29,431 research outputs found

    Anomaly induced QCD potential and Quark Decoupling

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    We explore the anomaly induced effective QCD meson potential in the framework of the effective Lagrangian approach. We suggest a decoupling procedure, when a flavored quark becomes massive, which mimics the one employed by Seiberg for supersymmetric gauge theories. It is seen that, after decoupling, the QCD potential naturally converts to the one with one less flavor. We study the NcN_c and NfN_f dependence of the η\eta^{\prime} mass.Comment: 11 pages, RevTe

    Volume Stabilization and the Origin of the Inflaton Shift Symmetry in String Theory

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    The main problem of inflation in string theory is finding the models with a flat potential, consistent with stabilization of the volume of the compactified space. This can be achieved in the theories where the potential has (an approximate) shift symmetry in the inflaton direction. We will identify a class of models where the shift symmetry uniquely follows from the underlying mathematical structure of the theory. It is related to the symmetry properties of the corresponding coset space and the period matrix of special geometry, which shows how the gauge coupling depends on the volume and the position of the branes. In particular, for type IIB string theory on K3xT^2/Z with D3 or D7 moduli belonging to vector multiplets, the shift symmetry is a part of SO(2,2+n) symmetry of the coset space [SU(1,1)/ U(1)]x[SO(2,2+n)/(SO(2)x SO(2+n)]. The absence of a prepotential, specific for the stringy version of supergravity, plays a prominent role in this construction, which may provide a viable mechanism for the accelerated expansion and inflation in the early universe.Comment: 12 page

    Evaluation and comparison of satellite precipitation estimates with reference to a local area in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Precipitation is one of the major variables for many applications and disciplines related to water resources and the geophysical Earth system. Satellite retrieval systems, rain-gauge networks, and radar systems are complementary to each other in terms of their coverage and capability of monitoring precipitation. Satellite-rainfall estimate systems produce data with global coverage that can provide information in areas for which data from other sources are unavailable. Without referring to ground measurements, satellite-based estimates can be biased and, although some gauge-adjusted satellite-precipitation products have been already developed, an effective way of integrating multi-sources of precipitation information is still a challenge.In this study, a specific area, the Sicilia Island (Italy), has been selected for the evaluation of satellite-precipitation products based on rain-gauge data. This island is located in the Mediterranean Sea, with a particular climatology and morphology, which can be considered an interesting test site for satellite-precipitation products in the European mid-latitude area. Four satellite products (CMORPH, PERSIANN, PERSIANN-CCS, and TMPA-RT) and two GPCP-adjusted products (TMPA and PERSIANN Adjusted) have been selected. Evaluation and comparison of selected products is performed with reference to data provided by the rain-gauge network of the Island Sicilia and by using statistical and graphical tools. Particular attention is paid to bias issues shown both by only-satellite and adjusted products. In order to investigate the current and potential possibilities of improving estimates by means of adjustment procedures using GPCC ground precipitation, the data have been retrieved separately and compared directly with the reference rain-gauge network data set of the study area.Results show that bias is still considerable for all satellite products, then some considerations about larger area climatology, PMW-retrieval algorithms, and GPCC data are discussed to address this issue, along with the spatial and seasonal characterization of results. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Tendency of spherically imploding plasma liners formed by merging plasma jets to evolve toward spherical symmetry

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    Three dimensional hydrodynamic simulations have been performed using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) in order to study the effects of discrete jets on the processes of plasma liner formation, implosion on vacuum, and expansion. The pressure history of the inner portion of the liner was qualitatively and quantitatively similar from peak compression through the complete stagnation of the liner among simulation results from two one dimensional radiationhydrodynamic codes, 3D SPH with a uniform liner, and 3D SPH with 30 discrete plasma jets. Two dimensional slices of the pressure show that the discrete jet SPH case evolves towards a profile that is almost indistinguishable from the SPH case with a uniform liner, showing that non-uniformities due to discrete jets are smeared out by late stages of the implosion. Liner formation and implosion on vacuum was also shown to be robust to Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth. Interparticle mixing for a liner imploding on vacuum was investigated. The mixing rate was very small until after peak compression for the 30 jet simulation.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Physics of Plasmas (2012

    Multi-chord fiber-coupled interferometer with a long coherence length laser

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    This paper describes a 561 nm laser heterodyne interferometer that provides time-resolved measurements of line-integrated plasma electron density within the range of 10^15-10^18 cm^(-2). Such plasmas are produced by railguns on the Plasma Liner Experiment (PLX), which aims to produce \mu s-, cm-, and Mbar-scale plasmas through the merging of thirty plasma jets in a spherically convergent geometry. A long coherence length, 320 mW laser allows for a strong, sub-fringe phase-shift signal without the need for closely-matched probe and reference path lengths. Thus only one reference path is required for all eight probe paths, and an individual probe chord can be altered without altering the reference or other probe path lengths. Fiber-optic decoupling of the probe chord optics on the vacuum chamber from the rest of the system allows the probe paths to be easily altered to focus on different spatial regions of the plasma. We demonstrate that sub-fringe resolution capability allows the interferometer to operate down to line-integrated densities of order 10^15 cm^(-2).Comment: submitted to Rev. Sci. Instrum. (2011

    Liquid sloshing in elastic containers

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    Coupled oscillations of elastic container partially filled with incompressible liqui

    Novel Pressure Induced Structural Phase Transition in AgSbTe2_{2}

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    We report a novel high pressure structural sequence for the functionally graded thermoelectric, narrow band gap semiconductor AgSbTe2_{2}, using angle dispersive x-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell with synchrotron radiation at room temperature. The compound undergoes a B1 to B2 transition; the transition proceeds through an intermediate amorphous phase found between 17-26 GPa that is quenchable down to ambient conditions. The pressure induced structural transition observed in this compound is the first of its type reported in this ternary cubic family, and it is new for the B1-B2 transition pathway reported to date. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations performed for the B1 and B2 phases are in good agreement with the experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure