1,303 research outputs found

    Entanglement generation with a quantum channel and a shared state

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    We introduce a new protocol, the channel-state coding protocol, to quantum Shannon theory. This protocol generates entanglement between a sender and receiver by coding for a noisy quantum channel with the aid of a noisy shared state. The mother and father protocols arise as special cases of the channel-state coding protocol, where the channel is noiseless or the state is a noiseless maximally entangled state, respectively. The channel-state coding protocol paves the way for formulating entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes that are robust to noise in shared entanglement. Finally, the channel-state coding protocol leads to a Smith-Yard superactivation, where we can generate entanglement using a zero-capacity erasure channel and a non-distillable bound entangled state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement-assisted communication of classical and quantum information

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    We consider the problem of transmitting classical and quantum information reliably over an entanglement-assisted quantum channel. Our main result is a capacity theorem that gives a three-dimensional achievable rate region. Points in the region are rate triples, consisting of the classical communication rate, the quantum communication rate, and the entanglement consumption rate of a particular coding scheme. The crucial protocol in achieving the boundary points of the capacity region is a protocol that we name the classically-enhanced father protocol. The classically-enhanced father protocol is more general than other protocols in the family tree of quantum Shannon theoretic protocols, in the sense that several previously known quantum protocols are now child protocols of it. The classically-enhanced father protocol also shows an improvement over a time-sharing strategy for the case of a qubit dephasing channel--this result justifies the need for simultaneous coding of classical and quantum information over an entanglement-assisted quantum channel. Our capacity theorem is of a multi-letter nature (requiring a limit over many uses of the channel), but it reduces to a single-letter characterization for at least three channels: the completely depolarizing channel, the quantum erasure channel, and the qubit dephasing channel.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, simplification of capacity region--it now has the simple interpretation as the unit resource capacity region translated along the classically-enhanced father trade-off curv

    Drug diffusion from polymeric delivery devices: a problem with two moving boundaries

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    An existing model for solvent penetration and drug release from a spherically-shaped polymeric drug delivery device is revisited. The model has two moving boundaries, one that describes the interface between the glassy and rubbery states of polymer, and another that defines the interface between the polymer ball and the pool of solvent. The model is extended so that the nonlinear diffusion coefficient of drug explicitly depends on the concentration of solvent, and the resulting equations are solved numerically using a front-fixing transformation together with a finite difference spatial discretisation and the method of lines. We present evidence that our scheme is much more accurate than a previous scheme. Asymptotic results in the small-time limit are presented, which show how the use of a kinetic law as a boundary condition on the innermost moving boundary dictates qualitative behaviour, the scalings being very different to the similar moving boundary problem that arises from modelling the melting of an ice ball. The implication is that the model considered here exhibits what is referred to as ``non-Fickian'' or Case II diffusion which, together with the initially constant rate of drug release, has certain appeal from a pharmaceutical perspective

    Entanglement-assisted quantum turbo codes

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    An unexpected breakdown in the existing theory of quantum serial turbo coding is that a quantum convolutional encoder cannot simultaneously be recursive and non-catastrophic. These properties are essential for quantum turbo code families to have a minimum distance growing with blocklength and for their iterative decoding algorithm to converge, respectively. Here, we show that the entanglement-assisted paradigm simplifies the theory of quantum turbo codes, in the sense that an entanglement-assisted quantum (EAQ) convolutional encoder can possess both of the aforementioned desirable properties. We give several examples of EAQ convolutional encoders that are both recursive and non-catastrophic and detail their relevant parameters. We then modify the quantum turbo decoding algorithm of Poulin et al., in order to have the constituent decoders pass along only "extrinsic information" to each other rather than a posteriori probabilities as in the decoder of Poulin et al., and this leads to a significant improvement in the performance of unassisted quantum turbo codes. Other simulation results indicate that entanglement-assisted turbo codes can operate reliably in a noise regime 4.73 dB beyond that of standard quantum turbo codes, when used on a memoryless depolarizing channel. Furthermore, several of our quantum turbo codes are within 1 dB or less of their hashing limits, so that the performance of quantum turbo codes is now on par with that of classical turbo codes. Finally, we prove that entanglement is the resource that enables a convolutional encoder to be both non-catastrophic and recursive because an encoder acting on only information qubits, classical bits, gauge qubits, and ancilla qubits cannot simultaneously satisfy them.Comment: 31 pages, software for simulating EA turbo codes is available at http://code.google.com/p/ea-turbo/ and a presentation is available at http://markwilde.com/publications/10-10-EA-Turbo.ppt ; v2, revisions based on feedback from journal; v3, modification of the quantum turbo decoding algorithm that leads to improved performance over results in v2 and the results of Poulin et al. in arXiv:0712.288

    Search for Dust Emission from (24) Themis Using the Gemini-North Telescope

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    We report the results of a search for a dust trail aligned with the orbit plane of the large main-belt asteroid (24) Themis, which has been reported to have water ice frost on its surface. Observations were obtained with the GMOS instrument on the Gemini-North Observatory in imaging mode, where we used a chip gap to block much of the light from the asteroid, allowing us to take long exposures while avoiding saturation by the object. No dust trail is detected within 2' of Themis to a 3-sigma limiting surface brightness magnitude of 29.7 mag/arcsec^2, as measured along the expected direction of the dust trail. Detailed consideration of dust ejection physics indicates that particles large enough to form a detectable dust trail were unlikely to be ejected as a result of sublimation from an object as large as Themis. We nonetheless demonstrate that our observations would have been capable of detecting faint dust emission as close as 20" from the object, even in a crowded star field. This approach could be used to conduct future searches for sublimation-generated dust emission from Themis or other large asteroids closer to perihelion than was done in this work. It would also be useful for deep imaging of collisionally generated dust emission from large asteroids at times when the visibility of dust features are expected to be maximized, such as during orbit plane crossings, during close approaches to the Earth, or following detected impact events.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Comparison of the DNA Association Kinetics of the Lacy Repressor Tetramet, Its Dimeric Mutant LacI(Adi), and the Native Dimeric Gal Repressor

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    The rates of association of the tetrameric Lacy repressor (LacI), dimeric LacI(adi) (a deletion mutant of LacI), and the native dimeric Gal repressor (GalR) to DNA restriction fragments containing a single specific site were investigated using a quench-flow DNase I \u27foot-printing\u27 technique. The dimeric proteins, LacI(adi) and GalR, and tetrameric LacI possess one and two DNA binding sites, respectively. The nanomolar protein concentrations used in these studies ensured that the state of oligomerization of each protein was predominantly either dimeric or tetrameric, respectively. The bimolecular association rate constants (k(a)) determined for the LacI tetramer exceed those of the dimeric proteins. The values of k(a) obtained for LacI, LacI(adi), and GalR display different dependences on [KCl]. For LacI(adi) and GalR, they diminish as [KCl] increases from 25 mM to 200 mM, approaching rates predicted for three-dimensional diffusion. In contrast, the k(a) values determined for the tetrameric LacI remain constant up to 300 mM [KCl], the highest salt concentration that could be investigated by quench- flow footprinting. The enhanced rate of association of the tetramer relative to the dimeric proteins can be modeled by enhanced \u27sliding\u27 (Berg, O. G., Winter, R. B., and von Hippel, P. H. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 6929-6948) of the LacI tetramer relative to the LaeI(adi) dimer or a combination of enhanced sliding and the superimposition of \u27direct transfer\u27 mediated by the bidentate DNA interactions of the tetramer

    Ground-based PIV and numerical flow visualization results from the surface tension driven convection experiment

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    The Surface Tension Driven Convection Experiment (STDCE) is a Space Transportation System flight experiment to study both transient and steady thermocapillary fluid flows aboard the United States Microgravity Laboratory-1 (USML-1) Spacelab mission planned for June, 1992. One of the components of data collected during the experiment is a video record of the flow field. This qualitative data is then quantified using an all electric, two dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique called Particle Displacement Tracking (PDT), which uses a simple space domain particle tracking algorithm. Results using the ground based STDCE hardware, with a radiant flux heating mode, and the PDT system are compared to numerical solutions obtained by solving the axisymmetric Navier Stokes equations with a deformable free surface. The PDT technique is successful in producing a velocity vector field and corresponding stream function from the raw video data which satisfactorily represents the physical flow. A numerical program is used to compute the velocity field and corresponding stream function under identical conditions. Both the PDT system and numerical results were compared to a streak photograph, used as a benchmark, with good correlation