1,221 research outputs found

    Designing for systems of smart things

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    The Internet of Things has been a success for enterprises and several industrial sectors, but not yet a success for end users in home environments at the fringe of the cloud. Many studies reveal that beyond the initial amazement, connected devices add little value over their unconnected siblings, focus on too narrow use cases in mostly hypothetical scenarios, often fail to provide a good out-of-the-box experience, and are not able to learn and adapt in a meaningful way to our complex contextualized realities. Indeed, what is available commercially often feels like reiterating technological innovation over actually progressing human capabilities and addressing important needs.This special issue started from the observation that after years of struggling to gain a foothold, designing for systems has finally found its place and area of application in design for the Internet of Things (IoT). Designing for systems and design for devices connecting into the Internet of Things have been explored not only in recent years, but already some years ago, when ubiquitous computing and later ambient intelligence emerged. While core insights remain valid, technologies have matured and spread significantly over recent years, bringing connected devices and services into the homes and direct proximity of end users..

    Leaf Extracts of Calocedrus formosana (Florin) Induce G2/M Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Bladder Cancer Cells

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    Calocedrus formosana (Florin) bark acetone/ethylacetate extracts are known to exert an antitumor effect on some human cancer cell lines, but the mechanism is yet to be defined. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of Florin leaf methanol extracts on the growth and apoptosis of human bladder cancer cell lines. MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay showed that the growth of these bladder cancer cells was potently inhibited by the Florin leaf extracts. The cell cycle of these extract-treated cells (TCCSUP cells) was arrested at the G2/M phase as determined by flow cytometry. Western blot analysis revealed the increases of cyclin B1 and Cdc2 kinase levels, alone with the decrease of phosphorylated Cdc2 kinase, after treating these cells with the extracts. An immunofluorescence assessment of β-tubulin showed decreased levels of polymerized tubulin in treated cells. However, the proteolytic cleavage of poly ADP-ribose polymerase and the activation of caspase-3/-8/-9 were all increased upon treatments of extracts. The concurrent increase of Bax and decrease of Bcl-2 levels indicated that the extracts could induce apoptosis in these treated cells. Taken together, these results suggest that the Florin leaf extracts may be an effective antibladder cancer agent

    The Synthesis and Characterization of LiFeAs and NaFeAs

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    The newest homologous series of superconducting As-pnictides, LiFeAs (Li111) and NaFeAs (Na111) have been synthesized and investigated. Both crystallize with the layered tetragonal anti-PbFCl-type structure in P4/nmm space group. Polycrystalline samples and single-crystals of Li111 and Na111 display superconducting transitions at ~ 18 K and 12-25 K, respectively. No magnetic order has been found in either compound, although a weak magnetic background is clearly in evidence. The origin of the carriers and the stoichiometric compositions of Li111 and Na111 were explored.Comment: submitted for publication in Physica C special issue on Fe-pnictide

    Mutational Analysis of Splicing Activities of Ribonucleotide Reductase alpha Subunit Protein from Lytic Bacteriophage P1201

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    A CP1201 RIR1 intein is found in the ribonucleotide reductase alpha subunit (RNR alpha subunit) protein of lytic bacteriophage P1201 from Corynebacterium glutamicum NCHU 87078. This intein can be over-expressed and spliced in Escherichia coli NovaBlue cells. Mutations of C539, the N-terminal residue of the C-extein in the CP1201 RIR1 protein, led to the changes of pattern and level of protein-splicing activities. A G392S variant was found to be a temperature-sensitive protein with complete splicing activity at 17 and 28 degrees C but not at 37 degrees C or higher. We also found that the cleavage at the CP1201 RIR1 intein C-terminus of the double mutant G392S/C539G was blocked, but other cleavage activities could be efficiently performed at 17 degrees C. G392S/C539G variant possessed the properties of low-temperature-induced cleavage at the intein N-terminus

    Traveling wave solutions for a predator-prey system with Sigmoidal response function

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    We study the existence of traveling wave solutions for a diffusive predator-prey system. The system considered in this paper is governed by a Sigmoidal response function which is more general than those studied previously. Our method is an improvement to the original method introduced in the work of Dunbar \cite{Dunbar1,Dunbar2}. A bounded Wazewski set is used in this work while unbounded Wazewski sets were used in \cite{Dunbar1,Dunbar2}. The existence of traveling wave solutions connecting two equilibria is established by using the original Wazewski's theorem which is much simpler than the extended version in Dunbar's work

    BMP-2 induces ATF4 phosphorylation in chondrocytes through a COX-2/PGE2 dependent signaling pathway

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    SummaryObjectiveBone morphogenic protein (BMP)-2 is approved for fracture non-union and spine fusion. We aimed to further dissect its downstream signaling events in chondrocytes with the ultimate goal to develop novel therapeutics that can mimic BMP-2 effect but have less complications.MethodsBMP-2 effect on cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 expression was examined using Real time quantitative PCR (RT-PCR) and Western blot analysis. Genetic approach was used to identify the signaling pathway mediating the BMP-2 effect. Similarly, the pathway transducing the PGE2 effect on ATF4 was investigated. Immunoprecipitation (IP) was performed to assess the complex formation after PGE2 binding.ResultsBMP-2 increased COX-2 expression in primary mouse costosternal chondrocytes (PMCSC). The results from the C9 Tet-off system demonstrated that endogenous BMP-2 also upregulated COX-2 expression. Genetic approaches using PMCSC from ALK2fx/fx, ALK3fx/fx, ALK6−/−, and Smad1fx/fx mice established that BMP-2 regulated COX-2 through activation of ALK3–Smad1 signaling. PGE-2 EIA showed that BMP-2 increased PGE2 production in PMCSC. ATF4 is a transcription factor that regulates bone formation. While PGE2 did not have significant effect on ATF4 expression, it induced ATF4 phosphorylation. In addition to stimulating COX-2 expression, BMP-2 also induced phosphorylation of ATF4. Using COX-2 deficient chondrocytes, we demonstrated that the BMP-2 effect on ATF4 was COX-2-dependent. Tibial fracture samples from COX-2−/− mice showed reduced phospho-ATF4 immunoreactivity compared to wild type (WT) ones. PGE2 mediated ATF4 phosphorylation involved signaling primarily through the EP2 and EP4 receptors and PGE2 induced an EP4-ERK1/2-RSK2 complex formation.ConclusionsBMP-2 regulates COX-2 expression through ALK3–Smad1 signaling, and PGE2 induces ATF4 phosphorylation via EP4-ERK1/2-RSK2 axis

    Early stage morphology of quench condensed Ag, Pb and Pb/Ag hybrid films

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    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) has been used to study the morphology of Ag, Pb and Pb/Ag bilayer films fabricated by quench condensation of the elements onto cold (T=77K), inert and atomically flat Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) substrates. All films are thinner than 10 nm and show a granular structure that is consistent with earlier studies of QC films. The average lateral diameter, 2rˉ\bar {2r}, of the Ag grains, however, depends on whether the Ag is deposited directly on HOPG (2rˉ\bar {2r} = 13 nm) or on a Pb film consisting of a single layer of Pb grains (2rˉ\bar {2r} = 26.8 nm). In addition, the critical thickness for electrical conduction (dGd_{G}) of Pb/Ag films on inert glass substrates is substantially larger than for pure Ag films. These results are evidence that the structure of the underlying substrate exerts an influence on the size of the grains in QC films. We propose a qualitative explanation for this previously unencountered phenomenon.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures and one tabl

    Striped antiferromagnetic order and electronic properties of stoichiometric LiFeAs from first-principles calculations

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    We investigate the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of stoichiometric LiFeAs by using state-of-the-arts first-principles method. We find the magnetic ground-state by comparing the total energies among all the possible magnetic orders. Our calculated internal positions of Li and As are in good agreement with experiment. Our results show that stoichiometric LiFeAs has almost the same striped antiferromagnetic spin order as other FeAs-based parent compounds and tetragonal FeSe do, and the experimental fact that no magnetic phase transition has been observed at finite temperature is attributed to the tiny inter-layer spin coupling

    Identification of the lipopolysaccharide modifications controlled by the Salmonella PmrA/PmrB system mediating resistance to Fe(III) and Al(III)

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    Iron is an essential metal but can be toxic in excess. While several homeostatic mechanisms prevent oxygen-dependent killing promoted by Fe(II), little is known about how cells cope with Fe(III), which kills by oxygen-independent means. Several Gram-negative bacterial species harbour a regulatory system – termed PmrA/PmrB – that is activated by and required for resistance to Fe(III). We now report the identification of the PmrA-regulated determinants mediating resistance to Fe(III) and Al(III) in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. We establish that these determinants remodel two regions of the lipopolysaccharide, decreasing the negative charge of this major constituent of the outer membrane. Remodelling entails the covalent modification of the two phosphates in the lipid A region with phosphoethanolamine and 4-aminoarabinose, which has been previously implicated in resistance to polymyxin B, as well as dephosphorylation of the Hep(II) phosphate in the core region by the PmrG protein. A mutant lacking the PmrA-regulated Fe(III) resistance genes bound more Fe(III) than the wild-type strain and was defective for survival in soil, suggesting that these PmrA-regulated lipopolysaccharide modifications aid Salmonella's survival and spread in non-host environments