5,118 research outputs found

    Generation of helical gears with new surfaces, topology by application of CNC machines

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    Analysis of helical involute gears by tooth contact analysis shows that such gears are very sensitive to angular misalignment that leads to edge contact and the potential for high vibration. A new topology of tooth surfaces of helical gears that enables a favorable bearing contact and a reduced level of vibration is described. Methods for grinding of the helical gears with the new topology are proposed. A TCA (tooth contact analysis) program for simulation of meshing and contact of helical gears with the new topology has been developed. Numerical examples that illustrate the proposed ideas are discussed

    Testing for inconsistencies in the estimation of UK capital structure determinants

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    This article analyses the determinants of the capital structure of 1054 UK companies from 1991 to 1997, and the extent to which the influence of these determinants are affected by time-invariant firm-specific heterogeneity. Comparing the results of pooled OLS and fixed effects panel estimation, significant differences in the results are found. While the OLS results are generally consistent with prior literature, the results of our fixed effects panel estimation contradict many of the traditional theories of the determinants of corporate financial structure. This suggests that results of traditional studies may be biased owing to a failure to control for firm-specific, time-invariant heterogeneity. The results of the fixed effects panel estimation find larger companies to have higher levels of both long-term and short-term debt than do smaller firms, profitability to be negatively correlated with the level of gearing, although profitable firms tend to have more short-term bank borrowing than less profitable firms, and tangibility to positively influence the level of short-term bank borrowing, as well as all long-term debt elements. However, the level of growth opportunities appears to have little influence on the level of gearing, other than short-term bank borrowing, where a significant negative relationship is observed

    Abundance Profiles and Kinematics of Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbing Galaxies at z < 0.65

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    We present a spectroscopic study of six damped Lya absorption (DLA) systems at z<0.65, based on moderate-to-high resolution spectra of the galaxies responsible for the absorbers. Combining known metallicity measurements of the absorbers with known optical properties of the absorbing galaxies, we confirm that the low metal content of the DLA population can arise naturally as a combination of gas cross-section selection and metallicity gradients commonly observed in local disk galaxies. We also study the Tully-Fisher relation of the DLA-selected galaxies and find little detectable evidence for evolution in the disk population between z=0 and z~0.5. Additional results of our analysis are as follows. (1) The DLA galaxies exhibit a range of spectral properties, from post-starburst, to normal disks, and to starburst systems, supporting the idea that DLA galaxies are drawn from the typical field population. (2) Large rotating HI disks of radius 30 h^{-1} kpc and of dynamic mass M_dyn > 10^{11} h^{-1} M_sun appear to be common at intermediate redshifts. (3) Using an ensemble of six galaxy-DLA pairs, we derive an abundance profile that is characterized by a radial gradient of -0.041 +/- 0.012 dex per kiloparsec (or equivalently a scale length of 10.6 h^{-1} kpc) from galactic center to 30 h^{-1} kpc radius. (4) Adopting known N(HI) profiles of nearby galaxies and the best-fit radial gradient, we further derive an N(HI)-weighted mean metallicity _weighted = -0.50 +/- 0.07 for the DLA population over 100 random lines of sight, consistent with _weighted = -0.64 (-0.86, +0.40) observed for z~1 DLA systems from Prochaska et al. Our analysis demonstrates that the low metal content of DLA systems does not rule out the possibility that the DLA population trace the field galaxy population.Comment: 57 pages, 17 figures, to appear in the ApJ 20 February 2005 issue; a pdf version of the paper with full-resolution figures is available at http://falcon.mit.edu/~hchen/public/tmp/dlachem.pd

    Experimental Studies of Low-field Landau Quantization in Two-dimensional Electron Systems in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

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    By applying a magnetic field perpendicular to GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron systems, we study the low-field Landau quantization when the thermal damping is reduced with decreasing the temperature. Magneto-oscillations following Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) formula are observed even when their amplitudes are so large that the deviation to such a formula is expected. Our experimental results show the importance of the positive magneto-resistance to the extension of SdH formula under the damping induced by the disorder.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The Carnegie Supernova Project I: methods to estimate host-galaxy reddening of stripped-envelope supernovae

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    We aim to improve upon contemporary methods to estimate host-galaxy reddening of stripped-envelope (SE) supernovae (SNe). To this end the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP-I) SE SNe photometry data release, consisting of nearly three dozen objects, is used to identify a minimally reddened sub-sample for each traditionally defined spectroscopic sub-types (i.e, SNe~IIb, SNe~Ib, SNe~Ic). Inspection of the optical and near-infrared (NIR) colors and color evolution of the minimally reddened sub-samples reveals a high degree of homogeneity, particularly between 0d to +20d relative to B-band maximum. This motivated the construction of intrinsic color-curve templates, which when compared to the colors of reddened SE SNe, yields an entire suite of optical and NIR color excess measurements. Comparison of optical/optical vs. optical/NIR color excess measurements indicates the majority of the CSP-I SE SNe suffer relatively low amounts of reddening and we find evidence for different R_(V)^(host) values among different SE SN. Fitting the color excess measurements of the seven most reddened objects with the Fitzpatrick (1999) reddening law model provides robust estimates of the host visual-extinction A_(V)^(host) and R_(V)^(host). In the case of the SE SNe with relatively low amounts of reddening, a preferred value of R_(V)^(host) is adopted for each sub-type, resulting in estimates of A_(V)^(host) through Fitzpatrick (1999) reddening law model fits to the observed color excess measurements. Our analysis suggests SE SNe reside in galaxies characterized by a range of dust properties. We also find evidence SNe Ic are more likely to occur in regions characterized by larger R_(V)^(host) values compared to SNe IIb/Ib and they also tend to suffer more extinction. These findings are consistent with work in the literature suggesting SNe Ic tend to occur in regions of on-going star formation.Comment: Abstract abridged to fit allowed limit. Resubmitted to A&A, 34 pages, 19 figures, 6 tables. Constructive comments welcome

    The spontaneous emergence of ordered phases in crumpled sheets

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    X-ray tomography is performed to acquire 3D images of crumpled aluminum foils. We develop an algorithm to trace out the labyrinthian paths in the three perpendicular cross sections of the data matrices. The tangent-tangent correlation function along each path is found to decay exponentially with an effective persistence length that shortens as the crumpled ball becomes more compact. In the mean time, we observed ordered domains near the crust, similar to the lamellae phase mixed by the amorphous portion in lyotropic liquid crystals. The size and density of these domains grow with further compaction, and their orientation favors either perpendicular or parallel to the radial direction. Ordering is also identified near the core with an arbitrary orientation, exemplary of the spontaneous symmetry breaking

    Rheological State Diagrams for Rough Colloids in Shear Flow

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    To assess the role of particle roughness in the rheological phenomena of concentrated colloidal suspensions, we develop model colloids with varying surface roughness length scales up to 10% of the particle radius. Increasing surface roughness shifts the onset of both shear thickening and dilatancy towards lower volume fractions and critical stresses. Experimental data are supported by computer simulations of spherical colloids with adjustable friction coefficients, demonstrating that a reduction in the onset stress of thickening and a sign change in the first normal stresses occur when friction competes with lubrication. In the quasi-Newtonian flow regime, roughness increases the effective packing fraction of colloids. As the shear stress increases and suspensions of rough colloids approach jamming, the first normal stresses switch signs and the critical force required to generate contacts is drastically reduced. This is likely a signature of the lubrication films giving way to roughness-induced tangential interactions that bring about load-bearing contacts in the compression axis of flow.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award 1232937)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award 1602183)United States. Army Research Office (Grant W911NF10-1-0518

    Comprehensive Observations of the Bright and Energetic Type Iax SN 2012Z: Interpretation as a Chandrasekhar Mass White Dwarf Explosion

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    We present UV through NIR broad-band photometry, and optical and NIR spectroscopy of Type Iax supernova 2012Z. The data set consists of both early and late-time observations, including the first late phase NIR spectrum obtained for a spectroscopically classified SN Iax. Simple model calculations of its bolometric light curve suggest SN 2012Z produced ~0.3 M_sun of (56)Ni, ejected about a Chandrasekhar mass of material, and had an explosion energy of ~10^51 erg, making it one of the brightest and most energetic SN Iax yet observed. The late phase NIR spectrum of SN 2012Z is found to broadly resemble similar epoch spectra of normal SNe Ia; however, like other SNe Iax, corresponding visual-wavelength spectra differ substantially compared to all supernova types. Constraints from the distribution of IMEs, e.g. silicon and magnesium, indicate that the outer ejecta did not experience significant mixing during or after burning, and the late phase NIR line profiles suggests most of the (56)Ni is produced during high density burning. The various observational properties of SN 2012Z are found to be consistent with the theoretical expectations of a Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf progenitor that experiences a pulsational delayed detonation, which produced several tenths of a solar mass of (56)Ni during the deflagration burning phase and little (or no) (56)Ni during the detonation phase. Within this scenario only a moderate amount of Rayleigh-Taylor mixing occurs both during the deflagration and fallback phase of the pulsation, and the layered structure of the IMEs is a product of the subsequent denotation phase. The fact that the SNe Iax population does not follow a tight brightness-decline relation similar to SNe Ia can then be understood in the framework of variable amounts of mixing during pulsational rebound and variable amounts of (56)Ni production during the early subsonic phase of expansion.Comment: Submitted to A&A, manuscript includes response to referee's comments. 39 pages, including 16 figures, 9 table

    Critical behavior of the 3-state Potts model on Sierpinski carpet

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    We study the critical behavior of the 3-state Potts model, where the spins are located at the centers of the occupied squares of the deterministic Sierpinski carpet. A finite-size scaling analysis is performed from Monte Carlo simulations, for a Hausdorff dimension dfd_{f} 1.8928\simeq 1.8928. The phase transition is shown to be a second order one. The maxima of the susceptibility of the order parameter follow a power law in a very reliable way, which enables us to calculate the ratio of the exponents γ/ν\gamma /\nu. We find that the scaling corrections affect the behavior of most of the thermodynamical quantities. However, the sequence of intersection points extracted from the Binder's cumulant provides bounds for the critical temperature. We are able to give the bounds for the exponent 1/ν1/\nu as well as for the ratio of the exponents β/ν\beta/\nu, which are compatible with the results calculated from the hyperscaling relation.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure