25 research outputs found

    Comprehensive native glycan profiling with isomer separation and quantitation for the discovery of cancer biomarkers

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    Glycosylation is highly sensitive to the biochemical environment and has been implicated in many diseases including cancer. Glycan compositional profiling of human serum with mass spectrometry has already identified potential biomarkers for several types of cancer and diseases; however, composition alone does not fully describe glycan stereo-and regioisomeric diversity. The vast structural heterogeneity of glycans presents a formidable analytical challenge. We have developed a method to identify and quantify isomeric native glycans using nanoflow liquid chromatography (nano-LC)/mass spectrometry. A microfluidic chip packed with graphitized carbon was used to chromatographically separate the glycans. To determine the utility of this method for structure-specific biomarker discovery, we analyzed serum samples from two groups of prostate cancer patients with different prognoses. More than 300 N-glycan species (including isomeric structures) were identified, corresponding to over 100 N-glycan compositions. Statistical tests established significant differences in glycan abundances between patient groups. This method provides comprehensive, selective, and quantitative glycan profiling

    Transcriptome Profiling of Bovine Milk Oligosaccharide Metabolism Genes Using RNA-Sequencing

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    This study examines the genes coding for enzymes involved in bovine milk oligosaccharide metabolism by comparing the oligosaccharide profiles with the expressions of glycosylation-related genes. Fresh milk samples (n = 32) were collected from four Holstein and Jersey cows at days 1, 15, 90 and 250 of lactation and free milk oligosaccharide profiles were analyzed. RNA was extracted from milk somatic cells at days 15 and 250 of lactation (n = 12) and gene expression analysis was conducted by RNA-Sequencing. A list was created of 121 glycosylation-related genes involved in oligosaccharide metabolism pathways in bovine by analyzing the oligosaccharide profiles and performing an extensive literature search. No significant differences were observed in either oligosaccharide profiles or expressions of glycosylation-related genes between Holstein and Jersey cows. The highest concentrations of free oligosaccharides were observed in the colostrum samples and a sharp decrease was observed in the concentration of free oligosaccharides on day 15, followed by progressive decrease on days 90 and 250. Ninety-two glycosylation-related genes were expressed in milk somatic cells. Most of these genes exhibited higher expression in day 250 samples indicating increases in net glycosylation-related metabolism in spite of decreases in free milk oligosaccharides in late lactation milk. Even though fucosylated free oligosaccharides were not identified, gene expression indicated the likely presence of fucosylated oligosaccharides in bovine milk. Fucosidase genes were expressed in milk and a possible explanation for not detecting fucosylated free oligosaccharides is the degradation of large fucosylated free oligosaccharides by the fucosidases. Detailed characterization of enzymes encoded by the 92 glycosylation-related genes identified in this study will provide the basic knowledge for metabolic network analysis of oligosaccharides in mammalian milk. These candidate genes will guide the design of a targeted breeding strategy to optimize the content of beneficial oligosaccharides in bovine milk

    Technologies for glycomic characterization of biopharmaceutical erythropoietins

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    Glycosylation is one of the most critical factors affecting the quality, the safety and the potency of recombinant erythropoietin. Small changes during production can significantly affect glycosylation, and so the potency, of recombinant erythropoietin. Due to patent expirations, we expect biosimilar erythropoietins to play an increasing role in healthcare in coming years. Governmental regulatory agencies and biopharmaceutical companies therefore have an urgent need for reliable methods that can accurately characterize and evaluate these biological products, particularly in terms of their glycosylation. In this review, we provide an overview of current analytical tools for qualitative and quantitative analysis of erythropoietin glycosylation

    Isomer-specific chromatographic profiling yields highly sensitive and specific potential N-glycan biomarkers for epithelial ovarian cancer

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    Aberrant glycosylation has been observed for decades in essentially all types of cancer, and is now well established as an indicator of carcinogenesis. Mining the glycome for biomarkers, however, requires analytical methods that can rapidly separate, identify, and quantify isomeric glycans. We have developed a rapid-throughput method for chromatographic glycan profiling using microfluidic chip-based nanoflow liquid chromatography (nano-LC)/mass spectrometry. To demonstrate the utility of this method, we analyzed and compared serum samples from epithelial ovarian cancer cases (n = 46) and healthy control individuals (n = 48). Over 250 N-linked glycan compound peaks with over 100 distinct N-linked glycan compositions were identified. Statistical testing identified 26 potential glycan biomarkers based on both compositional and structure-specific analyses. Using these results, an optimized model was created incorporating the combined abundances of seven potential glycan biomarkers. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of this optimized model had an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.96, indicating robust discrimination between cancer cases and healthy controls. Rapid-throughput chromatographic glycan profiling was found to be an effective platform for structure-specific biomarker discovery

    In-Gel Nonspecific Proteolysis for Elucidating Glycoproteins: A Method for Targeted Protein-Specific Glycosylation Analysis in Complex Protein Mixtures

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    Determining protein-specific glycosylation in protein mixtures remains a difficult task. A common approach is to use gel electrophoresis to isolate the protein followed by glycan release from the identified band. However, gel bands are often composed of several proteins. Hence, release of glycans from specific bands often yields products not from a single protein but a composite. As an alternative, we present an approach whereby glycans are released with peptide tags allowing verification of glycans bound to specific proteins. We term the process in-gel nonspecific proteolysis for elucidating glycoproteins (INPEG). INPEG combines rapid gel separation of a protein mixture with in-gel nonspecific proteolysis of protein bands followed by tandem mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of the resulting N- and O-glycopeptides. Here, in-gel digestion is shown for the first time with nonspecific and broad specific proteases such as Pronase, proteinase K, pepsin, papain, and subtilisin. Tandem MS analysis of the resulting glycopeptides separated on a porous graphitized carbon (PGC) chip was achieved via nanoflow liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (nano-LC/Q-TOF MS). In this study, rapid and automated glycopeptide assignment was achieved via an in-house software (Glycopeptide Finder) based on a combination of accurate mass measurement, tandem MS data, and predetermined protein identification (obtained via routine shotgun analysis). INPEG is here initially validated for O-glycosylation (κ casein) and N-glycosylation (ribonuclease B). Applications of INPEG were further demonstrated for the rapid determination of detailed site-specific glycosylation of lactoferrin and transferrin following gel separation and INPEG analysis on crude bovine milk and human serum, respectively

    Differentiation of Cancer Cell Origin and Molecular Subtype by Plasma Membrane N‑Glycan Profiling

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    In clinical settings, biopsies are routinely used to determine cancer type and grade based on tumor cell morphology, as determined via histochemical or immunohistochemical staining. Unfortunately, in a significant number of cases, traditional biopsy results are either inconclusive or do not provide full subtype differentiation, possibly leading to inefficient or ineffective treatment. Glycomic profiling of the cell membrane offers an alternate route toward cancer diagnosis. In this study, isomer-sensitive nano-LC/MS was used to directly obtain detailed profiles of the different N-glycan structures present on cancer cell membranes. Membrane N-glycans were extracted from cells representing various subtypes of breast, lung, cervical, ovarian, and lymphatic cancer. Chip-based porous graphitized carbon nano-LC/MS was used to separate, identify, and quantify the native N-glycans. Structure-sensitive N-glycan profiling identified hundreds of glycan peaks per cell line, including multiple isomers for most compositions. Hierarchical clusterings based on Pearson correlation coefficients were used to quickly compare and separate each cell line according to originating organ and disease subtype. Based simply on the relative abundances of broad glycan classes (e.g., high mannose, complex/hybrid fucosylated, complex/hybrid sialylated, etc.), most cell lines were readily differentiated. More closely related cell lines were differentiated based on several-fold differences in the abundances of individual glycans. Based on characteristic N-glycan profiles, primary cancer origins and molecular subtypes could be distinguished. These results demonstrate that stark differences in cancer cell membrane glycosylation can be exploited to create an MS-based biopsy, with potential applications toward cancer diagnosis and direction of treatment