235 research outputs found

    Consistency of cosmic microwave background temperature measurements in three frequency bands in the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey

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    We present an internal consistency test of South Pole Telescope (SPT) measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropy using three-band data from the SPT-SZ survey. These measurements are made from observations of ~2500 deg^2 of sky in three frequency bands centered at 95, 150, and 220 GHz. We combine the information from these three bands into six semi-independent estimates of the CMB power spectrum (three single-frequency power spectra and three cross-frequency spectra) over the multipole range 650 < l < 3000. We subtract an estimate of foreground power from each power spectrum and evaluate the consistency among the resulting CMB-only spectra. We determine that the six foreground-cleaned power spectra are consistent with the null hypothesis, in which the six cleaned spectra contain only CMB power and noise. A fit of the data to this model results in a chi-squared value of 236.3 for 235 degrees of freedom, and the probability to exceed this chi-squared value is 46%.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, current version matches version published in JCA

    A Comparison of Cosmological Parameters Determined from CMB Temperature Power Spectra from the South Pole Telescope and the Planck Satellite

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    The Planck cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature data are best fit with a LCDM model that is in mild tension with constraints from other cosmological probes. The South Pole Telescope (SPT) 2540 deg2\text{deg}^2 SPT-SZ survey offers measurements on sub-degree angular scales (multipoles 650≤ℓ≤2500650 \leq \ell \leq 2500) with sufficient precision to use as an independent check of the Planck data. Here we build on the recent joint analysis of the SPT-SZ and Planck data in \citet{hou17} by comparing LCDM parameter estimates using the temperature power spectrum from both data sets in the SPT-SZ survey region. We also restrict the multipole range used in parameter fitting to focus on modes measured well by both SPT and Planck, thereby greatly reducing sample variance as a driver of parameter differences and creating a stringent test for systematic errors. We find no evidence of systematic errors from such tests. When we expand the maximum multipole of SPT data used, we see low-significance shifts in the angular scale of the sound horizon and the physical baryon and cold dark matter densities, with a resulting trend to higher Hubble constant. When we compare SPT and Planck data on the SPT-SZ sky patch to Planck full-sky data but keep the multipole range restricted, we find differences in the parameters nsn_s and Ase−2τA_se^{-2\tau}. We perform further checks, investigating instrumental effects and modeling assumptions, and we find no evidence that the effects investigated are responsible for any of the parameter shifts. Taken together, these tests reveal no evidence for systematic errors in SPT or Planck data in the overlapping sky coverage and multipole range and, at most, weak evidence for a breakdown of LCDM or systematic errors influencing either the Planck data outside the SPT-SZ survey area or the SPT data at ℓ>2000\ell >2000.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Updated 1 figure and expanded on the reasoning for fixing the affect of lensing on the power spectrum instead of varying Alen

    The 10 Meter South Pole Telescope

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    The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10 m diameter, wide-field, offset Gregorian telescope with a 966-pixel, multi-color, millimeter-wave, bolometer camera. It is located at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole station in Antarctica. The design of the SPT emphasizes careful control of spillover and scattering, to minimize noise and false signals due to ground pickup. The key initial project is a large-area survey at wavelengths of 3, 2 and 1.3 mm, to detect clusters of galaxies via the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and to measure the small-scale angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The data will be used to characterize the primordial matter power spectrum and to place constraints on the equation of state of dark energy. A second-generation camera will measure the polarization of the CMB, potentially leading to constraints on the neutrino mass and the energy scale of inflation.Comment: 47 pages, 14 figures, updated to match version to be published in PASP 123 903 (May, 2011

    A Comparison of Maps and Power Spectra Determined from South Pole Telescope and Planck Data

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    We study the consistency of 150 GHz data from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and 143 GHz data from the Planck satellite over the patch of sky covered by the SPT-SZ survey. We first visually compare the maps and find that the residuals appear consistent with noise after accounting for differences in angular resolution and filtering. We then calculate (1) the cross-spectrum between two independent halves of SPT data, (2) the cross-spectrum between two independent halves of Planck data, and (3) the cross-spectrum between SPT and Planck data. We find the three cross-spectra are well-fit (PTE = 0.30) by the null hypothesis in which both experiments have measured the same sky map up to a single free calibration parameter---i.e., we find no evidence for systematic errors in either data set. As a by-product, we improve the precision of the SPT calibration by nearly an order of magnitude, from 2.6% to 0.3% in power. Finally, we compare all three cross-spectra to the full-sky Planck power spectrum and find marginal evidence for differences between the power spectra from the SPT-SZ footprint and the full sky. We model these differences as a power law in spherical harmonic multipole number. The best-fit value of this tilt is consistent among the three cross-spectra in the SPT-SZ footprint, implying that the source of this tilt is a sample variance fluctuation in the SPT-SZ region relative to the full sky. The consistency of cosmological parameters derived from these datasets is discussed in a companion paper.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Published in The Astrophysical Journal. Current arxiv version matches published versio

    Measurements of Sub-degree B-mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background from 100 Square Degrees of SPTpol Data

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    We present a measurement of the BB-mode polarization power spectrum (the BBBB spectrum) from 100 deg2\mathrm{deg}^2 of sky observed with SPTpol, a polarization-sensitive receiver currently installed on the South Pole Telescope. The observations used in this work were taken during 2012 and early 2013 and include data in spectral bands centered at 95 and 150 GHz. We report the BBBB spectrum in five bins in multipole space, spanning the range 300≤ℓ≤2300300 \le \ell \le 2300, and for three spectral combinations: 95 GHz ×\times 95 GHz, 95 GHz ×\times 150 GHz, and 150 GHz ×\times 150 GHz. We subtract small (<0.5σ< 0.5 \sigma in units of statistical uncertainty) biases from these spectra and account for the uncertainty in those biases. The resulting power spectra are inconsistent with zero power but consistent with predictions for the BBBB spectrum arising from the gravitational lensing of EE-mode polarization. If we assume no other source of BBBB power besides lensed BB modes, we determine a preference for lensed BB modes of 4.9σ4.9 \sigma. After marginalizing over tensor power and foregrounds, namely polarized emission from galactic dust and extragalactic sources, this significance is 4.3σ4.3 \sigma. Fitting for a single parameter, AlensA_\mathrm{lens}, that multiplies the predicted lensed BB-mode spectrum, and marginalizing over tensor power and foregrounds, we find Alens=1.08±0.26A_\mathrm{lens} = 1.08 \pm 0.26, indicating that our measured spectra are consistent with the signal expected from gravitational lensing. The data presented here provide the best measurement to date of the BB-mode power spectrum on these angular scales.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    A Direct Measurement of the Linear Bias of Mid-infrared-selected Quasars at z ap 1 Using Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing

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    We measure the cross-power spectrum of the projected mass density as traced by the convergence of the cosmic microwave background lensing field from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and a sample of Type 1 and 2 (unobscured and obscured) quasars at langzrang ~ 1 selected with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, over 2500 deg2. The cross-power spectrum is detected at ≈7σ, and we measure a linear bias b = 1.61 ± 0.22, consistent with clustering analyses. Using an independent lensing map, derived from Planck observations, to measure the cross-spectrum, we find excellent agreement with the SPT analysis. The bias of the combined sample of Type 1 and 2 quasars determined in this work is similar to that previously determined for Type 1 quasars alone; we conclude that obscured and unobscured quasars trace the matter field in a similar way. This result has implications for our understanding of quasar unification and evolution schemes.Peer reviewe

    Detection of B-mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background with Data from the South Pole Telescope

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    Gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background generates a curl pattern in the observed polarization. This "B-mode" signal provides a measure of the projected mass distribution over the entire observable Universe and also acts as a contaminant for the measurement of primordial gravity-wave signals. In this Letter we present the first detection of gravitational lensing B modes, using first-season data from the polarization-sensitive receiver on the South Pole Telescope (SPTpol). We construct a template for the lensing B-mode signal by combining E-mode polarization measured by SPTpol with estimates of the lensing potential from a Herschel-SPIRE map of the cosmic infrared background. We compare this template to the B modes measured directly by SPTpol, finding a non-zero correlation at 7.7 sigma significance. The correlation has an amplitude and scale-dependence consistent with theoretical expectations, is robust with respect to analysis choices, and constitutes the first measurement of a powerful cosmological observable.Comment: Two additional null tests, matches version published in PR

    Mass Calibration and Cosmological Analysis of the SPT-SZ Galaxy Cluster Sample Using Velocity Dispersion σv\sigma_v and X-ray YXY_\textrm{X} Measurements

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    We present a velocity dispersion-based mass calibration of the South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect survey (SPT-SZ) galaxy cluster sample. Using a homogeneously selected sample of 100 cluster candidates from 720 deg2 of the survey along with 63 velocity dispersion (σv\sigma_v) and 16 X-ray Yx measurements of sample clusters, we simultaneously calibrate the mass-observable relation and constrain cosmological parameters. The calibrations using σv\sigma_v and Yx are consistent at the 0.6σ0.6\sigma level, with the σv\sigma_v calibration preferring ~16% higher masses. We use the full cluster dataset to measure σ8(Ωm/0.27)0.3=0.809±0.036\sigma_8(\Omega_ m/0.27)^{0.3}=0.809\pm0.036. The SPT cluster abundance is lower than preferred by either the WMAP9 or Planck+WMAP9 polarization (WP) data, but assuming the sum of the neutrino masses is ∑mν=0.06\sum m_\nu=0.06 eV, we find the datasets to be consistent at the 1.0σ\sigma level for WMAP9 and 1.5σ\sigma for Planck+WP. Allowing for larger ∑mν\sum m_\nu further reconciles the results. When we combine the cluster and Planck+WP datasets with BAO and SNIa, the preferred cluster masses are 1.9σ1.9\sigma higher than the Yx calibration and 0.8σ0.8\sigma higher than the σv\sigma_v calibration. Given the scale of these shifts (~44% and ~23% in mass, respectively), we execute a goodness of fit test; it reveals no tension, indicating that the best-fit model provides an adequate description of the data. Using the multi-probe dataset, we measure Ωm=0.299±0.009\Omega_ m=0.299\pm0.009 and σ8=0.829±0.011\sigma_8=0.829\pm0.011. Within a ν\nuCDM model we find ∑mν=0.148±0.081\sum m_\nu = 0.148\pm0.081 eV. We present a consistency test of the cosmic growth rate. Allowing both the growth index γ\gamma and the dark energy equation of state parameter ww to vary, we find γ=0.73±0.28\gamma=0.73\pm0.28 and w=−1.007±0.065w=-1.007\pm0.065, demonstrating that the expansion and the growth histories are consistent with a LCDM model (γ=0.55; w=−1\gamma=0.55; \,w=-1).Comment: Accepted by ApJ (v2 is accepted version); 17 pages, 6 figure

    South Pole Telescope Detections of the Previously Unconfirmed Planck Early SZ Clusters in the Southern Hemisphere

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    We present South Pole Telescope (SPT) observations of the five galaxy cluster candidates in the southern hemisphere which were reported as unconfirmed in the Planck Early Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (ESZ) sample. One cluster candidate, PLCKESZ G255.62-46.16, is located in the 2500-square-degree SPT SZ survey region and was reported previously as SPT-CL J0411-4819. For the remaining four candidates, which are located outside of the SPT SZ survey region, we performed short, dedicated SPT observations. Each of these four candidates was strongly detected in maps made from these observations, with signal-to-noise ratios ranging from 6.3 to 13.8. We have observed these four candidates on the Magellan-Baade telescope and used these data to estimate cluster redshifts from the red sequence. Resulting redshifts range from 0.24 to 0.46. We report measurements of Y_0.75', the integrated Comptonization within a 0.75' radius, for all five candidates. We also report X-ray luminosities calculated from ROSAT All-Sky Survey catalog counts, as well as optical and improved SZ coordinates for each candidate. The combination of SPT SZ measurements, optical red-sequence measurements, and X-ray luminosity estimates demonstrates that these five Planck ESZ cluster candidates do indeed correspond to real galaxy clusters with redshifts and observable properties consistent with the rest of the ESZ sample.Comment: 7 emulateapj pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Revised to match published versio

    A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Damping Tail from the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey

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    We present a measurement of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature power spectrum using data from the recently completed South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SPT-SZ) survey. This measurement is made from observations of 2540 deg2^2 of sky with arcminute resolution at 150 150\,GHz, and improves upon previous measurements using the SPT by tripling the sky area. We report CMB temperature anisotropy power over the multipole range 650<ℓ<3000650<\ell<3000. We fit the SPT bandpowers, combined with the seven-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP7) data, with a six-parameter LCDM cosmological model and find that the two datasets are consistent and well fit by the model. Adding SPT measurements significantly improves LCDM parameter constraints; in particular, the constraint on θs\theta_s tightens by a factor of 2.7. The impact of gravitational lensing is detected at 8.1 σ8.1\, \sigma, the most significant detection to date. This sensitivity of the SPT+WMAP7 data to lensing by large-scale structure at low redshifts allows us to constrain the mean curvature of the observable universe with CMB data alone to be Ωk=−0.003−0.018+0.014\Omega_k=-0.003^{+0.014}_{-0.018}. Using the SPT+WMAP7 data, we measure the spectral index of scalar fluctuations to be ns=0.9623±0.0097n_s=0.9623 \pm 0.0097 in the LCDM model, a 3.9 σ3.9\,\sigma preference for a scale-dependent spectrum with ns<1n_s<1. The SPT measurement of the CMB damping tail helps break the degeneracy that exists between the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr and nsn_s in large-scale CMB measurements, leading to an upper limit of r<0.18r<0.18 (95%,C.L.) in the LCDM+rr model. Adding low-redshift measurements of the Hubble constant (H0H_0) and the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) feature to the SPT+WMAP7 data leads to further improvements. The combination of SPT+WMAP7+H0H_0+BAO constrains ns=0.9538±0.0081n_s=0.9538 \pm 0.0081 in the LCDM model, a 5.7 σ5.7\,\sigma detection of ns<1n_s < 1, ... [abridged]Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Replaced with version accepted by ApJ. Data products are available at http://pole.uchicago.edu/public/data/story12
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