70 research outputs found

    Present-day trends in sediment size composition of gravel bars of stream channels of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. – case study Sihelský potok Brook

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    Changes in sediment delivery to mountain stream channels are a typical feature of present-day geomorphological evolution of channel morphology. There is a high level of transport of coarse-grained sediments typical for Carpathian region built by flysch rocks. Evaluation of the effect of man-induced changes in the study area is focused on the quantification of this phenomenon through the use of automated sizing of coarse-grained sediments. Tendency in the composition of gravel bars is studied along the longitudinal profile and with regard to adjacent landforms.Changes in sediment delivery to mountain stream channels are a typical feature of present-day geomorphological evolution of channel morphology. There is a high level of transport of coarse-grained sediments typical for Carpathian region built by flysch rocks. Evaluation of the effect of man-induced changes in the study area is focused on the quantification of this phenomenon through the use of automated sizing of coarse-grained sediments. Tendency in the composition of gravel bars is studied along the longitudinal profile and with regard to adjacent landforms

    Gravitational disintegration of the Čertův Mlýn Mt. (Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.)

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    Silesian Unit represents a geological structure which is highly affected by deep-seated gravitational slope deformations on many places. One of famous examples of spreading of a mountain ridge is located on the elevation of Čertův Mlýn Mt. in the highest part of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. Besides typical displays of double ridges, crevice-type caves, counter-scarp slopes and shallow landslides there are huge tectono-gravitational block deformations. Some manifestations of gravitational spreading were dated to the period of quite young Holocene (Subboreal-Subatlantic). Geophysical measurement revealed that gravitational deformations prograde to the depth even in areas without observable topographic manifestations.Silesian Unit represents a geological structure which is highly affected by deep-seated gravitational slope deformations on many places. One of famous examples of spreading of a mountain ridge is located on the elevation of Čertův Mlýn Mt. in the highest part of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. Besides typical displays of double ridges, crevice-type caves, counter-scarp slopes and shallow landslides there are huge tectono-gravitational block deformations. Some manifestations of gravitational spreading were dated to the period of quite young Holocene (Subboreal-Subatlantic). Geophysical measurement revealed that gravitational deformations prograde to the depth even in areas without observable topographic manifestations


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    Culmination part of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts in the area of outcrops of rocks of the Silesian unit is marked with vast gravitational disintegration connected with the rise of trenches, counter slope scarps and the following development of landslides, debris flows and rock avalanches. In the culmination part of Smrk Mt (1276 m) crossasymmetrical trench was identified having the direction correspondent with topolineaments identified by means of digital elevation model. Geophysical sounding using the methods of symmetric resistivity sounding, vertical electric sounding and shallow seismic refraction proved the existence of a zone of reduced concentration in the depth of minimum 40 m. The rise of the trench indicates probably lateral spreading of the whole massif of Smrk Mt which induced the presence of tectonic faults, erosion unloading at the development of deep fault gap valleys of Čeladenka and Ostravice Rivers and sinking of rigid sandstone of middle member of Godula formation into plastic layers of slightly rhythmical flysch of lower member of Godula formation

    Fossil landslide-dammed lake in the Babínek valley (Vsetínské vrchy Hills): contribution to understanding the Holocene relief development in the flysch Carpathians

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    Sedimentary sequences deposited in the fossil landslide dammed lake have been studied in the Babínek Brook valley. High variability of sediments in the stratigraphic profiles shows repeated changes in the depositional conditions connected with climatic changes during the Holocene. Radiocarbon dating of organic samples from different layers of the profiles sets the minimum age of the slope deformation (and of the beginning of the impoundment sedimentation) to the Boreal Chronozone (8 730 ± 220 BP) and pin-points the significant changes in the sedimentation dynamics during the Subboreal, Subatlantic and Subrecent Chronozones (5630 ± 150 BP – 610 ± 110 BP).Sedimentary sequences deposited in the fossil landslide dammed lake have been studied in the Babínek Brook valley. High variability of sediments in the stratigraphic profiles shows repeated changes in the depositional conditions connected with climatic changes during the Holocene. Radiocarbon dating of organic samples from different layers of the profiles sets the minimum age of the slope deformation (and of the beginning of the impoundment sedimentation) to the Boreal Chronozone (8 730 ± 220 BP) and pin-points the significant changes in the sedimentation dynamics during the Subboreal, Subatlantic and Subrecent Chronozones (5630 ± 150 BP – 610 ± 110 BP)


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    This paper brings evidence on sediment distribution trends in longitudinal profiles of Beskydian high gradient streams. High gradient streams play an important role in the context of fluvial (dis)continuum as they represent a source of sediment for downstream parts of catchments. The main instrument in the identification of river basin (dis)connectivity was grain-size analysis and fluvialgeomorphological mapping. In addition, bedload material transport force was computed for sections in the vicinity of gauging station. The research comprised the study areas of the Býčinec Basin, the Velký Lipový Basin and the Malá Ráztoka Basin

    Conditions of sediment transport and accumulation in man-affected Beskydian rivers: case study of the Morávka and Mohelnice rivers confluence

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    This paper summarizes results of grain-size distribution of gravel bars and transport conditions in the context of sediment sources in the confl uence area of the Morávka and Mohelnice rivers (Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts). We deal with a hypothesis that general changes of grain-size distribution of gravel bars are controlled by disconnection in sediment flux in the Morávka River and, by contrast, that higher sediment delivery is related to the Mohelnice river basin. The second focus is the evaluation of fluvial transport parameters of a channel influenced by control works and sediment mining. Bed load transport research was conducted with the application of BAGS (Bedload Assessment for Gravel-bed Streams) spreadsheet-based program. Sediment analysis of the channel confluence showed limited sediment supply character indicated by coarser sediment delivery from the Morávka River. This fact is related to the effect of hungry water caused mainly by the Morávka Reservoir. On the other hand, the Mohelnice River displayed trends of relatively higher sediment delivery without potential disconnectivities in sediment flux. Results of this analysis brought an insight into a potential scheme of the future development of the studied reaches. We suppose preservation of recent trends in case of the occurrence of signifi cant changes in land use or watershed management.This paper summarizes results of grain-size distribution of gravel bars and transport conditions in the context of sediment sources in the confl uence area of the Morávka and Mohelnice rivers (Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts). We deal with a hypothesis that general changes of grain-size distribution of gravel bars are controlled by disconnection in sediment flux in the Morávka River and, by contrast, that higher sediment delivery is related to the Mohelnice river basin. The second focus is the evaluation of fluvial transport parameters of a channel influenced by control works and sediment mining. Bed load transport research was conducted with the application of BAGS (Bedload Assessment for Gravel-bed Streams) spreadsheet-based program. Sediment analysis of the channel confluence showed limited sediment supply character indicated by coarser sediment delivery from the Morávka River. This fact is related to the effect of hungry water caused mainly by the Morávka Reservoir. On the other hand, the Mohelnice River displayed trends of relatively higher sediment delivery without potential disconnectivities in sediment flux. Results of this analysis brought an insight into a potential scheme of the future development of the studied reaches. We suppose preservation of recent trends in case of the occurrence of signifi cant changes in land use or watershed management


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    Significant denudation and areal reduction of pre-Quaternary ridges and planation surfaces took place during the Pleistocene period in the area of Hrubý Jeseník Mts. Cryoplanation was structural controlled and the cryoplanation itself conditioned evolution of cryoplanation surfaces, cryoplantion terraces, tors, frost riven cliffs and scarps at the top area of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.The watershead parts situated in homogenous and less resistant rocks were under influences of denudation, intensive frost weathering and eolian processes. The summit surface of the Vysoká hole Mt. (1464 m a.. s. l.) area (the top part of Pradědská hornatina Mts) has been analysed by surface-geophysical method of shallow seismic refraction. Georelief modifying by frost weathering has beed verified by geophysical measurements in the minimum depth of 13 m. On the southwestern cryoplanation terrace of Petrovy kameny (1438 m a. s. l.) the underlying rock was affected by frost weathering in the minimum depth of 10 m

    How to Avoid Plagiarism: Student Handbook

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    In this handbook you’ll learn: – how to formulate your own ideas – how to correctly reference different sources – what exactly constitutes plagiarism – how to avoid various forms of plagiarism – examples of (in)famous cases of plagiarism – three tips against plagiarism – and finally, some advice for avoiding time pressure

    How to Avoid Plagiarism: Student Handbook

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    In this handbook you’ll learn: – how to formulate your own ideas – how to correctly reference different sources – what exactly constitutes plagiarism – how to avoid various forms of plagiarism – examples of (in)famous cases of plagiarism – three tips against plagiarism – and finally, some advice for avoiding time pressure