9 research outputs found

    Inherent Redundancy in Spiking Neural Networks

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    Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are well known as a promising energy-efficient alternative to conventional artificial neural networks. Subject to the preconceived impression that SNNs are sparse firing, the analysis and optimization of inherent redundancy in SNNs have been largely overlooked, thus the potential advantages of spike-based neuromorphic computing in accuracy and energy efficiency are interfered. In this work, we pose and focus on three key questions regarding the inherent redundancy in SNNs. We argue that the redundancy is induced by the spatio-temporal invariance of SNNs, which enhances the efficiency of parameter utilization but also invites lots of noise spikes. Further, we analyze the effect of spatio-temporal invariance on the spatio-temporal dynamics and spike firing of SNNs. Then, motivated by these analyses, we propose an Advance Spatial Attention (ASA) module to harness SNNs' redundancy, which can adaptively optimize their membrane potential distribution by a pair of individual spatial attention sub-modules. In this way, noise spike features are accurately regulated. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly drop the spike firing with better performance than state-of-the-art SNN baselines. Our code is available in \url{https://github.com/BICLab/ASA-SNN}.Comment: Accepted by ICCV202

    Spike-driven Transformer

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    Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) provide an energy-efficient deep learning option due to their unique spike-based event-driven (i.e., spike-driven) paradigm. In this paper, we incorporate the spike-driven paradigm into Transformer by the proposed Spike-driven Transformer with four unique properties: 1) Event-driven, no calculation is triggered when the input of Transformer is zero; 2) Binary spike communication, all matrix multiplications associated with the spike matrix can be transformed into sparse additions; 3) Self-attention with linear complexity at both token and channel dimensions; 4) The operations between spike-form Query, Key, and Value are mask and addition. Together, there are only sparse addition operations in the Spike-driven Transformer. To this end, we design a novel Spike-Driven Self-Attention (SDSA), which exploits only mask and addition operations without any multiplication, and thus having up to 87.2×87.2\times lower computation energy than vanilla self-attention. Especially in SDSA, the matrix multiplication between Query, Key, and Value is designed as the mask operation. In addition, we rearrange all residual connections in the vanilla Transformer before the activation functions to ensure that all neurons transmit binary spike signals. It is shown that the Spike-driven Transformer can achieve 77.1\% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K, which is the state-of-the-art result in the SNN field. The source code is available at https://github.com/BICLab/Spike-Driven-Transformer