14 research outputs found

    ミナミ タイワン ニ オケル ドウキョウ ビョウ ノ リヨウ ト ビョウ ノ ネンジュウ ギョウジ : ビョウ イメージ チョウサ ト シンブン キジ ニ ヨル コウサツ

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    Taiwanese people have various opinions to Taoist temples in Taiwan\u27s present-day society. However, a survey to 150 people -- \u27Image of Taoist Temple\u27 shows that most Taiwanese people have positive opinions about the temples. Furthermore, newspaper articles (year 2000 to 2001) with regard to Taoist temples also showed their importance in Taiwanese society. Through several events and activities at temple fairs, Taoists keep up the tradition, culture and folklore from their immigrant ancestors. Thus the events not only have the religious purpose, but also a remembrance of people, things and matters

    タイナン シイキ ケイセイ ト ビョウ ソウケン ニ ツイテ

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    In Taiwan, Taoist temples are often used not only as religious facilities but also as community centers. People are visiting and gathering temples very often, and they communicate each other or just relax there. We chose temples in the city of Tainan as an example for these research topic. Because Tainan is one of the oldest planned cities in Taiwan and also it is the city which has most populated temples in the city center

    タイワン ニ オケル ショウガッコウ ノ カンキョウ キョウセイ ケンチク ト シテ ノ ココロミ

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    The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the eco-design of a green elementary school in Taiwan. The concept of the school is to create a low environment impact campus using modern design techniques such as using alternative energy to reduce energy consumption. Furthermore, a large area of school ground is planted with various trees and plants in order to attract small animals, wild birds, and bugs to form an ecological environment