4 research outputs found

    Constitutional principles of economic, administrative, and criminal responsibility in the field of insurance

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    The constitutional principles of legal liability are an important prerequisite for the introduction of economic, administrative and criminal liability in the insurance sector. The Constitution enshrines the guiding provisions on legal responsibility in general, which later find their consolidation in separate special acts, in particular, those regulating relations in the insurance sphere. The purpose of the work is to clarify the peculiarities of the constitutional regulation of economic, administrative and criminal responsibility in the field of insurance. The research methodology consists of such methods as: dialectical, analysis, synthesis, formal-logical, historical, systemic. The article analyzes the peculiarities of bringing business entities to account in the insurance sector. It was noted that the Constitution of Ukraine establishes the general principles of bringing to legal responsibility, while special legislation establishes direct requirements for bringing to responsibility in certain spheres of socio-economic life. Problematic issues of prosecution in the field of insurance and international experience on this issue have been studied in order to formulate scientifically based conclusions

    Правові аспекти інформаційної безпеки у телемедицині в Україні

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    In the article, the legal aspects of information security in telemedicine in Ukraine are considered from the modern theory of information law based on current Ukrainian legislation and regulations of the European Union. The topic's relevance is due to the need to improve the legislation of Ukraine to provide a comprehensive theoretical justification for enhancing the effectiveness of information security. In the course of the study, the methodology of the systematic, comprehensive analysis of legal phenomena using factor and evolutionary research methods was applied. It is noted that modern information technologies allow doctors to provide remote medical care to monitor patients' health constantly. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for remote medical care has increased. It is indicated that telemedicine technologies are used to conduct research and detect diseases based on the automated processing of large amounts of personal and medical data. In the digitalization of medicine, the importance of information security of patients and other subjects of telemedicine activities is growing. The processing of large amounts of personal data on patients' health in information systems increases the risks of privacy violations and requires higher standards of information protection.У статті з позиції сучасної теорії інформаційного права, на основі чинного українського законодавства та нормативно-правових актів Європейського Союзу, розглянуто правові аспекти інформаційної безпеки у телемедицині в Україні. Актуальність теми зумовлена необхідністю удосконалення законодавства України з метою комплексного теоретичного обґрунтування підвищення ефективності забезпечення інформаційної безпеки. У ході дослідження застосовано методологію системного комплексного аналізу правових явищ із застосуванням факторного та еволюційного методів дослідження. Зазначено, сучасні інформаційні технології дозволяють лікарям надавати дистанційну медичну допомогу, здійснювати постійний моніторинг стану здоров’я пацієнтів. У період пандемії COVID-19 зросла потреба у наданні віддаленої медичної допомоги. Вказано, що телемедичні технології використовуються для проведення досліджень та виявлення захворювань на основі автоматизованої обробки великих масивів персональних і медичних даних. В умовах цифровізації медицини зростає значення інформаційної безпеки пацієнтів та інших суб’єктів телемедичної діяльності. Обробка великих обсягів персональних даних про здоров’я пацієнтів в інформаційних системах підвищує ризики порушення недоторканності приватного життя та потребує більш високих стандартів захисту інформації

    Local self-government in public and private law: latest experience

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    Local self-government is one of the major institutions of civil society. Most democracies in the world have a developed system of local self-government, to which a number of state functions are delegated. To characterize this institution and clarify its inherent features of private and public law, it is necessary to study modern systems of local self-government and theoretical achievements in the field of private and public law. The work aims to analyze local self-government given the features inherent in public and private law. The object of research is local self-government in public and private law. The following methods were used during the study: analysis of regulations, articles and monographs, comparisons, abstractions, analogies, and generalizations. The study of the question of the attribution of local self-government as a subject of law to private and public law revealed a number of features that are characteristic of both public and private law. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the main characteristics of the system of local self-government in the world are determined, in particular, on the example of such countries as the USA, Great Britain, France, and Japan. Based on the theoretical achievements of legal scholars on private and public law, it was possible to identify their differences, basic features and, on this basis, to conclude that local government is characterized by features of both private and public law

    Legal Aspects of Information Security in Telemedicine in Ukraine

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    In the article, the legal aspects of information security in telemedicine in Ukraine are considered from the modern theory of information law based on current Ukrainian legislation and regulations of the European Union. The topic's relevance is due to the need to improve the legislation of Ukraine to provide a comprehensive theoretical justification for enhancing the effectiveness of information security. In the course of the study, the methodology of the systematic, comprehensive analysis of legal phenomena using factor and evolutionary research methods was applied. It is noted that modern information technologies allow doctors to provide remote medical care to monitor patients' health constantly. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for remote medical care has increased. It is indicated that telemedicine technologies are used to conduct research and detect diseases based on the automated processing of large amounts of personal and medical data. In the digitalization of medicine, the importance of information security of patients and other subjects of telemedicine activities is growing. The processing of large amounts of personal data on patients' health in information systems increases the risks of privacy violations and requires higher standards of information protection