112 research outputs found

    Microvariability Detection of Mrk 421

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    The BL Lac object Mrk 421 was observed in optical bands from 2009 April to 2012 May with the 1.0 m telescope at Weihai Observatory of Shandong University. Microvariability was analysed by C and F tests, but no significant microvariability was detected during our observations.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Statistical analysis of variability properties of the Kepler blazar W2R 1926+42

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    We analyzed Kepler light curves of the blazar W2R 1926+42 that provided nearly continuous coverage from quarter 11 through quarter 17 (589 days between 2011 and 2013) and examined some of their flux variability properties. We investigate the possibility that the light curve is dominated by a large number of individual flares and adopt exponential rise and decay models to investigate the symmetry properties of flares. We found that those variations of W2R 1926+42 are predominantly asymmetric with weak tendencies toward positive asymmetry (rapid rise and slow decay). The durations (D) and the amplitudes (F0) of flares can be fit with log-normal distributions. The energy (E) of each flare is also estimated for the first time. There are positive correlations between logD and logE with a slope of 1.36, and between logF0 and logE with a slope of 1.12. Lomb-Scargle periodograms are used to estimate the power spectral density (PSD) shape. It is well described by a power law with an index ranging between -1.1 and -1.5. The sizes of the emission regions, R, are estimated to be in the range of 1.1*10^15 cm - 6.6*10^16 cm. The flare asymmetry is difficult to explain by a light travel time effect but may be caused by differences between the timescales for acceleration and dissipation of high-energy particles in the relativistic jet. A jet-in-jet model also could produce the observed log-normal distributions

    Growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes from well-defined POSS nanoclusters structure

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    High-quality single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with narrow diameter distribution can be generated from well-defined Si8O12 nanoclusters structure which form from thermal decomposition of chemically modified polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS). The nanosized SixOy particles were proved to be responsible for the SWNT growth and believed to be the reason for the narrow diameter distribution of the as-grown SWNTs. This could be extended to other POSS. The SWNTs grown from the nanosized SixOy particles were found to be semiconducting enriched SWNTs (s-SWNTs). A facile patterning technology, direct photolithography, was developed for generating SWNT pattern, which is compatible to industrial-level fabrication of SWNTs pattern for device applications. The metal-free growth together with preferential growth of s-SWNTs and patterning in large scale from the structure-defined silicon oxide nanoclusters not only represent a big step toward the control growth of SWNTs and fabrication of devices for applications particularly in nanoelectronics and biomedicine but also provide a system for further studying and understanding the growth mechanism of SWNTs from nanosized materials and the relationship between the structure of SWNT and nonmetal catalysts

    Statistical analysis of micro-variability properties of the blazar S5 0716+714

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    The typical blazar S5 0716++714 is very interesting due to its rapid and large amplitude variability and high duty cycle of micro-variability in optical band. We analyze the observations in I, R and V bands obtained with the 1.0m1.0m telescope at Weihai observatory of Shandong University from 2011 to 2018. The model of synchrotron radiation from turbulent cells in a jet has been proposed as a mechanism for explaining micro-variability seen in blazar light curves. Parameters such as the sizes of turbulent cells, the enhanced particle densities, and the location of the turbulent cells in the jet can be studied using this model. The model predicts a time lag between variations as observed in different frequency bands. Automatic model fitting method for micro-variability is developed, and the fitting results of our multi-frequency micro-variability observations support the model. The results show that both the amplitude and duration of flares decomposed from the micro-variability light curves confirm to the log-normal distribution. The turbulent cell size is within the range of about 5 to 55 AU, and the time lags of the micro-variability flares between the I-R and R-V bands should be several minutes. The time lags obtained from the turbulence model are consistent with the fitting statistical results, and the time lags of flares are correlated with the time lags of the whole light curve.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, Accepted by Ap

    Prominence detection and chromosphere feature on the prototype RS CVn of active binary systems

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    We present a study of high-resolution spectra of RS Canum Venaticorum (RS CVn), a prototype of active binary systems. Our data were obtained from 1998 to 2017 using different telescopes. We analyze the chromospheric activity indicators Ca II IRT, Hα_{\alpha}, Na I D1_{1}, D2_{2} doublet, He I D3_{3}, and Hβ_{\beta} using a spectral subtraction technique. The chromospheric emission stems mainly from the K2 IV primary star, while the F5 V secondary star only shows weak emission features in a few of our spectra. We find excess absorption features in the subtracted Hα_{\alpha} lines and other activity indicators from spectra taken near primary eclipse, which we ascribe to prominence-like material associated with the primary star. We estimate size limits of these tentative prominences based on the geometry of the binary system, and investigate the physical properties of the strongest prominence. An optical flare, characterized by He I D3_{3} line emission, together with stronger emission in other activity lines, was detected. The flare energy is roughly comparable to strong flares observed on other RS CVn-type stars. The chromospherically active longitudes of RS CVn most frequently appear near the two quadratures of the system and display changes between observing runs, which indicates an ongoing evolution of its active regions

    Cannabinoids help to unravel etiological aspects in common and bring hope for the treatment of autism and epilepsy

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    Desde 1843 que as propriedades anticonvulsivantes da Cannabis são conhecidas pela ciência ocidental. Em 1980, ensaios clínicos demonstraram que canabidiol possui atividade antiepilética em pacientes de epilepsia refratária, sendo sonolência o único efeito colateral. O embargo imposto pela proibição do uso medicinal da Cannabis, no entanto, prejudicou imensamente o desenvolvimento científico e a exploração dessas propriedades. Multiplicam-se, contudo, os casos bem sucedidos de uso ilegal e sem orientação para o tratamento de síndromes caracterizadas por epilepsia e autismo regressivo. Os resultados corroboram evidências científicas que indicam a existência de processos etiológicos comuns entre o autismo e a epilepsia. Estudos em modelos animais confirmam envolvimento do sistema endocanabinoide. Esses avanços apontam o início de uma revolução no entendimento e tratamento desses transtornos.Since 1843 the anticonvulsant properties of Cannabis are known by the Western science. In 1980, clinical trials have shown that cannabidiol has antiepileptic activity in refractory epilepsy patients, with drowsiness as the only side effect. The embargo imposed by banning medicinal Cannabis use, however, harmed scientific development and the exploration of these properties. However, there is a growing number of successful cases of illegal use without guidance for the treatment of syndromes characterized by epilepsy and regressive autism. The results corroborate scientific evidence that indicates the existence of common etiological aspects between autism and epilepsy. Studies in animal models have confirmed involvement of the endocannabinoid system. These advances indicate the beginning of a revolution in the understanding and treatment of these disorders