1,790 research outputs found

    An Unsupervised Three-way Decisions Framework of Overload Preference Based on Adjusted Weight Multi-attribute Decision-making Model

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    AbstractIn the process of traffic control, law-enforcement officials are required to accurately evaluate the potential probability of freight-driver's overloading behavior. This study establishes a model of overloading preference assessment on the basis of freight-driver's individual variation. With indexes selecting, the equal-weight and AHP-based adjusted weight decision-making model are used respectively to evaluate freight-driver's overload preference. Synthesizing the results from two models, we present a three-way decisions model to make judgment

    Antitumor Cyclic Hexapeptides from Rubia Plants: History, Chemistry, and Mechanism (2005–2011)

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    Rubiaceae-type cyclopeptides (RAs), cyclic hexapeptides from Rubia plants, have shown potential antitumor activity in vitro and in vivo. Based on the review about plant cyclopeptides (Chem. Rev., 2006, 106: 840), this mini-review will highlight new progress on the discovery, synthesis, and mechanism of RAs isolated during 2005 to 2011, covering recent work in our group


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    The title compound, C14H10N2OS, is nearly planar, with a maximum deviation of 0.0698 (13) Å from the mean plane, and exists in an E configuration with respect to the C=N bond. The dihedral angle between the two benzene rings is 2.81 (9)°. There is an intra­molecular O—H⋯N hydrogen bond and inter­molecular C—H⋯O and C—H⋯N hydrogen bonds

    Chemometry use in the evaluation of the sanya bay water quality

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    No presente estudo foi realizada a identificação dos efeitos antropogênicos e das características naturais marinhas das águas da Baía de Sanya, situada ao sul do Mar da China, através de método quimiométrico. A análise de componentes principais (PCA) aplicada aos dados extraiu quatro eixos que explicaram 85,52% da variância total dos dados. Através das análises de Agrupamento e PCA foram identificados três padrões diferentes de qualidade das águas, baseados nos efeitos antropogênicos e nas características marinhas: Grupo I, localizado nas partes externa e mediana da baía; Grupo II, próximo do centro urbano de Sanya; Grupo III, localizado no estuário do Rio Sanya. Quanto ao padrão temporal, as referidas análises distinguiram uma estação seca, de novembro a abril, e uma estação chuvosa, de maio a outubro, relacionadas ao clima e características naturais. Foi visto que tanto a fonte poluidora externa, representada pelo Rio Sanya, quanto as águas do Mar do Sul da China influenciam a qualidade das águas da Baía de Sanya. Esses resultados podem ser relevantes quando considerados sob o ponto de vista do desenvolvimento socioeconômico e de saúde humana dessa região.In this study, chemometric method is employed to identify anthropogenic effects on the water quality in Sanya Bay, South China Sea, and its marine and natural characteristics. Principal component analysis has extracted the four latent factors, thus explaining 85.52% of the total variance. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis have identified three different patterns of water quality based on anthropogenic effects and marine characteristics: Cluster I located in the outer and middle parts of the bay, Cluster II close to downtown Sanya, Cluster III located in the Sanya River estuary. In terms of the temporal pattern, principal component analysis and cluster analysis have distinguished the dry season from November to the following April, and the rainy season from May to October. The temporal pattern is related to climate and natural characteristics. The similarity index between variables and scores of samples can further distinguish the contribution of the variables to the samples. Both the polluting sources external to the Sanya River and the water from the South China Sea exercise an important influence on the water quality in Sanya Bay. These results may be valuable for socioeconomic development and human health in the Sanya Bay area

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of malaria rapid diagnostic test in the elimination setting

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    BACKGROUND: As more and more countries approaching the goal of malaria elimination, malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) was recomendated to be a diagnostic strategy to achieve and maintain the statute of malaria free, as it’s less requirments on equipment and experitise than microscopic examination. But there are very few economic evaluations to confirm whether RDT was cost-effective in the setting of malaria elimination. This research aimed to offer evidence for helping decision making on malaria diagnosis strategy. METHODS: A cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted to compare RDT with microscopy examination for malaria diagnosis, by using a decision tree model. There were three strategies of malaria diagnostic testing evaluated in the model, 1) microscopy, 2) RDT, 3) RDT followed by microscopy. The effect indicator was defined as the number of malaria cases treated appropriately. Based on the joint perspective of health sector and patient, costs data were collected from hospital information systems, key informant interviews, and patient surveys. Data collection was conducted in Jiangsu from September 2018 to January 2019. Epidemiological data were obtained from local malaria surveillance reports. A hypothetical cohort of 300 000 febrile patients were simulated to calculate the total cost and effect of each strategy. One-way, two-way, and probabilistic sensitivity analysis were performed to test the robustness of the result. RESULTS: The results showed that RDT strategy was the most effective (245 cases) but also the most costly (United States Dollar [USD] 4.47 million) compared to using microscopy alone (238 cases, USD 3.63 million), and RDT followed by microscopy (221 cases, USD 2.75 million). There was no strategy dominated. One-way sensitivity analysis reflected that the result was sensitive to the change in labor cost and two-way sensitivity analysis indicated that the result was not sensitive to the proportion of falciparum malaria. The result of Monte Carlo simulation showed that RDT strategy had higher effects and higher cost than other strategies with a high probability. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to microscopy and RDT followed by microscopy, RDT strategy had higher effects and higher cost in the setting of malaria elimination

    Biomechanical characterization of the periodontal ligament: Orthodontic tooth movement

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    To quantify the biomechanical properties of the bovine periodontal ligament (PDL) in postmortem sections and to apply these properties to study orthodontic tooth intrusion using finite element analysis (FEA). We hypothesized that PDL’s property inherited heterogeneous (anatomical dependency) and nonlinear stress-strain behavior that could aid FEA to delineate force vectors with various rectangular archwires

    Observation of quantum fingerprinting beating the classical limit

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    Quantum communication has historically been at the forefront of advancements, from fundamental tests of quantum physics to utilizing the quantum-mechanical properties of physical systems for practical applications. In the field of communication complexity, quantum communication allows the advantage of an exponential reduction in the information transmitted over classical communication to accomplish distributed computational tasks. However, to date, demonstrating this advantage in a practical setting continues to be a central challenge. Here, we report an experimental demonstration of a quantum fingerprinting protocol that for the first time surpasses the ultimate classical limit to transmitted information. Ultra-low noise superconducting single-photon detectors and a stable fibre-based Sagnac interferometer are used to implement a quantum fingerprinting system that is capable of transmitting less information than the classical proven lower bound over 20 km standard telecom fibre for input sizes of up to two Gbits. The results pave the way for experimentally exploring the advanced features of quantum communication and open a new window of opportunity for research in communication complexity and testing the foundations of physics.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure
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