3,223 research outputs found

    Nucleosynthesis in the early history of the solar system

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    Nucleosynthesis in early history of solar syste

    Network design for urban light transport

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    A Bayesian integrated population dynamics model to analyze data for protected species

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    Managing wildlife-human interactions demands reliable information about the likely consequences of management actions. This requirement is a general one, whatever the taxonomic group. We describe a method for estimating population dynamics and decision analysis that is generally applicable, extremely flexible, uses data efficiently, and gives answers in a useful format. Our case study involves bycatch of a protected species, the Northeastern Offshore Spotted Dolphin (Stenella attenuata), in the tuna fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean. Informed decision-making requires quantitative analyses taking all relevant information into account, assessing how bycatch affects these species and how regulations affect the fisheries, and describing the uncertainty in analyses. Bayesian analysis is an ideal framework for delivering information on uncertainty to the decision-making process. It also allows information from other populations or species or expert judgment to be included in the analysis, if appropriate. Integrated analysis attempts to include all relevant data for a population into one analysis by combining analyses, sharing parameters, and simultaneously estimating all parameters, using a combined objective function. It ensures that model assumptions and parameter estimates are consistent throughout the analysis, that uncertainty is propagated through the analysis, and that the correlations among parameters are preserved. Perhaps the most important aspect of integrated analysis is the way it both enables and forces consideration of the system as a whole, so that inconsistencies can be observed and resolved

    Multi-shocks in asymmetric simple exclusions processes: Insights from fixed-point analysis of the boundary-layers

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    The boundary-induced phase transitions in an asymmetric simple exclusion process with inter-particle repulsion and bulk non-conservation are analyzed through the fixed points of the boundary layers. This system is known to have phases in which particle density profiles have different kinds of shocks. We show how this boundary-layer fixed-point method allows us to gain physical insights on the nature of the phases and also to obtain several quantitative results on the density profiles especially on the nature of the boundary-layers and shocks.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Modelo bayesiano integrado de dinámica de poblaciones para el análisis de datos de especies protegidas

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    La gestión de las interacciones que se producen entre la flora y fauna y los seres humanos requiere disponer de información fiable acerca de las consecuencias probables que generarán las acciones de gestión. Este requisito es de carácter general, con independencia del grupo taxonómico. En el presente artículo describimos un método para estimar parámetros de dinámica de poblaciones y de toma de decisiones, de aplicación general, extremadamente flexible, que utiliza datos de un modo eficiente y proporciona respuestas en un formato útil. Nuestro ejemplo está relacionado con la captura accidental de una especie protegida, el delfín moteado (Stenella attenuata), en las pesquerías de atún de la costa este del océano Pacífico. Una toma de decisiones bien fundamentada requiere disponer de análisis cuantitativos que tomen en consideración toda la información relevante, permitiendo evaluar cómo afecta la captura accidental a estas especies y cómo afecta la normativa a las pesquerías, además de describir la incertidumbre en los análisis. El análisis bayesiano constituye un marco idóneo para proporcionar información sobre la incertidumbre que acompaña al proceso de toma de decisiones. Además de ser adecuado, permite incluir información acerca de otras poblaciones o especies en los análisis, así como un criterio experto. El análisis integrado pretende incluir en un único proceso todos los datos relevantes de una población, combinando análisis, compartiendo parámetros y estimando el conjunto de dichos parámetros de forma simultánea mediante el empleo de una función objetiva combinada. También garantiza que las presuposiciones del modelo y las estimaciones de parámetros sean coherentes a lo largo de todo el análisis, que la incertidumbre se transmita a través del mismo, y que se mantengan las correlaciones entre los distintos parámetros. Quizá el aspecto más relevante del análisis integrado sea el modo en que permite y obliga a considerar el sistema como un todo, de forma que es posible observar y resolver las posibles contradicciones.Managing wildlife–human interactions demands reliable information about the likely consequences of management actions. This requirement is a general one, whatever the taxonomic group. We describe a method for estimating population dynamics and decision analysis that is generally applicable, extremely flexible, uses data efficiently, and gives answers in a useful format. Our case study involves bycatch of a protected species, the Northeastern Offshore Spotted Dolphin (Stenella attenuata), in the tuna fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean. Informed decision–making requires quantitative analyses taking all relevant information into account, assessing how bycatch affects these species and how regulations affect the fisheries, and describing the uncertainty in analyses. Bayesian analysis is an ideal framework for delivering information on uncertainty to the decision–making process. It also allows information from other populations or species or expert judgment to be included in the analysis, if appropriate. Integrated analysis attempts to include all relevant data for a population into one analysis by combining analyses, sharing parameters, and simultaneously estimating all parameters, using a combined objective function. It ensures that model assumptions and parameter estimates are consistent throughout the analysis, that uncertainty is propagated through the analysis, and that the correlations among parameters are preserved. Perhaps the most important aspect of integrated analysis is the way it both enables and forces consideration of the system as a whole, so that inconsistencies can be observed and resolved

    Improved Torsion Pendulum for Ground Testing of LISA Displacement Sensors

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    We discuss a new torsion pendulum design for ground testing of prototype LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) displacement sensors. This new design is directly sensitive to net forces and therefore provides a more representative test of the noisy forces and parasitic stiffnesses acting on the test mass as compared to previous ground-based experiments. We also discuss a specific application to the measurement of thermal gradient effects.Comment: 4 pages 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativit

    Astrophysical implications of hypothetical stable TeV-scale black holes

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    We analyze macroscopic effects of TeV-scale black holes, such as could possibly be produced at the LHC, in what is regarded as an extremely hypothetical scenario in which they are stable and, if trapped inside Earth, begin to accrete matter. We examine a wide variety of TeV-scale gravity scenarios, basing the resulting accretion models on first-principles, basic, and well-tested physical laws. These scenarios fall into two classes, depending on whether accretion could have any macroscopic effect on the Earth at times shorter than the Sun's natural lifetime. We argue that cases with such effect at shorter times than the solar lifetime are ruled out, since in these scenarios black holes produced by cosmic rays impinging on much denser white dwarfs and neutron stars would then catalyze their decay on timescales incompatible with their known lifetimes. We also comment on relevant lifetimes for astronomical objects that capture primordial black holes. In short, this study finds no basis for concerns that TeV-scale black holes from the LHC could pose a risk to Earth on time scales shorter than the Earth's natural lifetime. Indeed, conservative arguments based on detailed calculations and the best-available scientific knowledge, including solid astronomical data, conclude, from multiple perspectives, that there is no risk of any significance whatsoever from such black holes.Comment: Version2: Minor corrections/fixed typos; updated reference

    Influence of Glyphosate Timings on Conversion of Golf Course Rough from Tall Fescue to ‘Sharps Improved II’ Buffalograss

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    All treatments, except the control that received no glyphosate application, resulted in acceptable buffalograss establishment (\u3e90% buffalograss green cover) by 70 days after seeding (DAS). However, any treatment not sprayed prior to seeding date or that received a 7 DAS application lagged behind in establishment for 6 weeks after seeding

    Tests of the Gravitational Inverse-Square Law below the Dark-Energy Length Scale

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    We conducted three torsion-balance experiments to test the gravitational inverse-square law at separations between 9.53 mm and 55 micrometers, probing distances less than the dark-energy length scale λd=c/ρd485μ\lambda_{\rm d}=\sqrt[4]{\hbar c/\rho_{\rm d}}\approx 85 \mum. We find with 95% confidence that the inverse-square law holds (α1|\alpha| \leq 1) down to a length scale λ=56μ\lambda = 56 \mum and that an extra dimension must have a size R44μR \leq 44 \mum.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure