11 research outputs found

    Urban dog spaces: the openness of dog-related government data in the city of Zagreb, Croatia *

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    Dogs and dog owners are increasingly present in modern urban spaces, and the construction and maintenance of urban infrastructure that includes places for them has become standard in most major cities. We wanted to investigate the extent to which the City of Zagreb is adhering to open data principles when it comes to dog-related data it makes available to citizens.The openness and quality of dog-related data was analysed in three steps. First, dog-related data was searched on various official websites and portals of the city and the data formats were ranked according to the five-star system for open data. In the second step, based on the available data, a field survey was conducted in 2020 to verify the found datasets and geocode them using a GPS device. In addition, the locations obtained from the local community of dog owners through social media were reviewed. Finally, data obtained from the survey was cross-checked with the government data to assess their quality. Government data on the locations of 300 dog waste bins and 72 green areas where dogs can be walked off-leash were available in Croatian from one or more government sources. All data sets found received the lowest score in terms of open data formats. Field survey revealed differences between the data and reality. The location of 40 dog waste bins could not be confirmed, and additional 53 bins were found that were not mentioned in the data. As for green areas, there were reportedly 10 dog parks in the city of Zagreb. The survey confirmed all locations and discovered 12 more, five of which were mentioned in the data but not designated as dog parks. The results suggest that the municipality needs to update the already open datasets more frequently. Improved implementation of these datasets into existing city data portals or the creation of a separate hub for dog owners would greatly improve the availability and reuse of this data by citizens


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    Očekivanja korisnika u ovo digitalno doba postaju sve veća. Korisnici mijenjaju svoje navike, one postaju sve složenije, a na organizacijama je da ih uspješno prate. Poznavanje korisnika za organizaciju predstavlja izazov zbog kojeg one u svoje poslovanje uvode inovacije kako bi nadišle konkurenciju na tržištu i samim time postale prvi izbor korisnika. Usmjerenost na korisnika, upravo je jedan od fokusa digitalne transformacije. Ona mijenja sferu poslovanja organizacija uzimajući u obzir komunikaciju i suradnju s korisnicima te ih uključuje u sve procese poslovanja. Poslovni procesi su predmet inovacija te se u kontekstu digitalne transformacije očekuje njihova modifikacija i potpuna prilagođenost tržištu te potrebama korisnika. Predmet analize članka predstavljaju promjene koje se javljaju u marketinškim procesima s ciljem poboljšanja korisničkog iskustva. Istraživanje je provedeno temeljem analize postojeće literature koja naglasak stavlja na digitalnu transformaciju i korisničko iskustvo. Cilj članka je istražiti ulogu i pojam usredotočenosti na klijenta u kontekstu digitalne transformacije marketinških procesa.Expectations from users in digital age are getting bigger. Users change their habits, habits become more complex, and organizations need to follow them successfully. User recognition for organizations means a challenge because organizations introduce innovations to their business to overcome market competition and to become first choice of users. Customer centricity is one of the focus of digital transformation. Digital transformation changes the sphere of business operations by taking into account communication and collaboration with customers and incorporates them into all business processes. Business processes are the subject of innovation and, in the context of digital transformation, their modification, complete market adaptation and user needs is expected. Subject of the article analysis deals with changes that occur in marketing processes to improve user experience. The research was based on analysis of literature review that emphasizes digital transformation and user experience. Objective of the article is to explore the role and the concept of customer focus in the context of digital transformation of marketing processes


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    Razvoj novog proizvoda ili usluge najčešće je iniciran novom potrebom postojećih kupaca. To znači da trenutni proizvod ili usluga više nisu dostatni za potrebe tržišta te je razvoj novog proizvoda ili usluge odgovor na novu potrebu. Međutim, u nekim slučajevima prvo se pojavi ideja za potpuno novi proizvod ili uslugu, za koju još nisu definirani potencijalni kupci. U tom slučaju za novu ideju potrebno je identificirati kupce, njihove potrebe koje će novi proizvod ili usluga zadovoljiti, koje probleme će rješavati te na koji način. U ovom radu biti će opisana primjena suvremenih razvojnih metoda za identifikaciju i profiliranje kupaca te određivanje vrijednosti koje im novi proizvod ili usluga pružaju. Nakon toga će biti opisano kako se rezultati primjene tih metoda mogu iskoristiti kod kreiranja marketinške strategije za novi proizvod ili uslugu.Development of a new product or service is mostly initiated by a new need of existing customers. That means that the current product or service is no longer sufficient for market needs and the development of new products or services is a response to those new needs. However, in some cases, an idea for a brand new product or service appears first, but the potential customer is not defined yet. That means that we have to identify customers, their needs which the new product or service is going to satisfy, what problems will be solved and how. This paper will describe the application of modern development methods for identifying and profiling customers and determining the value that the new product or service provides. Afterwards it is going to be described how the methods results can be used for creating a marketing strategy for that new product or service

    Analysis of data on household comsumption in Croatia and European Union

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    U diplomskom radu napravljena je analiza podataka potrošnje kućanstava u Hrvatskoj (prema podacima Državnog zavoda za statistiku) i Europskoj uniji (prema podacima Eurostata). Analizirana je struktura potrošnje kućanstava te struktura potrošnje s obzirom na karakteristike kućanstva. U obzir su uzete karakteristike kao što je tip kućanstva, socioekonomski status kućanstva, dob i spol članova kućanstva i drugo. Statistička metoda koja se koristila prilikom analize je linearna regresija. Analize su napravljene u Excelu

    Analysis of data on household comsumption in Croatia and European Union

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    U diplomskom radu napravljena je analiza podataka potrošnje kućanstava u Hrvatskoj (prema podacima Državnog zavoda za statistiku) i Europskoj uniji (prema podacima Eurostata). Analizirana je struktura potrošnje kućanstava te struktura potrošnje s obzirom na karakteristike kućanstva. U obzir su uzete karakteristike kao što je tip kućanstva, socioekonomski status kućanstva, dob i spol članova kućanstva i drugo. Statistička metoda koja se koristila prilikom analize je linearna regresija. Analize su napravljene u Excelu

    Analysis of data on household comsumption in Croatia and European Union

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    U diplomskom radu napravljena je analiza podataka potrošnje kućanstava u Hrvatskoj (prema podacima Državnog zavoda za statistiku) i Europskoj uniji (prema podacima Eurostata). Analizirana je struktura potrošnje kućanstava te struktura potrošnje s obzirom na karakteristike kućanstva. U obzir su uzete karakteristike kao što je tip kućanstva, socioekonomski status kućanstva, dob i spol članova kućanstva i drugo. Statistička metoda koja se koristila prilikom analize je linearna regresija. Analize su napravljene u Excelu

    Sustainability Driven by Agriculture through Digital Transformation

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    Economic, environmental and social sustainability is increasingly gaining the attention of academia and commitment in the policies of national economies. Global warming and climate change, weather disasters and disruptions are just some of the challenges that can drastically disrupt stable business models, and thus jeopardize sustainability. Agriculture, as an activity at the center of the value chain, is facing these problems, and, at the same time, contributes to feeding the growing world population and is responsible for conserving resources and ensuring sustainability. Process automation, data analysis and processing, control and management of agricultural operations have transformed the agricultural business and contributed to sustainability, survival and development within supply chains. This article analyzes the literature in the field of sustainability and agriculture led by digital technologies of Industry 4.0. The analysis of the research field showed the high importance of the topic in academic and national circles, given the number of published articles. Secondly, the concepts of sustainable agriculture and sustainability driven agriculture in the context of digital transformation were analyzed and it was shown that transformed agriculture can successfully cope with today’s challenges. Finally, guidelines for sustainable development driven by agriculture through the determinants of digital transformation are defined


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    Ponašanje potrošača u suvremenoj trgovini uvjetovano je brojnim općim, psihološkim, socijalnim, marketinškim i drugim čimbenicima. Obitelj, interesne skupine, društvo, kultura, osobni ukus, kao i financijska moć samih potrošača uvelike oblikuju njihove preferencije prema kupnji određenih proizvoda i usluga. No, razmišljanje potrošača značajno se mijenja uslijed naglih i neizvjesnih svjetskih promjena kojima se, u posljednje tri godine, suočava, ponajprije, Europa, a samim time i Republika Hrvatska. Pandemija Covid-19, čije se posljedice na sve aspekte ljudskog života osjećaju još i danas, izbijanje rata u Ukrajini, koji postavlja nova pravila vanjskotrgovinske politike te ulazak Republike Hrvatske u schengenski prostor i uvođenje nove službene valute, samo su neki od poremećaja koji utječu na ponašanje potrošača, njihove strahove, želje i potrebe. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kako novije svjetske krize formiraju ponašanje potrošača i u kolikoj mjeri ga mijenjaju. Kroz detaljan pregled dostupne literature obrađena su tri značajna poremećaja - pandemija Covid-19, rat u Ukrajini i uvođenje nove službene valute u europske zemlje te je postavljen temelj za buduće, empirijsko, istraživanje.Consumer behavior in modern commerce is conditioned by numerous general, psychological, social, marketing and other factors. Family, interest groups, society, culture, personal taste, as well as the financial power of the consumers themselves largely shape their preferences towards the purchase of certain products and services. However, consumer thinking is significantly changing, as a result of the sudden and uncertain world changes that Europe, and thus the Republic of Croatia, has been facing in the last three years. The Covid-19 pandemic, the consequences of which are felt on all aspects of human life even today, the outbreak of the Ukrainian war, which sets new rules for foreign trade policies, as well as the entry of the Republic of Croatia into the Schengen area and the introduction of a new official currency, are just some of the disruptions which influence consumer behavior, their fears, desires and needs. The aim of this paper is to show how recent world crises shape consumer behavior and to what extent they change it. Through a detailed review of the available literature, three significant disruptions - the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the introduction of a new official currency in European countries - were addressed, and the foundation for future empirical research was laid

    Promoting digital innovation: Identifying the key elements in agricultural open data ecosystem in Croatia

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    Open data is critical for digital innovation in the sector of agriculture. We aimed to identify the four key elements of the open data ecosystem for the agricultural domain in Croatia. 357 data files available via the Croatian Open data portal, the internet pages of the Ministry of agriculture, the Croatian agency for agriculture and food, as well as the Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development were analysed. The main G2B publishers of the agriculture domain have not yet reached their potential in opening data. There are still many raw and aggregated datasets not openly available. The published data lack a suitable format for data linking and information on licencing

    Urban dog spaces: The openness of dog-related government data in the city of Zagreb, Croatia

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    Dogs and dog owners are increasingly present in modern urban spaces, and the construction and maintenance of urban infrastructure that includes places for them has become standard in most major cities. We wanted to investigate the extent to which the City of Zagreb is adhering to open data principles when it comes to dog-related data it makes available to citizens.The openness and quality of dog-related data was analysed in three steps. First, dog-related data was searched on various official websites and portals of the city and the data formats were ranked according to the five-star system for open data. In the second step, based on the available data, a field survey was conducted in 2020 to verify the found datasets and geocode them using a GPS device. In addition, the locations obtained from the local community of dog owners through social media were reviewed. Finally, data obtained from the survey was cross-checked with the government data to assess their quality. Government data on the locations of 300 dog waste bins and 72 green areas where dogs can be walked off-leash were available in Croatian from one or more government sources. All data sets found received the lowest score in terms of open data formats. Field survey revealed differences between the data and reality. The location of 40 dog waste bins could not be confirmed, and additional 53 bins were found that were not mentioned in the data. As for green areas, there were reportedly 10 dog parks in the city of Zagreb. The survey confirmed all locations and discovered 12 more, five of which were mentioned in the data but not designated as dog parks. The results suggest that the municipality needs to update the already open datasets more frequently. Improved implementation of these datasets into existing city data portals or the creation of a separate hub for dog owners would greatly improve the availability and reuse of this data by citizens.Urban Data Scienc