24 research outputs found

    The Power of Dialogue: Understanding Developmental Origins and Processes Underlying Mother-Child Conversations About Past Emotional Events

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    Mother-child emotion dialogues represent an integral medium through which children’s autobiography develops. This study sought to understand the developmental origins and processes underlying this co-construction process by examining the inter-relations between: mother-infant attachment relationships, maternal attachment representations, maternal sensitivity during interactions in infancy, maternal affective mindset during toddlerhood, and mother-child emotion dialogues. Our findings are consistent with past research on the links between the three organized categories of mother-infant attachment relationships and later mother-child emotion dialogues. Children in disorganized attachment relationships displayed a lack of consistent and coherent strategy during emotion communication. Our results emphasize the important role of maternal state of mind with regards to attachment in shaping emotion dialogues. Autonomous mothers co-constructed emotionally integrated and coherent narratives with their children, while non-autonomous mothers created stories that were less emotionally attuned and narratively organized. The unresolved/disoriented classification was unrelated to mother-child emotion discourse. Finally, a mismatch in infant attachment and maternal attachment representation was associated with a mismatch in communication style during dyads’ shared conversations. While the suggestion of maternal sensitivity and affective mindset as mediating the link between maternal attachment representation and affective mindset was not supported, we did find preliminary evidence of a moderating process. Autonomous mothers exhibiting unexpectedly low levels of sensitivity during infancy tended to engage in dialogues that were less emotionally integrated and coherent. This study highlights the importance of maternal attachment representation in how emotion-laden memories are recalled, interpreted, and verbalized. Results are discussed in light of their implications for future work

    From Infant Attachment Security to Mother-Child Emotion Dialogues: Understanding Emotion Communication in the Early Years

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    Researchers have become increasingly interested in understanding the developmental trajectory of attachment security from the preverbal infancy period to later verbal stages. One approach that has received much theoretical and empirical support is to examine the capacity of children and their mothers to work together in co-constructing narratives around personal and emotional events(Bretherton, 1990; Oppenheim, Koren-Karie & Sagi-Schwartz, 2007). It has been suggested (Oppenheim & Koren-Karie, 2009) that open communication between a secure dyad during infancy, involving primarily non-verbal signals, provides the basis for an open and fluid communication style in the preschool years. The secure child feels confident in exploring and sharing his thoughts and feelings with his mother because their earlier joint experiences have assured him that she will be emotionally available, supportive and accepting

    Evaluation of a Brief Intervention to Improve the Nursing Care of Young Children in a High HIV and AIDS Setting

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    The HIV epidemic in South Africa is putting great strain on health services, including the inpatient care of young children. Caregivers and young children (107 pairs) and 17 nurses participated in an intervention to improve the care of young children in hospital in a high HIV and AIDS setting. The intervention addressed caregiver expectations about admission and treatment, responsive feeding, coping with infant pain and distress, assistance with medical procedures, and preparation for discharge and home care. Following a preparatory and piloting phase, measures of nurse burnout, caregiver physical and emotional well-being, and caregiver-child interaction were made before and after intervention. No changes were found between before and after intervention on assessments of caregiver wellbeing. However, mothers in the postintervention phase rated nurses as more supportive; mother-child interaction during feeding was more relaxed and engaged, and babies were less socially withdrawn. While the intervention proved useful in improving certain outcomes for children and their caregivers, it did not address challenging hospital and ward administration or support needed by caregivers at home following discharge. To address the latter need, the intervention has been extended into the community through home-based palliative care and support

    Antecedents of Mother-Child Co-Construction of Coherent Narratives of Past Emotional Experiences

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    The purpose of this longitudinal study is to further our knowledge of the early developmental antecedents of coherent mother-child emotion dialogues in the preschool years

    The Economic Burden of Violence Against Children in South Africa

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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the economic burden of violence against children in South Africa. We assembled summative estimates of lifetime prevalence, calculated the magnitude of associations with negative outcomes, and thereby estimated the economic burden of violence against children. According to our calculations, 2.3 million and 84,287 disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) lost in South Africa in 2015 were attributable to nonfatal and fatal violence against children, respectively. The estimated economic value of DALYs lost to violence against children (including both fatal and nonfatal) in South Africa in 2015 totalled ZAR173 billion (US 13.5billion)or4.313.5 billion)—or 4.3% of South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015. In addition, the reduced earnings attributable to childhood physical violence and emotional violence in South Africa in 2015 were ZAR25.2 billion (US 2.0 billion) and ZAR9.6 billion (US 750million),respectively.Inaddition,SouthAfricaspentZAR1.6billion(US750 million), respectively. In addition, South Africa spent ZAR1.6 billion (US 124 million) on child care and protection in fiscal year 2015/2016, many of which costs are directly related to violence against children. This study confirms the importance of prioritising violence against children as a key social and economic concern for South Africa’s future

    Spatially Resolved Stellar Populations of 0.3<z<6.00.3<z<6.0 Galaxies in WHL0137-08 and MACS0647+70 Clusters as Revealed by JWST: How do Galaxies Grow and Quench Over Cosmic Time?

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    We study the spatially resolved stellar populations of 444 galaxies at 0.3<z<6.00.3<z<6.0 in two clusters (WHL0137-08 and MACS0647+70) and a blank field, combining imaging data from HST and JWST to perform spatially resolved spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling using pixedfit. The high spatial resolution of the imaging data combined with magnification from gravitational lensing in the cluster fields allows us to resolve some galaxies to sub-kpc scales (for 109 of our galaxies). At redshifts around cosmic noon and higher (2.5z6.02.5\lesssim z\lesssim 6.0), we find mass doubling times to be independent of radius, inferred from flat specific star formation rate (sSFR) radial profiles and similarities between the half-mass and half-SFR radii. At lower redshifts (1.5z2.51.5\lesssim z\lesssim 2.5), a significant fraction of our star-forming galaxies show evidence for nuclear starbursts, inferred from centrally elevated sSFR, and a much smaller half-SFR radius compared to the half-mass radius. At later epochs, we find more galaxies suppress star formation in their center but are still actively forming stars in the disk. Overall, these trends point toward a picture of inside-out galaxy growth consistent with theoretical models and simulations. We also observe a tight relationship between the central mass surface density and global stellar mass with 0.38\sim 0.38 dex scatter. Our analysis demonstrates the potential of spatially resolved SED analysis with JWST data. Future analysis with larger samples will be able to further explore the assembly of galaxy mass and the growth of their structuresComment: 31 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Some examples and tutorials of spatially resolved SED analysis will be available at https://github.com/aabdurrouf/JWST-HST_resolvedSEDfit

    Human Gene Coexpression Landscape: Confident Network Derived from Tissue Transcriptomic Profiles

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.[Background]: Analysis of gene expression data using genome-wide microarrays is a technique often used in genomic studies to find coexpression patterns and locate groups of co-transcribed genes. However, most studies done at global >omic> scale are not focused on human samples and when they correspond to human very often include heterogeneous datasets, mixing normal with disease-altered samples. Moreover, the technical noise present in genome-wide expression microarrays is another well reported problem that many times is not addressed with robust statistical methods, and the estimation of errors in the data is not provided. [Methodology/Principal Findings]: Human genome-wide expression data from a controlled set of normal-healthy tissues is used to build a confident human gene coexpression network avoiding both pathological and technical noise. To achieve this we describe a new method that combines several statistical and computational strategies: robust normalization and expression signal calculation; correlation coefficients obtained by parametric and non-parametric methods; random cross-validations; and estimation of the statistical accuracy and coverage of the data. All these methods provide a series of coexpression datasets where the level of error is measured and can be tuned. To define the errors, the rates of true positives are calculated by assignment to biological pathways. The results provide a confident human gene coexpression network that includes 3327 gene-nodes and 15841 coexpression-links and a comparative analysis shows good improvement over previously published datasets. Further functional analysis of a subset core network, validated by two independent methods, shows coherent biological modules that share common transcription factors. The network reveals a map of coexpression clusters organized in well defined functional constellations. Two major regions in this network correspond to genes involved in nuclear and mitochondrial metabolism and investigations on their functional assignment indicate that more than 60% are house-keeping and essential genes. The network displays new non-described gene associations and it allows the placement in a functional context of some unknown non-assigned genes based on their interactions with known gene families. [Conclusions/Significance]: The identification of stable and reliable human gene to gene coexpression networks is essential to unravel the interactions and functional correlations between human genes at an omic scale. This work contributes to this aim, and we are making available for the scientific community the validated human gene coexpression networks obtained, to allow further analyses on the network or on some specific gene associations. The data are available free online at http://bioinfow.dep.usal.es/coexpression/. © 2008 Prieto et al.Funding and grant support was provided by the Ministery of Health, Spanish Government (ISCiii-FIS, MSyC; Project reference PI061153) and by the Ministery of Education, Castilla-Leon Local Government (JCyL; Project reference CSI03A06).Peer Reviewe