71 research outputs found

    A Lumped Parameter Model to Study Atrioventricular Valve Regurgitation in Stage 1 and Changes Across Stage 2 Surgery in Single Ventricle Patients

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    Goal: This manuscript evaluates atrioventricular valve regurgitation (AVVR) in babies born with an already very challenging heart condition, i.e. with single ventricle physiology. Although the second surgery that single ventricle patients undergo is thought to decrease AVVR, there is much controversy in the clinical literature about AVVR treatment. Methods: The effect of atrioventricular valve regurgitation (AVVR) on Stage 1 haemodynamics and resulting acute changes from conversion to Stage 2 circulation in single ventricle patients are analysed through lumped parameter models. Several degrees of AVVR severity are analysed, for two types of valve regurgitation: incomplete leaflet closure and valve prolapse. Results: The models show that increasing AVVR in Stage 1 induces the following effects: i) higher stroke volume and associated decrease in ventricular end-systolic volume; ii) increase in atrial volumes with V-loop enlargement in pressure-volume curves; iii) pulmonary venous hypertension. The Stage 2 surgery results in volume unloading of the ventricle thereby driving a decrease in AVVR. However, this effect is offset by an increase in ventricular pressures resulting in a net increase in regurgitation fraction (RF) of approximately 0.1 (for example, in severe AVVR, the pre-operative RF increases from ~60% to ~70% post-operatively). Moreover, despite some improvements to sarcomere function early after Stage 2 surgery, it may deteriorate in cases of severe AVVR. Conclusion: In patients with moderate to severe AVVR, restoration of atrioventricular valve competence prior to, or at the time of, Stage 2 surgery would likely lead to improved haemodynamics and clinical outcome as the models suggest that uncorrected AVVR can worsen across Stage 2 surgery. This was found to be independent of the AVVR degree and mechanisms

    Superior performance of continuous over pulsatile flow ventricular assist devices in the single ventricle circulation: A computational study

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    This study compares the physiological responses of systemic-to-pulmonary shunted single ventricle patients to pulsatile and continuous flow ventricular assist devices (VADs). Performance differences between pulsatile and continuous flow VADs have been clinically observed, but the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. Six systemic-to-pulmonary shunted single ventricle patients (mean BSA=0.30 m2) were computationally simulated using a lumped-parameter network tuned to match patient specific clinical data. A first set of simulations compared current clinical implementation of VADs in single ventricle patients. A second set modified pulsatile flow VAD settings with the goal to optimize cardiac output (CO). For all patients, the best-case continuous flow VAD CO was at least 0.99 L/min greater than the optimized pulsatile flow VAD CO (p=0.001). The 25 and 50 mL pulsatile flow VADs exhibited incomplete filling at higher heart rates that reduced CO as much as 9.7% and 37.3% below expectations respectively. Optimization of pulsatile flow VAD settings did not achieve statistically significant (p\u3c0.05) improvement to CO. Results corroborate clinical experience that continuous flow VADs produce higher CO and superior ventricular unloading in single ventricle patients. Impaired filling leads to performance degradation of pulsatile flow VADs in the single ventricle circulation

    Computational Modeling of Pathophysiologic Responses to Exercise in Fontan Patients

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    Reduced exercise capacity is nearly universal among Fontan patients. Although many factors have emerged as possible contributors, the degree to which each impacts the overall hemodynamics is largely unknown. Computational modeling provides a means to test hypotheses of causes of exercise intolerance via precisely controlled virtual experiments and measurements. We quantified the physiological impacts of commonly encountered, clinically relevant dysfunctions introduced to the exercising Fontan system via a previously developed lumped-parameter model of Fontan exercise. Elevated pulmonary arterial pressure was observed in all cases of dysfunction, correlated with lowered cardiac output (CO), and often mediated by elevated atrial pressure. Pulmonary vascular resistance was not the most significant factor affecting exercise performance as measured by CO. In the absence of other dysfunctions, atrioventricular valve insufficiency alone had significant physiological impact, especially under exercise demands. The impact of isolated dysfunctions can be linearly summed to approximate the combined impact of several dysfunctions occurring in the same system. A single dominant cause of exercise intolerance was not identified, though several hypothesized dysfunctions each led to variable decreases in performance. Computational predictions of performance improvement associated with various interventions should be weighed against procedural risks and potential complications, contributing to improvements in routine patient management protocol

    Inverse problems in reduced order models of cardiovascular haemodynamics: aspects of data-assimilation and heart-rate variability

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    International audienceInverse problems in cardiovascular modelling have become increasingly important to assess each patient individually. These problems entail estimation of patient-specific model parameters from uncertain measurements acquired in the clinic. In recent years, the method of data-assimilation, especially the unscented Kalman filter, has gained popularity to address computational efficiency and uncertainty consideration in such problems. This work highlights and presents solutions to several challenges of this method pertinent to models of cardiovascular haemodynamics. These include methods to a) avoid ill-conditioning of covariance matrix; b) handle a variety of measurement types; c) include a variety of prior knowledge in the method; and d) incorporate measurements acquired at different heart-rates, a common situation in the clinic where patient-state differs between various clinical acquisitions. Results are presented for two patient-specific cases of congenital heart disease. To illustrate and validate data-assimilation with measurements at different heart-rates, results are presented on synthetic data-set and on a patient-specific case with heart valve regurgitation. It is shown that the new method significantly improves the agreement between model predictions and measurements. The developed methods can be readily applied to other pathophysiologies and extended to dynamical systems which exhibit different responses under different sets of known parameters or different sets of inputs (such as forcing/excitation frequencies)

    Uncertainty quantification in virtual surgery hemodynamics predictions for single ventricle palliation.

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    International audienceThe adoption of simulation tools to predict surgical outcomes is increasingly leading to questions about the variability of these predictions in the presence of uncertainty associated with the input clinical data. In the present study, we propose a methodology for full propagation of uncertainty from clinical data to model results that, unlike deterministic simulation, enables estimation of the confidence associated with model predictions.We illustrate this problem in a virtual stage II single ventricle palliation surgery example. First, probability density functions (PDFs) of right pulmonary artery (PA) flow split ratio and average pulmonary pressure are determined from clinical measurements, complemented by literature data. Starting from a zero dimensional semi-empirical approximation, Bayesian parameter estimation is used to find the distributions of boundary conditions that produce the expected PA flow split and average pressure PDFs as pre-operative model results. To reduce computational cost, this inverse problem is solved using a Kriging approximant. Second, uncertainties in the boundary conditions are propagated to simulation predictions. Sparse grid stochastic collocation is employed to statistically characterize model predictions of post-operative hemodynamics in models with and without PA stenosis. The results quantify the statistical variability in virtual surgery predictions, allowing for placement of confidence intervals on simulation outputs

    Uncertainty quantification in virtual surgery hemodynamics predictions for single ventricle palliation.

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    International audienceThe adoption of simulation tools to predict surgical outcomes is increasingly leading to questions about the variability of these predictions in the presence of uncertainty associated with the input clinical data. In the present study, we propose a methodology for full propagation of uncertainty from clinical data to model results that, unlike deterministic simulation, enables estimation of the confidence associated with model predictions.We illustrate this problem in a virtual stage II single ventricle palliation surgery example. First, probability density functions (PDFs) of right pulmonary artery (PA) flow split ratio and average pulmonary pressure are determined from clinical measurements, complemented by literature data. Starting from a zero dimensional semi-empirical approximation, Bayesian parameter estimation is used to find the distributions of boundary conditions that produce the expected PA flow split and average pressure PDFs as pre-operative model results. To reduce computational cost, this inverse problem is solved using a Kriging approximant. Second, uncertainties in the boundary conditions are propagated to simulation predictions. Sparse grid stochastic collocation is employed to statistically characterize model predictions of post-operative hemodynamics in models with and without PA stenosis. The results quantify the statistical variability in virtual surgery predictions, allowing for placement of confidence intervals on simulation outputs

    A statistical shape modelling framework to extract 3D shape biomarkers from medical imaging data: assessing arch morphology of repaired coarctation of the aorta

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    Background Medical image analysis in clinical practice is commonly carried out on 2D image data, without fully exploiting the detailed 3D anatomical information that is provided by modern non-invasive medical imaging techniques. In this paper, a statistical shape analysis method is presented, which enables the extraction of 3D anatomical shape features from cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) image data, with no need for manual landmarking. The method was applied to repaired aortic coarctation arches that present complex shapes, with the aim of capturing shape features as biomarkers of potential functional relevance. The method is presented from the user-perspective and is evaluated by comparing results with traditional morphometric measurements. Methods Steps required to set up the statistical shape modelling analyses, from pre-processing of the CMR images to parameter setting and strategies to account for size differences and outliers, are described in detail. The anatomical mean shape of 20 aortic arches post-aortic coarctation repair (CoA) was computed based on surface models reconstructed from CMR data. By analysing transformations that deform the mean shape towards each of the individual patient’s anatomy, shape patterns related to differences in body surface area (BSA) and ejection fraction (EF) were extracted. The resulting shape vectors, describing shape features in 3D, were compared with traditionally measured 2D and 3D morphometric parameters. Results The computed 3D mean shape was close to population mean values of geometric shape descriptors and visually integrated characteristic shape features associated with our population of CoA shapes. After removing size effects due to differences in body surface area (BSA) between patients, distinct 3D shape features of the aortic arch correlated significantly with EF (r = 0.521, p = .022) and were well in agreement with trends as shown by traditional shape descriptors. Conclusions The suggested method has the potential to discover previously unknown 3D shape biomarkers from medical imaging data. Thus, it could contribute to improving diagnosis and risk stratification in complex cardiac disease