864 research outputs found

    Structural response of concrete-filled elliptical steel hollow sections under eccentric compression

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the behaviour of elliptical concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns under a combination of axial force and bending moment. Most of the research carried out to date involving concrete-filled steel sections has focussed on circular and rectangular tubes, with each shape exhibiting distinct behaviour. The degree of concrete confinement provided by the hollow section wall has been studied under pure compression but remains ambiguous for combined compressive and bending loads, with no current design provision for this loading combination. To explore the structural behaviour, laboratory tests were carried out using eight stub columns of two different tube wall thicknesses and applying axial compression under various eccentricities. Moment-rotation relationships were produced for each specimen to establish the influence of cross-section dimension and axis of bending on overall response. Full 3D finite element models were developed, comparing the effect of different material constitutive models, until good agreement was found. Finally, analytical interaction curves were generated assuming plastic behaviour and compared with the experimental and finite element results. Ground work provided from these tests paves the way for the development of future design guidelines on the member level

    Identifying Cancer Specific Metabolic Signatures Using Constraint-Based Models

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    Cancer metabolism differs remarkably from the metabolism of healthy surrounding tissues, and it is extremely heterogeneous across cancer types. While these metabolic differences provide promising avenues for cancer treatments, much work remains to be done in understanding how metabolism is rewired in malignant tissues. To that end, constraint-based models provide a powerful computational tool for the study of metabolism at the genome scale. To generate meaningful predictions, however, these generalized human models must first be tailored for specific cell or tissue sub-types. Here we first present two improved algorithms for (1) the generation of these context-specific metabolic models based on omics data, and (2) Monte-Carlo sampling of the metabolic model ux space. By applying these methods to generate and analyze context-specific metabolic models of diverse solid cancer cell line data, and primary leukemia pediatric patient biopsies, we demonstrate how the methodology presented in this study can generate insights into the rewiring differences across solid tumors and blood cancers

    Distribution and density of the partition function zeros for the diamond-decorated Ising model

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    Exact renormalization map of temperature between two successive decorated lattices is given, and the distribution of the partition function zeros in the complex temperature plane is obtained for any decoration-level. The rule governing the variation of the distribution pattern as the decoration-level changes is given. The densities of the zeros for the first two decoration-levels are calculated explicitly, and the qualitative features about the densities of higher decoration-levels are given by conjecture. The Julia set associated with the renormalization map is contained in the distribution of the zeros in the limit of infinite decoration level, and the formation of the Julia set in the course of increasing the decoration-level is given in terms of the variations of the zero density.Comment: 8 pages,8figure

    Josephson current in unconventional superconductors through an Anderson impurity

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    Josephson current for a system consisting of an Anderson impurity weakly coupled to two unconventional superconductors is studied and shown to be driven by a surface zero energy (mid-gap) bound-state. The repulsive Coulomb interaction in the dot can turn a π\pi junction into a 0-junction. This effect is more pronounced in p-wave superconductors while in high-temperature superconductors with dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry it can exit for rather large artificial centers at which tunneling occurs within a finite region.Comment: 4 pages 3.eps figure

    A polarized beam splitter using an anisotropic medium slab

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    The propagation of electromagnetic waves in the anisotropic medium with a single-sheeted hyperboloid dispersion relation is investigated. It is found that in such an anisotropic medium E- and H-polarized waves have the same dispersion relation, while E- and H-polarized waves exhibit opposite amphoteric refraction characteristics. E- (or H-) polarized waves are positively refracted whereas H- (or E-) polarized waves are negatively refracted at the interface associated with the anisotropic medium. By suitably using the properties of anomalous refraction in the anisotropic medium it is possible to realize a very simple and very efficient beam splitter to route the light. It is shown that the splitting angle and the splitting distance between E- and H- polarized beam is the function of anisotropic parameters, incident angle and slab thickness.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Wavepacket Dynamics in Yang-Mills Theory

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    We discuss the results of numerical simulations of colliding wavepackets in SU(2)SU(2) Yang--Mills theory. We investigate their behavior as a function of amplitude and momentum distribution. We find regions in our parameter space in which initial wave packets scatter into final configurations with dramatically different momentum distributions. These results constitute new classical trajectories with multiparticle boundary conditions. We explain their relevance for the calculation of scattering amplitudes in the semiclassical approximation. Finally, we give directions for future work.Comment: 11 pgs. text, 11 optional figs using PiCTeX and epsf, new version contains improved discussion of scaling properties of results and one additional figure

    Probing the cosmic acceleration from combinations of different data sets

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    We examine in some detail the influence of the systematics in different data sets including type Ia supernova sample, baryon acoustic oscillation data and the cosmic microwave background information on the fitting results of the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder parametrization. We find that the systematics in the data sets does influence the fitting results and leads to different evolutional behavior of dark energy. To check the versatility of Chevallier-Polarski-Linder parametrization, we also perform the analysis on the Wetterich parametrization of dark energy. The results show that both the parametrization of dark energy and the systematics in data sets influence the evolutional behavior of dark energy.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures and 1 table, major revision, delete bao a data, main results unchanged. jcap in press

    HiC-ACT: improved detection of chromatin interactions from Hi-C data via aggregated Cauchy test

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    Genome-wide chromatin conformation capture technologies such as Hi-C are commonly employed to study chromatin spatial organization. In particular, to identify statistically significant long-range chromatin interactions from Hi-C data, most existing methods such as Fit-Hi-C/FitHiC2 and HiCCUPS assume that all chromatin interactions are statistically independent. Such an independence assumption is reasonable at low resolution (e.g., 40 kb bin) but is invalid at high resolution (e.g., 5 or 10 kb bins) because spatial dependency of neighboring chromatin interactions is non-negligible at high resolution. Our previous hidden Markov random field-based methods accommodate spatial dependency but are computationally intensive. It is urgent to develop approaches that can model spatial dependence in a computationally efficient and scalable manner. Here, we develop HiC-ACT, an aggregated Cauchy test (ACT)-based approach, to improve the detection of chromatin interactions by post-processing results from methods assuming independence. To benchmark the performance of HiC-ACT, we re-analyzed deeply sequenced Hi-C data from a human lymphoblastoid cell line, GM12878, and mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). Our results demonstrate advantages of HiC-ACT in improving sensitivity with controlled type I error. By leveraging information from neighboring chromatin interactions, HiC-ACT enhances the power to detect interactions with lower signal-to-noise ratio and similar (if not stronger) epigenetic signatures that suggest regulatory roles. We further demonstrate that HiC-ACT peaks show higher overlap with known enhancers than Fit-Hi-C/FitHiC2 peaks in both GM12878 and mESCs. HiC-ACT, effectively a summary statistics-based approach, is computationally efficient (∼6 min and ∼2 GB memory to process 25,000 pairwise interactions)

    Information measures and classicality in quantum mechanics

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    We study information measures in quantu mechanics, with particular emphasis on providing a quantification of the notions of classicality and predictability. Our primary tool is the Shannon - Wehrl entropy I. We give a precise criterion for phase space classicality and argue that in view of this a) I provides a measure of the degree of deviation from classicality for closed system b) I - S (S the von Neumann entropy) plays the same role in open systems We examine particular examples in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Finally, (this being one of our main motivations) we comment on field classicalisation on early universe cosmology.Comment: 35 pages, LATE

    Constraints on growth index parameters from current and future observations

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    We use current and future simulated data of the growth rate of large scale structure in combination with data from supernova, BAO, and CMB surface measurements, in order to put constraints on the growth index parameters. We use a recently proposed parameterization of the growth index that interpolates between a constant value at high redshifts and a form that accounts for redshift dependencies at small redshifts. We also suggest here another exponential parameterization with a similar behaviour. The redshift dependent parametrizations provide a sub-percent precision level to the numerical growth function, for the full redshift range. Using these redshift parameterizations or a constant growth index, we find that current available data from galaxy redshift distortions and Lyman-alpha forests is unable to put significant constraints on any of the growth parameters. For example both Λ\LambdaCDM and flat DGP are allowed by current growth data. We use an MCMC analysis to study constraints from future growth data, and simulate pessimistic and moderate scenarios for the uncertainties. In both scenarios, the redshift parameterizations discussed are able to provide significant constraints and rule out models when incorrectly assumed in the analysis. The values taken by the constant part of the parameterizations as well as the redshift slopes are all found to significantly rule out an incorrect background. We also find that, for our pessimistic scenario, an assumed constant growth index over the full redshift range is unable to rule out incorrect models in all cases. This is due to the fact that the slope acts as a second discriminator at smaller redshifts and therefore provide a significant test to identify the underlying gravity theory.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, matches JCAP accepted versio
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