23,587 research outputs found

    Internally coated air-cooled gas turbine blading

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    Ten candidate modified nickel-aluminide coatings were developed using the slip pack process. These coatings contain additives such as silicon, chromium and columbium in a nickel-aluminum coating matrix with directionally solidified MAR-M200 + Hf as the substrate alloy. Following a series of screening tests which included strain tolerance, dynamic oxidation and hot corrosion testing, the Ni-19A1-1Cb (nominal composition) coating was selected for application to the internal passages of four first-stage turbine blades. Process development results indicate that a dry pack process is suitable for internal coating application resulting in 18 percent or less reduction in air flow. Coating uniformity, based on coated air-cooled blades, was within + or - 20 percent. Test results show that the presence of additives (silicon, chromium or columbium) appeared to improve significantly the ductility of the NiA1 matrix. However, the environmental resistance of these modified nickel-aluminides were generally inferior to the simple aluminides

    New urea-absorbing polymers for artificial kidney machines

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    Etherified polymer is made from modified cellulose derivative which is reacted with periodate. It will absorb 2 grams of urea per 100 grams of polymer. Indications are that polymers could be used to help remove uremic wastes in artificial kidneys, or they could be administered orally as therapy for uremia

    Aldehyde-containing urea-absorbing polysaccharides

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    A novel aldehyde containing polymer (ACP) is prepared by reaction of a polysaccharide with periodate to introduce aldehyde groups onto the C2 - C3 carbon atoms. By introduction of ether and ester groups onto the pendant primary hydroxyl solubility characteristics are modified. The ACP is utilized to absorb nitrogen bases such as urea in vitro or in vivo

    Thermal gravity, black holes and cosmological entropy

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    Taking seriously the interpretation of black hole entropy as the logarithm of the number of microstates, we argue that thermal gravitons may undergo a phase transition to a kind of black hole condensate. The phase transition proceeds via nucleation of black holes at a rate governed by a saddlepoint configuration whose free energy is of order the inverse temperature in Planck units. Whether the universe remains in a low entropy state as opposed to the high entropy black hole condensate depends sensitively on its thermal history. Our results may clarify an old observation of Penrose regarding the very low entropy state of the universe.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTex. v4: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Holographic dark energy model with non-minimal coupling

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    We find that holographic dark energy model with non-minimally coupled scalar field gives rise to an accelerating universe by choosing Hubble scale as IR cutoff. We show viable range of a non-minimal coupling parameter in the framework of this model.Comment: 7 pages, no figure, corrected some typos, to be published in Europhys. Let

    Is anterior N2 enhancement a reliable electrophysiological index of concealed information?

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    publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Is anterior N2 enhancement a reliable electrophysiological index of concealed information? journaltitle: NeuroImage articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.08.042 content_type: article copyright: © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Anionic lipids enriched at the ExPortal of Streptococcus pyogenes

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    The ExPortal of Streptococcus pyogenes is a membrane microdomain dedicated to the secretion and folding of proteins. We investigated the lipid composition of the ExPortal by examining the distribution of anionic membrane phospholipids. Staining with 10-N-nonyl-acridine orange revealed a single microdomain enriched with an anionic phospholipid whose staining characteristics and behavior in a cardiolipin-deficient mutant were characteristic of phosphatidylglycerol. Furthermore, the location of the microdomain corresponded to the site of active protein secretion at the ExPortal. These results indicate that the ExPortal is an asymmetric lipid microdomain, whose enriched content of anionic phospholipids may play an important role in ExPortal organization and protein trafficking

    Business Students Perception Of University Library Service Quality And Satisfaction

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    The main purpose of this study is to examine the college students perception of library services, and to what extent the quality of library services influences students satisfaction. The findings depict the relationship between academic libraries and their users in todays digital world and identify critical factors that may sustain a viable library-user relationship on campus

    Energy and Angular Distributions of Electrons from Ion Impact on Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen. I. 20- 114-keV H\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e + H\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e

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    Apparatus and procedures are described for the measurement of absolute cross sections, differential in ejected electron energy and angle, for ionization of atomic and molecular hydrogen by ion impact. A hemispherical electrostatic energy analyzer, rotatable from 15° to 165° with respect to the direction of the incident ion beam, was used to measure energy spectra of secondary electrons from 1.5 to 300 eV. Cross sections at ten angles (nine at some energies) and five incident-ion energies from 20 to 114 keV for H+ +H2 collisions are given. The doubly differential cross sections were integrated over angle and electron energy to obtain singly differential and total-ionization cross sections. The uncertainty in the doubly differential cross sections is 21% at a secondary energy of 1.5 eV decreasing to 18% at 10 eV and above. The total cross sections have a rms deviation of 12% from recommended values. A broad peak at 6 eV in the energy spectrum of electrons from low-energy H+ +H2 collisions is attributed to autoionization

    Tunneling conductance of graphene ferromagnet-insulator-superconductor junctions

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    We study the transport properties of a graphene ferromagnet-insulator superconductor (FIS) junction within the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk formalism by solving spin-polarized Dirac-Bogoliubov-de-Gennes equation. We find that the retro and specular Andreev reflections in the graphene FIS junction are drastically modified in the presence of exchange interaction and that the spin-polarization (PTP_T) of tunneling current can be tuned from the positive to negative value by bias voltage (VV). In the thin-barrier limit, the conductance GG of a graphene FIS junction oscillates as a function of barrier strength χ\chi. Both the amplitude and phase of the conductance oscillation varies with the exchange energy EexE_{ex}. For Eex<EFE_{ex}<E_F (Fermi energy), the amplitude of oscillation decreases with EexE_{ex}. For Eexc>Eex>EFE_{ex}^{c}>E_{ex}>E_F, the amplitude of oscillation increases with EexE_{ex}, where Eexc=2EF+U0E_{ex}^{c}=2E_{F}+U_{0} (U0U_{0} is the applied electrostatic potential on the superconducting segment of the junction). For Eex>EexcE_{ex} > E_{ex}^{c}, the amplitude of oscillation decreases with EexE_{ex} again. Interestingly, a universal phase difference of π/2\pi/2 in χ\chi exists between the G−χG-\chi curves for Eex>EFE_{ex}>E_F and Eex<EFE_{ex}<E_F. Finally, we find that the transitions between retro and specular Andreev reflections occur at eV=∣EF−Eex∣eV=|E_{F}-E_{ex}| and eV=Eex+EFeV=E_{ex}+E_{F}, and hence the singular behavior of the conductance near these bias voltages results from the difference in transport properties between specular and retro Andreev reflections.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review
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