches laitières. La première partie de ce travail a consisté en une analyse quantitative des résultats de 22 expériences avec des vaches laitières canulées. La deuxième partie de ce travail a consisté à vérifier certains des résultats de l'analyse quantitative par une expérience chez des vaches en lactation. En utilisant l'analyse quantitative de données existantes provenant d'expériences antérieures, nous avons clarifié la relation entre le Eh ruminal et d'autres paramètres ruminaux principaux tels que le pH et le profil VFA, et suggéré que les variations de Eh pourraient être liées au transfert d'électrons dans les réactions dans le rumen. En outre, la réponse du Eh après la supplémentation en LV était également liée à celle du profil AGV ruminal, suggérant que l'effet de LV sur le profil VFA était atteint par l'augmentation du pouvoir réducteur, reflétant un meilleur transfert d'électrons dans le rumen. L'analyse a en outre démontré que la régulation du Eh ruminal par LV serait particulièrement efficace lorsque le risque de troubles digestifs est élevé. Puisque l'influence des caractéristiques de la ration sur le Eh ruminal a été quantifiée, l'effet de LV dans un régime donné pourrait être estimé indirectement. En outre, l'analyse quantitative a également révélé que la réponse de Eh suite à la supplémentation en LV était associée à la quantité de sucres solubles ingérée. L'expérience in vivo chez des vaches en début de lactation a confirmé un effet plus important de LV sur Eh ruminal avec une ration riche en sucres solubles, et a démontré que la supplémentation en LV avait un impact sur la richesse des bactéries, et que les métabolites ont également été influencés par la supplémentation en LV, probablement associée à la diminution du Eh ruminal.Ruminal acidosis is one of the major concerns of current dairy farms. Live yeasts (LY) have been extensively studied and used in dairy cows for stabilization of rumen fermentation. Recently, measurement of ruminal redox potential (Eh, in mV) has been considered as an interesting tool to indicate ruminal fermentation disorder. The positive effect of LY on ruminal Eh has been reported, but it remains variable according to the experimental conditions. The aims of this work was to provide better understanding of mode of actions of LY, and to define the optimal condition of LY utilization in dairy cows. The first part of this work consisted to quantitative analysis of existing results from 22 experiments with cannulated dairy cattle. The second part of this work consisted to verify some of the results from quantitative analysis by an in vivo experiment in lactating cows. By using quantitative analysis of existing data from previously conducted experiments, we clarified the relationship between ruminal redox and other main ruminal parameters such as pH and VFA profile, and suggested that Eh variations might be related to the transfer of electrons in the reactions producing VFAs in the rumen. Moreover, response of ruminal Eh following live yeast supplementation was also related to that of ruminal VFA profile, which suggested that the effect of LY on VFA profile was achieved via the increase of reducing power, possibly reflected improved electron transfer and use in the rumen. The analysis further demonstrated that the regulation of ruminal Eh by LY would be particularly effective when risk of digestive disorder is high. Since the influence of dietary characteristics on ruminal Eh was quantified, the effect of LY in a given diet could be indirectly estimated. In addition, quantitative analysis also associated the response of ruminal Eh following LY supplementation to the intake of soluble sugars. The in vivo experiment in early-lactating cows confirmed greater effect of LY on ruminal Eh in diet rich in soluble sugars, and further demonstrated that i) LY supplementation tended to impact the richness of ruminal bacteria, and ii) some unidentified metabolites were also influenced by LY supplementation, probably associated to the decrease of ruminal Eh

    Système de rationnement français

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