11 research outputs found

    Power Line Communication for Home Automation Applications

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá popisem a návrhem modemu pro komunikaci po silových rozvodech v domácnosti. První část práce popisuje historii, kmitočtová pásma, používané modulace a zabývá se výběrem vhodného komunikačního modemu. Druhá část je věnována samotnému návrhu a realizaci úzkopásmového PLC modulu, který by měl být použit jako komunikační rozhraní v automatizaci rodinného domu. Práce se dále zabývá popisem navrženého komunikačního protokolu, softwaru pro mikrokontrolér ATmega32 a závěrečným testováním modulu v reálných podmínkách.This thesis describes the design of a modem for a communication over residential power lines. First part is focused on the history, suitable frequency bands, modulation techniques and mainly on the selection of the optimal modem device. Second section contains the description of the hardware design of the modem itself and clarifies the implementation of the PLC module to be used as a communication interface for a full residential automation solution. Last chapters of this thesis introduce the communication protocol, design of the software for the ATmega32 MCU and present of the final field testing under real conditions.

    LED driver

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací modulu pro ovládání LED osvětlení. Modul je určen k ovládání jasu čtyř LED okruhů. Ovládání je řešeno pomocí IR dálkového ovladače nebo z PC přes USB rozhraní. Modul disponuje režimem „učení“, který umožní ovládání z jakéhokoliv ovladače, který využívá protokol RC5 nebo NEC. Práce se dále zabývá popisem použitých IR protokolů, rozborem vybraných komponentů a vytvořeného softwaru pro mikrokontrolér ATmega16 a PC.This thesis describes the design and implementation module for LED lighting. The module is designed to control brightness of four LED circuits. Control is done via IR remote control or from PC via USB interface. The module has a mode of "learning", which allows control from any controller that uses the RC5 or NEC protocol. The thesis also deals with the description of used IR protocols, analysis of selected components and software developed for the ATmega16 microcontroller and PC.

    Comparing commemorations of semicentennial and centennial anniversary of Easter rising

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    Cílem této práce je porovnat dvě nejdůležitější komemorace (padesátileté a stoleté výročí) organizované k připomenutí Velikonočního povstání. V první kapitole je představen koncept kolektivní paměti a také interpretace tohoto konceptu od různých autorů. Koncept kolektivní paměti a paměti místa je pro tuto práci klíčový, protože komemorace jsou analyzovány právě pomocí těchto dvou konceptů. V této kapitole jsou také představena výzkumná kritéria, která jsou později použita při srovnávání komemorací. Mezi tyto kategorie patří identita organizátorů, geopolitická situace Irské republiky předcházející komemoracím a budování památníků a míst paměti v souvislosti s Velikonočním povstáním. V následujících dvou kapitolách jsou analyzovány konkrétní komemorace a podle výzkumných kritérií jsou porovnávány vzájemné podobnosti a rozdíly. I když existují určité podobnosti mezi oběma komemoracemi a je jich spousta, jsou tyto komemorace od sebe naprosto odlišné, především kvůli následkům. Komemorace z roku 1966 byly velmi kontroverzní, a to zejména z důvodu projevu, který prezident de Valera přednesl v poslední den oficiálních ceremonií. Komemorace roku 2016 byly všeobecně přijímány jako poklidné, uctivé a smysluplné, i když se jednalo o největší slavnostní událost v irské historii.The aim of this work is to compare the two most important commemorations (semicentennial and centennial) organized to commemorate the Easter Rising. The first chapter introduces the concept of collective memory as well as some interpretations of this concept by various authors. The concept of collective memory and memory of space is crucial for this work, because commemorations are analyzed using these two concepts. This chapter also introduces research criteria that are later used to compare commemorations. These categories include the identity of the organizers, the geopolitical situation of the Republic of Ireland prior to commemoration, and the building of memorials and memory sites in connection with the Easter Rising. The following two chapters analyze specific commemorations and compare similarities and differences according to predetermined research criteria. Although there are some similarities between the two commemorations and there are many, these commemorations are totally different from each other, especially because of the consequences. The 1966 commemoration was very controversial, especially because of the speech given by President de Valera on the last day of the official ceremonies. The 2016 commemorations were generally accepted as peaceful, respectful and meaningful, even...Department of European StudiesKatedra evropských studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Změna postoje NFL k rasovým otázkám od protestu Colina Kaepernicka v roce 2016

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    Cílem této práce je zanalyzovat postoj NFL vůči rasovým otázkám od protestu Colina Kaepernicka v roce 2016. Colin Kaepernick je hráč amerického fotbalu černé pleti, který začal v září roku 2016 protestovat proti rasismu a zabíjení černochů zákonnými složkami. Kaepernickovy protesty probíhaly nenásilnou formou, před zápasem během přehrávání americké národní hymny si poklekl. Jeho nenásilný protest však byl vnímán mnoha lidmi, včetně několika vrcholných manažerů NFL, jako neuctivý vůči americké armádě, americké vlajce a národní hymně. Postoj NFL je analyzován pomocí kvalitativní obsahové analýzy všech oficiálních vyjádření NFL na adresu Kaepernicka a rasových otázek od začátku Kaepernickova protestu do konce roku 2020. Vyjádření jsou analyzována pomocí kritické rasové teorie, konceptu, který se zabývá otázkou rasismu, bílé nadřazenosti a institucionalizovaného rasismu. Výsledky analýzy prokázaly, že postoj NFL k rasovým otázkám se od roku 2016 změnil poměrně výrazně. V letech 2016 a 2017 se NFL zaměřovala zejména na způsob Kaepernickova protestu, který se jí nelíbil a neřešila tolik důvody protestů. V roce 2018 NFL nakrátko představila několik pravidel, které nově zakazovali hráčům a zaměstnancům týmů a ligy klečet na hřišti při přehrávání národní hymny. Tato pravidla byla však po krátké době...This paper aims to analyze NFL's stance and approach towards racial issues since Colin Kaepernick's protest in 2016. Colin Kaepernick is an African American athlete who started to protest against racial and social injustice by kneeling before NFL games when the national anthem was played. His protests caused many controversies because many people saw his actions as disrespectful towards the military, flag, national anthem and towards the USA. NFL's stance is analyzed through a qualitative content analysis of all NFL statements, which were issued since the beginning of Kaepernick's protest until the end of 2020. The statements are analyzed by use of the critical race theory, which focuses on the topic of race, white supremacy and institutionalized and hidden racism. The results of the analysis are that NFL's stance towards racial issues changed substantially. In 2016 and 2017, the primary concern of the NFL was the form of Kaepernick's protest as it was understood as a disrespectful and un-American act. In these years, NFL was trying to have a discussion with players about the causes of the protests, however, its primary concern was the form of Kaepernick's protest. In 2018, NFL briefly introduced a set of rules, which prohibited players from taking a knee during the national anthem while being on...Department of North American StudiesKatedra severoamerických studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Comparing commemorations of semicentennial and centennial anniversary of Easter rising

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    The aim of this work is to compare the two most important commemorations (semicentennial and centennial) organized to commemorate the Easter Rising. The first chapter introduces the concept of collective memory as well as some interpretations of this concept by various authors. The concept of collective memory and memory of space is crucial for this work, because commemorations are analyzed using these two concepts. This chapter also introduces research criteria that are later used to compare commemorations. These categories include the identity of the organizers, the geopolitical situation of the Republic of Ireland prior to commemoration, and the building of memorials and memory sites in connection with the Easter Rising. The following two chapters analyze specific commemorations and compare similarities and differences according to predetermined research criteria. Although there are some similarities between the two commemorations and there are many, these commemorations are totally different from each other, especially because of the consequences. The 1966 commemoration was very controversial, especially because of the speech given by President de Valera on the last day of the official ceremonies. The 2016 commemorations were generally accepted as peaceful, respectful and meaningful, even..

    The shift in NFL's stance towards racial issues since Colin Kaepernick's protest in 2016

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    This paper aims to analyze NFL's stance and approach towards racial issues since Colin Kaepernick's protest in 2016. Colin Kaepernick is an African American athlete who started to protest against racial and social injustice by kneeling before NFL games when the national anthem was played. His protests caused many controversies because many people saw his actions as disrespectful towards the military, flag, national anthem and towards the USA. NFL's stance is analyzed through a qualitative content analysis of all NFL statements, which were issued since the beginning of Kaepernick's protest until the end of 2020. The statements are analyzed by use of the critical race theory, which focuses on the topic of race, white supremacy and institutionalized and hidden racism. The results of the analysis are that NFL's stance towards racial issues changed substantially. In 2016 and 2017, the primary concern of the NFL was the form of Kaepernick's protest as it was understood as a disrespectful and un-American act. In these years, NFL was trying to have a discussion with players about the causes of the protests, however, its primary concern was the form of Kaepernick's protest. In 2018, NFL briefly introduced a set of rules, which prohibited players from taking a knee during the national anthem while being on..

    Range of motion after total knee arthroplasty in hemophilic arthropathy

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    Abstract Background Outcomes of total knee replacement in cases of hemophilic patients are worse than in patients who undergo operations due to osteoarthritis. Previous publications have reported varying rates of complications in hemophilic patients, such as infection and an unsatisfactory range of motion, which have influenced the survival of prostheses. Our retrospective study evaluated the data of hemophilic patients regarding changes in the development of the range of motion. Methods The data and clinical outcomes of 72 total knee replacements in 45 patients with hemophilia types A and B were reviewed retrospectively. Patients were operated between 1998 and 2013. All of the patients were systematically followed up to record the range of motion and other parameters before and after surgery. Results The mean preoperative flexion contracture was 17° ± 11° (range, 0°-40°), and it was 7° ± 12° (range, 0°-60°) postoperatively. The mean flexion of the knee was 73° ± 30° (range, 5°-135°) before the operation and 80° ± 19° (range, 30°-110°) at the last follow-up. The mean range of motion was 56° ± 34° (range, 0°-130°) before the operation and 73° ± 24° (range, 10°-110°) at the last follow-up. Conclusions Statistical analysis suggested that the range of motion could be improved until the 9th postoperative week. The patient should be operated on until the flexion contracture reaches 22° to obtain a contracture < 15° postoperatively or until the contracture reaches 12° to obtain less than 5°. The operation generally does not change the flexion of the knee in cases of hemophilic patients, but it reduces the flexion contracture and therefore improves the range

    TET protein inhibitors: Potential and limitations

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    TET proteins (methylcytosine dioxygenases) play an important role in the regulation of gene expression. Dysregulation of their activity is associated with many serious pathogenic states such as oncological diseases. Regulation of their activity by specific inhibitors could represent a promising therapeutic strategy. Therefore, this review describes various types of TET protein inhibitors in terms of their inhibitory mechanism and possible applicability. The potential and possible limitations of this approach are thoroughly discussed in the context of TET protein functionality in living systems. Furthermore, possible therapeutic strategies based on the inhibition of TET proteins are presented and evaluated, especially in the field of oncological diseases