2,115 research outputs found

    A Study on Tourism Development Strategy of Kaohsiung City in Taiwan after Urban Style Regeneration

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    Urban tourism has gradually been emphasized in past years; especially, it is regarded as a savior of urban regeneration in old industrial cities. When losing the competitive advantages and getting declined, old industrial cities are facing the challenge of transformation. The development of urban tourism is considered as the opportunity of industrial cities in dark recession that they start to involve in the development of tourism. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied in this study to evaluate key success factors in the tourism development strategy of Kaohsiung City after the urban style regeneration. AHP is used for confirming the levels of various evaluation factors. The first hierarchy contains four evaluation dimensions, and 14 evaluation standards are covered in the second hierarchy. The results reveal the important sequence of four evaluation factors in the second hierarchy as (1) marketing activity, (2) management strategy, (3) recreational environment, and (4) infrastructure, where the importance of evaluation factors in the third hierarchy is sequenced as (1) urban attraction, (2) environmental facility maintenance, (3) celebrations, (4) local characteristics, and (5) natural landscape. The research results and suggestions in this study are expected to enhance the tourism development of Kaohsiung City in Taiwan after the urban style regeneration.     Keywords: urban style, tourism development strategy, key success factors, Delphi method, AH

    Piezoelectric control of the magnetic anisotropy via interface strain coupling in a composite multiferroic structure

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    We investigate theoretically the magnetic dynamics in a ferroelectric/ferromagnetic heterostructure coupled via strain-mediated magnetoelectric interaction. We predict an electric field-induced magnetic switching in the plane perpendicular to the magneto-crystalline easy axis, and trace this effect back to the piezoelectric control of the magnetoelastic coupling. We also investigate the magnetic remanence and the electric coercivity

    A new approach to axial coupling constants in the QCD sum rule

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    We derive new QCD sum rules for the axial coupling constants by considering two-point correlation functions of the axial-vector currents in a one nucleon state. The QCD sum rules tell us that the axial coupling constants are expressed by nucleon matrix elements of quark and gluon operators which are related to the sigma terms and the moments of parton distribution functions. The results for the iso-vector axial coupling constants and the 8th component of the SU(3) octet are in good agreement with experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure include

    Spontaneous Crystallization of Skyrmions and Fractional Vortices in the Fast-rotating and Rapidly-quenched Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We investigate the spontaneous generation of crystallized topological defects via the combining effects of fast rotation and rapid thermal quench on the spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates. By solving the stochastic projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation, we show that, when the system reaches equilibrium, a hexagonal lattice of skyrmions, and a square lattice of half-quantized vortices can be formed in a ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spinor BEC, respetively, which can be imaged by using the polarization-dependent phase-contrast method

    Variability in Biomarkers of Arsenic Exposure and Metabolism in Adults over Time

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    Background: Urinary arsenic metabolites (UAs) are used as biomarkers of exposure and metabolism. Ojectives: To characterize inter- and intraindividual variability in UAs in healthy individuals. Methods: In a longitudinal study conducted in Bangladesh, we collected water and spot urine samples from 196 participants every 3 months for 2 years. Water arsenic (As) was measured by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and urinary As [arsenite, arsenate, monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA)] were detected using high-performance liquid chromatography-hydride-generated atomic absorption spectrometry. We used linear mixed-effects models to compute variance components and evaluate the association between UAs and selected factors. Results: The concentrations of UAs were fairly reproducible within individuals, with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of 0.41, 0.35, 0.47, and 0.49 for inorganic As (InAs), MMA, DMA, and total urinary As (TUA). However, when expressed as a ratio, the percent InAs (%InAs), %MMA, and %DMA were poorly reproducible within individuals, with ICCs of 0.16, 0.16, and 0.17, respectively. Arsenic metabolism was significantly associated with sex, exposure, age, smoking, chewing betel nut, urinary creatinine, and season. Specificity and sensitivity analyses showed that a single urine sample adequately classified a participant's urinary As profile as high or low, but TUA had only moderate specificity for correctly classifying drinking water exposures. Conclusions: Epidemiologic studies should use both urinary As concentrations and the relative proportion of UAs to minimize measurement error and to facilitate interpretation of factors that influence As metabolism

    Impact of measurement backaction on nuclear spin qubits in silicon

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    Phosphorus donor nuclear spins in silicon couple weakly to the environment making them promising candidates for high-fidelity qubits. The state of a donor nuclear spin qubit can be manipulated and read out using its hyperfine interaction with the electron confined by the donor potential. Here we use a master equation-based approach to investigate how the backaction from this electron-mediated measurement affects the lifetimes of single and multi-donor qubits. We analyze this process as a function of electric and magnetic fields, and hyperfine interaction strength. Apart from single nuclear spin flips, we identify an additional measurement-related mechanism, the nuclear spin flip-flop, which is specific to multi-donor qubits. Although this flip-flop mechanism reduces qubit lifetimes, we show that it can be effectively suppressed by the hyperfine Stark shift. We show that using atomic precision donor placement and engineered Stark shift, we can minimize the measurement backaction in multi-donor qubits, achieving larger nuclear spin lifetimes than single donor qubits