29,680 research outputs found

    A Unified Gravity-Electroweak Model Based on a Generalized Yang-Mills Framework

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    Gravitational and electroweak interactions can be unified in analogy with the unification in the Weinberg-Salam theory. The Yang-Mills framework is generalized to include space-time translational group T(4), whose generators T_{\mu}(=\p/\p x^{\mu}) do not have constant matrix representations. By gauging T(4)×SU(2)×U(1)T(4) \times SU(2) \times U(1) in flat space-time, we have a new tensor field ϕμν\phi_{\mu\nu} which universally couples to all particles and anti-particles with the same constant gg, which has the dimension of length. In this unified model, the T(4) gauge symmetry dictates that all wave equations of fermions, massive bosons and the photon in flat space-time reduce to a Hamilton-Jacobi equation with the same `effective Riemann metric tensor' in the geometric-optics limit. Consequently, the results are consistent with experiments. We demonstrated that the T(4) gravitational gauge field can be quantized in inertial frames.Comment: 12 pages. To be published in "Modern Physics Letters A

    Finite element analysis of stress distribution and the effects of geometry in a laser-generated single-stage ceramic tile grout seal using ANSYS

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    Optimisation of the geometry (curvature of the vitrified enamel layer) of a laser-generated single-stage ceramic tile grout seal has carried out with a finite element (FE) model. The overall load bearing capacities and load-displacement plots of three selected geometries were determined experimentally by the indentation technique. Simultaneously, a FE model was developed utilising the commercial ANSYS package to simulate the indentation. Although the load-displacement plots generated by the FE model consistently displayed stiffer identities than the experimentally obtained results, there was reasonably close agreement between the two sets of results. Stress distribution profiles of the three FE models at failure loads were analysed and correlated so as to draw an implication on the prediction of a catastrophic failure through an analysis of FE-generated stress distribution profiles. It was observed that although increased curvatures of the vitrified enamel layer do enhance the overall load-bearing capacity of the single-stage ceramic tile grout seal and bring about a lower nominal stress, there is a higher build up in stress concentration at the apex that would inevitably reduce the load-bearing capacity of the enamel glaze. Consequently, the optimum geometry of the vitrified enamel layer was determined to be flat

    Quantitative Simulation of the Superconducting Proximity Effect

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    A numerical method is developed to calculate the transition temperature of double or multi-layers consisting of films of super- and normal conductors. The approach is based on a dynamic interpretation of Gorkov's linear gap equation and is very flexible. The mean free path of the different metals, transmission through the interface, ratio of specular reflection to diffusive scattering at the surfaces, and fraction of diffusive scattering at the interface can be included. Furthermore it is possible to vary the mean free path and the BCS interaction NV in the vicinity of the interface. The numerical results show that the normalized initial slope of an SN double layer is independent of almost all film parameters except the ratio of the density of states. There are only very few experimental investigations of this initial slope and they consist of Pb/Nn double layers (Nn stands for a normal metal). Surprisingly the coefficient of the initial slope in these experiments is of the order or less than 2 while the (weak coupling) theory predicts a value of about 4.5. This discrepancy has not been recognized in the past. The autor suggests that it is due to strong coupling behavior of Pb in the double layers. The strong coupling gap equation is evaluated in the thin film limit and yields the value of 1.6 for the coefficient. This agrees much better with the few experimental results that are available. PACS: 74.45.+r, 74.62.-c, 74.20.F

    Experimental Identification of the Kink Instability as a Poloidal Flux Amplification Mechanism for Coaxial Gun Spheromak Formation

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    The magnetohydrodynamic kink instability is observed and identified experimentally as a poloidal flux amplification mechanism for coaxial gun spheromak formation. Plasmas in this experiment fall into three distinct regimes which depend on the peak gun current to magnetic flux ratio, with (I) low values resulting in a straight plasma column with helical magnetic field, (II) intermediate values leading to kinking of the column axis, and (III) high values leading immediately to a detached plasma. Onset of column kinking agrees quantitatively with the Kruskal-Shafranov limit, and the kink acts as a dynamo which converts toroidal to poloidal flux. Regime II clearly leads to both poloidal flux amplification and the development of a spheromak configuration.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Sagnac Interferometer Enhanced Particle Tracking in Optical Tweezers

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    A setup is proposed to enhance tracking of very small particles, by using optical tweezers embedded within a Sagnac interferometer. The achievable signal-to-noise ratio is shown to be enhanced over that for a standard optical tweezers setup. The enhancement factor increases asymptotically as the interferometer visibility approaches 100%, but is capped at a maximum given by the ratio of the trapping field intensity to the detector saturation threshold. For an achievable visibility of 99%, the signal-to-noise ratio is enhanced by a factor of 200, and the minimum trackable particle size is 2.4 times smaller than without the interferometer

    A review of Monte Carlo simulations of polymers with PERM

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    In this review, we describe applications of the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM), a sequential Monte Carlo algorithm with resampling, to various problems in polymer physics. PERM produces samples according to any given prescribed weight distribution, by growing configurations step by step with controlled bias, and correcting "bad" configurations by "population control". The latter is implemented, in contrast to other population based algorithms like e.g. genetic algorithms, by depth-first recursion which avoids storing all members of the population at the same time in computer memory. The problems we discuss all concern single polymers (with one exception), but under various conditions: Homopolymers in good solvents and at the Θ\Theta point, semi-stiff polymers, polymers in confining geometries, stretched polymers undergoing a forced globule-linear transition, star polymers, bottle brushes, lattice animals as a model for randomly branched polymers, DNA melting, and finally -- as the only system at low temperatures, lattice heteropolymers as simple models for protein folding. PERM is for some of these problems the method of choice, but it can also fail. We discuss how to recognize when a result is reliable, and we discuss also some types of bias that can be crucial in guiding the growth into the right directions.Comment: 29 pages, 26 figures, to be published in J. Stat. Phys. (2011

    A quantum study of multi-bit phase coding for optical storage

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    We propose a scheme which encodes information in both the longitudinal and spatial transverse phases of a continuous-wave optical beam. A split detector-based interferometric scheme is then introduced to optimally detect both encoded phase signals. In contrast to present-day optical storage devices, our phase coding scheme has an information storage capacity which scales with the power of the read-out optical beam. We analyse the maximum number of encoding possibilities at the shot noise limit. In addition, we show that using squeezed light, the shot noise limit can be overcome and the number of encoding possibilities increased. We discuss a possible application of our phase coding scheme for increasing the capacities of optical storage devices.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures (Please email author for a PDF file if the manuscript does not turn out properly

    Solutions for real dispersionless Veselov-Novikov hierarchy

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    We investigate the dispersionless Veselov-Novikov (dVN) equation based on the framework of dispersionless two-component BKP hierarchy. Symmetry constraints for real dVN system are considered. It is shown that under symmetry reductions, the conserved densities are therefore related to the associated Faber polynomials and can be solved recursively. Moreover, the method of hodograph transformation as well as the expressions of Faber polynomials are used to find exact real solutions of the dVN hierarchy.Comment: 14 page