4,047 research outputs found

    Progressor: Personalized visual access to programming problems

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    This paper presents Progressor, a visualization of open student models intended to increase the student's motivation to progress on educational content. The system visualizes not only the user's own model, but also the peers' models. It allows sorting the peers' models using a number of criteria, including the overall progress and the progress on a specific topic. Also, in this paper we present results of a classroom study confirming our hypothesis that by showing a student the peers' models and ranking them by progress it is possible to increase the student's motivation to compete and progress in e-learning systems. © 2011 IEEE

    Open social student modeling: Visualizing student models with parallel introspectiveviews

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    This paper explores a social extension of open student modeling that we call open social student modeling. We present a specific implementation of this approach that uses parallel IntrospectiveViews to visualize models representing student progress with QuizJET parameterized self-assessment questions for Java programming. The interface allows visualizing not only the student's own model, but also displaying parallel views on the models of their peers and the cumulative model of the entire class or group. The system was evaluated in a semester-long classroom study. While the use of the system was non-mandatory, the parallel IntrospectiveViews interface caused an increase in all of the usage parameters in comparison to a regular portal-based access, which allowed the student to achieve a higher success rate in answering the questions. The collected data offer some evidence that a combination of traditional personalized guidance with social guidance was more effective than personalized guidance alone. © 2011 Springer-Verlag

    Abundance Profiles and Kinematics of Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbing Galaxies at z < 0.65

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    We present a spectroscopic study of six damped Lya absorption (DLA) systems at z<0.65, based on moderate-to-high resolution spectra of the galaxies responsible for the absorbers. Combining known metallicity measurements of the absorbers with known optical properties of the absorbing galaxies, we confirm that the low metal content of the DLA population can arise naturally as a combination of gas cross-section selection and metallicity gradients commonly observed in local disk galaxies. We also study the Tully-Fisher relation of the DLA-selected galaxies and find little detectable evidence for evolution in the disk population between z=0 and z~0.5. Additional results of our analysis are as follows. (1) The DLA galaxies exhibit a range of spectral properties, from post-starburst, to normal disks, and to starburst systems, supporting the idea that DLA galaxies are drawn from the typical field population. (2) Large rotating HI disks of radius 30 h^{-1} kpc and of dynamic mass M_dyn > 10^{11} h^{-1} M_sun appear to be common at intermediate redshifts. (3) Using an ensemble of six galaxy-DLA pairs, we derive an abundance profile that is characterized by a radial gradient of -0.041 +/- 0.012 dex per kiloparsec (or equivalently a scale length of 10.6 h^{-1} kpc) from galactic center to 30 h^{-1} kpc radius. (4) Adopting known N(HI) profiles of nearby galaxies and the best-fit radial gradient, we further derive an N(HI)-weighted mean metallicity _weighted = -0.50 +/- 0.07 for the DLA population over 100 random lines of sight, consistent with _weighted = -0.64 (-0.86, +0.40) observed for z~1 DLA systems from Prochaska et al. Our analysis demonstrates that the low metal content of DLA systems does not rule out the possibility that the DLA population trace the field galaxy population.Comment: 57 pages, 17 figures, to appear in the ApJ 20 February 2005 issue; a pdf version of the paper with full-resolution figures is available at http://falcon.mit.edu/~hchen/public/tmp/dlachem.pd

    Echelle Spectroscopy of a GRB Afterglow at z=3.969: A New Probe of the Interstellar and Intergalactic Media in the Young Universe

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    We present an echelle spectrum of the Swift GRB 050730, obtained four hours after the burst using the MIKE spectrograph on the Magellan Clay Telescope when the afterglow was at R=17.7. The spectrum reveals a forest of absorption features superimposed on a simple power-law shaped continuum, best described as f_nu(lambda)\propto lambda^{alpha} with alpha =1.88\pm 0.01 over lambda=7000-9000 A. We identify the GRB host at z_GRB=3.96855 based on the hydrogen Lyman absorption series, narrow absorption lines due to heavy ions such as OI, CII, SiII, SII, NiII, FeII, CIV, SiIV, and NV, and fine structure transitions such as OI*, OI**, SiII*, CII*, and FeII*. Together these transitions allow us to study the the properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) in the GRB host. The principal results are as follows. (1) We estimate a neutral hydrogen column density of log N(HI)=22.15\pm 0.05 in the host. (2) The associated metal lines exhibit multiple components over a velocity range of ~80 km/s, with >90% of the neutral gas confined in 20 km/s. (3) Comparisons between different ionic transitions show that the host has little/no dust depletion and has 1/100 solar metallicity. (4) The absorbing gas has much higher density than that of intervening damped Lya absorption (DLA) systems. In addition, we report the identification of an intervening DLA system at z_DLA=3.56439 with log N(HI)=20.3\pm 0.1 and < 5% solar metallicity, a Lyman limit system at z_LLS=3.02209 with log N(HI)=19.9\pm 0.1, a strong MgII absorber at z_MgII=2.25313, and a pair of MgII absorbers at z_MgII=1.7731, 57 km/s apart. We demonstrate that rapid echelle spectroscopy of GRB afterglows helps to reveal a wealth of information in the ISM and the intergalactic medium along the sightline (abridged).Comment: 5 pages, including 2 figures; ApJ Letters in press (minor changes in response to the referee's comments

    The Carnegie Supernova Project I: methods to estimate host-galaxy reddening of stripped-envelope supernovae

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    We aim to improve upon contemporary methods to estimate host-galaxy reddening of stripped-envelope (SE) supernovae (SNe). To this end the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP-I) SE SNe photometry data release, consisting of nearly three dozen objects, is used to identify a minimally reddened sub-sample for each traditionally defined spectroscopic sub-types (i.e, SNe~IIb, SNe~Ib, SNe~Ic). Inspection of the optical and near-infrared (NIR) colors and color evolution of the minimally reddened sub-samples reveals a high degree of homogeneity, particularly between 0d to +20d relative to B-band maximum. This motivated the construction of intrinsic color-curve templates, which when compared to the colors of reddened SE SNe, yields an entire suite of optical and NIR color excess measurements. Comparison of optical/optical vs. optical/NIR color excess measurements indicates the majority of the CSP-I SE SNe suffer relatively low amounts of reddening and we find evidence for different R_(V)^(host) values among different SE SN. Fitting the color excess measurements of the seven most reddened objects with the Fitzpatrick (1999) reddening law model provides robust estimates of the host visual-extinction A_(V)^(host) and R_(V)^(host). In the case of the SE SNe with relatively low amounts of reddening, a preferred value of R_(V)^(host) is adopted for each sub-type, resulting in estimates of A_(V)^(host) through Fitzpatrick (1999) reddening law model fits to the observed color excess measurements. Our analysis suggests SE SNe reside in galaxies characterized by a range of dust properties. We also find evidence SNe Ic are more likely to occur in regions characterized by larger R_(V)^(host) values compared to SNe IIb/Ib and they also tend to suffer more extinction. These findings are consistent with work in the literature suggesting SNe Ic tend to occur in regions of on-going star formation.Comment: Abstract abridged to fit allowed limit. Resubmitted to A&A, 34 pages, 19 figures, 6 tables. Constructive comments welcome

    Collapsing lattice animals and lattice trees in two dimensions

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    We present high statistics simulations of weighted lattice bond animals and lattice trees on the square lattice, with fugacities for each non-bonded contact and for each bond between two neighbouring monomers. The simulations are performed using a newly developed sequential sampling method with resampling, very similar to the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM) used for linear chain polymers. We determine with high precision the line of second order transitions from an extended to a collapsed phase in the resulting 2-dimensional phase diagram. This line includes critical bond percolation as a multicritical point, and we verify that this point divides the line into two different universality classes. One of them corresponds to the collapse driven by contacts and includes the collapse of (weakly embeddable) trees, but the other is {\it not yet} bond driven and does not contain the Derrida-Herrmann model as special point. Instead it ends at a multicritical point PP^* where a transition line between two collapsed phases (one bond-driven and the other contact-driven) sparks off. The Derrida-Herrmann model is representative for the bond driven collapse, which then forms the fourth universality class on the transition line (collapsing trees, critical percolation, intermediate regime, and Derrida-Herrmann). We obtain very precise estimates for all critical exponents for collapsing trees. It is already harder to estimate the critical exponents for the intermediate regime. Finally, it is very difficult to obtain with our method good estimates of the critical parameters of the Derrida-Herrmann universality class. As regards the bond-driven to contact-driven transition in the collapsed phase, we have some evidence for its existence and rough location, but no precise estimates of critical exponents.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures, 1 tabl

    The Carnegie Supernova Project I: photometry data release of low-redshift stripped-envelope supernovae

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    The first phase of the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP-I) was a dedicated supernova follow-up program based at the Las Campanas Observatory that collected science data of young, low-redshift supernovae between 2004 and 2009. Presented in this paper is the CSP-I photometric data release of low-redshift stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae. The data consist of optical (uBgVri) photometry of 34 objects, with a subset of 26 having near-infrared (YJH) photometry. Twenty objects have optical pre-maximum coverage with a subset of 12 beginning at least five days prior to the epoch of B-band maximum brightness. In the near-infrared, 17 objects have pre-maximum observations with a subset of 14 beginning at least five days prior to the epoch of J-band maximum brightness. Analysis of this photometric data release is presented in companion papers focusing on techniques to estimate host-galaxy extinction (Stritzinger et al., submitted) and the light-curve and progenitor star properties of the sample (Taddia et al., submitted). The analysis of an accompanying visual-wavelength spectroscopy sample of ~150 spectra will be the subject of a future paper.Comment: Updated a couple of small error