496 research outputs found

    Market conditions: The Brazilian LGBT+ press in the 1990s and 2000s - SuiGeneris and G Magazine

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    Este artigo descreve como uma ideia originada nos Estados Unidos – de que os homossexuais deveriam ser considerados não como uma minoria marginal mas como um mercado especializado e valoroso – foi trazida para o Brasil por meio da revista impressa sobre papel couché, com a promessa de atrair a publicidade lucrativa das grandes grifes.   Examina dois títulos importantes – SuiGeneris e G Magazine – para mostrar como o formato foi adaptado às condições brasileiras de modos diferentes.   Houve uma interação com dois fatores existentes, o movimento social LGBT+ e a revista erótica de nus masculinos, junto com o fenômeno contemporâneo da cultura da celebridade.   O artigo analisa as pesquisas acadêmicas sobre o assunto e tenta avaliar até que ponto a ideia original conseguiu atingir os seus próprios objetivos e os ideiais sociais mais abrangentes de combater o preconceito e a discriminação contra os homossexuais.This article charts the way that an idea originating in the United States – that homosexuals should be considered not as a marginalised minority but as a valuable niche market – was brought to Brazil by means of the glossy printed magazine, with its promise of attracting lucrative brand advertising. It examines two major titles –SuiGeneris and G Magazine – to show how the format was adapted in different ways to Brazilian conditions. This led to interactions with two existing factors, the LGBT+ social movement and the erotic male nude magazine, together with the contemporary phenomenon of celebrity culture. The article reviews scholarly research on the topic and tries to assess to what degree the original idea met its objectives, both on its own terms and within the wider social goal of combatting prejudice and discrimination against homosexuals.Este artigo describe como una idea originada en los Estados Unidos – que los homosexuales debian ser considerados no como una minoria marginal sino como un mercado especializado y valioso – fue traida al Brasil por la revista impresa en papel lustroso, con la promesa de atraer la  publicidad lucrativa de las grandes marcas.   Examina dos títulos importantes – SuiGeneris y G Magazine – para mostrar como el formato fue adaptado a las condiciones brasileñas de maneras diferentes.   Hubo una interacción con dos factores existentes, el movimiento social LGBT+ y la revista erótica de desnudos masculinos, junto con el fenómeno contemporáneo de la cultura de la celebridad.   El artigo analisa las investigaciones académicas sobre el tema y trata de evaluar hasta que punto la idea original logró alcanzar sus  propios objetivos y los ideales sociales más amplios de combater los prejuicios y la discriminación contra los homosexuales

    Indigenous Technical Knowledge: Analysis, Implications and Issues

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    This review of the discussions of a workshop analyses indigenous technical knowledge (ITK), examines its potential for rural development, and outlines implications and issues. ITK is compared with institutionally organised science and technology. It can be seen in terms of stock and process: a rich but underutilised stock of knowledge; and the potential of processes through which knowledge can be generated, assimilated, and transmitted. Implications include the use of new methods for eliciting ITK, changes in the values and reward systems of professionals and officials concerned with rural development, and the need for further research and analysis

    Indigenous technical knowledge: analysis, implications and issues

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    SUMMARY This review of the discussions of a workshop analyses indigenous technical knowledge (ITK), examines its potential for rural development, and outlines implications and issues. ITK is compared with institutionally organised science and technology. It can be seen in terms of stock and process: a rich but underutilised stock of knowledge; and the potential of processes through which knowledge can be generated, assimilated, and transmitted. Implications include the use of new methods for eliciting ITK, changes in the values and reward systems of professionals and officials concerned with rural development, and the need for further research and analysis. RESUME Connaissances techniques indigènes et développement rural: analyse, implications et matières à discussion Ce compte?rendu des débats d'un atelier analyse les connaissances techniques indigènes, examine leur potentiel pour le développement rural et met en évidence les implications et matières à discussion. On peut les envisager en termes de stock et de processus: un stock de connaissances riche mais sous?utilisé; et le potentiel des processus permettant d'engendrer, d'assimiler et de transmettre les connaissances. Parmi les implications, citons l'utilisation de nouvelles méthodes pour découvrir des connaissances techniques indigènes, la modification des systèmes de valeur et de rémunération des experts et des responsables travaillant au développement rural, et la nécessité d'études et d'analyses plus poussées. RESUMEN El conocimiento técnico indígena: análisis, consecuencias y conclusiones En esta reseña de las deliberaciones de un grupo de trabajo se analiza el conocimiento técnico indígena, se examinan sus posibilidades para el desarrollo rural, y se esbozan las consecuencias y las conclusiones. El conocimiento técnico indígena se compara con la ciencia y la tecnología organizada de una manera institucional. Se puede confirmar esto en relación con las reservas y procedimientos: unas reservas abundantes pero escasamente utilizadas de conocimientos, y las posibilidades de procedimientos a través de los cuales se pueden producir, asimilar y transmitir conocimientos. Las consecuencias incluyen la utilización de nuevos métodos para descubrir el conocimiento técnico indígena, los cambios en los valores y los sistemas de recompensa de los profesionales y los funcionarios que se ocupan del desarrollo rural y la necesidad de proseguir la investigación y el análisis

    The role of genes, stress, and dopamine in the development of schizophrenia

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    The dopamine hypothesis is the longest standing pathoetiologic theory of schizophrenia. Because it was initially based on indirect evidence and findings in patients with established schizophrenia, it was unclear what role dopamine played in the onset of the disorder. However, recent studies in people at risk of schizophrenia have found elevated striatal dopamine synthesis capacity and increased dopamine release to stress. Furthermore, striatal dopamine changes have been linked to altered cortical function during cognitive tasks, in line with preclinical evidence that a circuit involving cortical projections to the striatum and midbrain may underlie the striatal dopamine changes. Other studies have shown that a number of environmental risk factors for schizophrenia, such as social isolation and childhood trauma, also affect presynaptic dopaminergic function. Advances in preclinical work and genetics have begun to unravel the molecular architecture linking dopamine, psychosis, and psychosocial stress. Included among the many genes associated with risk of schizophrenia are the gene encoding the dopamine D2 receptor and those involved in the upstream regulation of dopaminergic synthesis, through glutamatergic and gamma-aminobutyric acidergic pathways. A number of these pathways are also linked to the stress response. We review these new lines of evidence and present a model of how genes and environmental factors may sensitize the dopamine system so that it is vulnerable to acute stress, leading to progressive dysregulation and the onset of psychosis. Finally, we consider the implications for rational drug development, in particular regionally selective dopaminergic modulation, and the potential of genetic factors to stratify patients

    California’s In-Home Supportive Services Program: Who is Served?

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    Governor Schwarzenegger\u27s preliminary 2004-05 Budget Bill proposed to eliminate a component of California\u27s In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program serving approximately 68,000 individuals. This component, known as the Residual Program, included Protective Supervision and Domestic Care services and services provided by parents and spouses. Under the then existing regulations and the state\u27s approved state plan for Medicaid, these services did not qualify for shared financing with the Medicaid program and were thus funded solely by state and county sources. The objective of the administration\u27s proposal was to obtain an estimated net savings from the IHSS program in Fiscal Year 2005 of $366 million

    Rapid induction of therapeutic hypothermia using convective-immersion surface cooling: Safety, efficacy and outcomes

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    Therapeutic hypothermia has become an accepted part of post-resuscitation care. Efforts to shorten the time from return of spontaneous circulation to target temperature have led to the exploration of different cooling techniques. Convective-immersion uses a continuous shower of 2 °C water to rapidly induce hypothermia. The primary purpose of this multi-center trial was to evaluate the feasibility and speed of convective-immersion cooling in the clinical environment. The secondary goal was to examine the impact of rapid hypothermia induction on patient outcome. 24 post-cardiac arrest patients from 3 centers were enrolled in the study; 22 agreed to participate until the 6-month evaluations were completed. The median rate of cooling was 3.0 °C/h. Cooling times were shorter than reported in previous studies. The median time to cool the patients to target temperature (\u3c34 °C) was 37 min (range 14–81 min); and only 27 min in a subset of patients sedated with propofol. Survival was excellent, with 68% surviving to 6 months; 87% of survivors were living independently at 6 months. Conductive-immersion surface cooling using the ThermoSuit® System is a rapid, effective method of inducing therapeutic hypothermia. Although the study was not designed to demonstrate impact on outcomes, survival and neurologic function were superior to those previously reported, suggesting comparative studies should be undertaken. Shortening the delay from return of spontaneous circulation to hypothermic target temperature may significantly improve survival and neurologic outcome and warrants further study

    Assessing the impact of different penalty factors of the Bayesian reconstruction algorithm Q.Clear on in vivo low count kinetic analysis of [11C]PHNO brain PET-MR studies

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    INTRODUCTION: Q.Clear is a Bayesian penalised likelihood (BPL) reconstruction algorithm available on General Electric (GE) Positron Emission Tomography (PET)-Computed Tomography (CT) and PET-Magnetic Resonance (MR) scanners. This algorithm is regulated by a β value which acts as a noise penalisation factor and yields improvements in signal to noise ratio (SNR) in clinical scans, and in contrast recovery and spatial resolution in phantom studies. However, its performance in human brain imaging studies remains to be evaluated in depth. This pilot study aims to investigate the impact of Q.Clear reconstruction methods using different β value versus ordered subset expectation maximization (OSEM) on brain kinetic modelling analysis of low count brain images acquired in the PET-MR. METHODS: Six [(11)C]PHNO PET-MR brain datasets were reconstructed with Q.Clear with β100–1000 (in increments of 100) and OSEM. The binding potential relative to non-displaceable volume (BP(ND)) were obtained for the Substantia Nigra (SN), Striatum (St), Globus Pallidus (GP), Thalamus (Th), Caudate (Cd) and Putamen (Pt), using the MIAKAT™ software. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), repeatability coefficients (RC), coefficients of variation (CV) and bias from Bland–Altman plots were reported. Statistical analysis was conducted using a 2-way ANOVA model with correction for multiple comparisons. RESULTS: When comparing a standard OSEM reconstruction of 6 iterations/16 subsets and 5 mm filter with Q.Clear with different β values under low counts, the bias and RC were lower for Q.Clear with β100 for the SN (RC = 2.17), Th (RC = 0.08) and GP (RC = 0.22) and with β200 for the St (RC = 0.14), Cd (RC = 0.18)and Pt (RC = 0.10). The p-values in the 2-way ANOVA model corroborate these findings. ICC values obtained for Th, St, GP, Pt and Cd demonstrate good reliability (0.87, 0.99, 0.96, 0.99 and 0.96, respectively). For the SN, ICC values demonstrate poor reliability (0.43). CONCLUSION: BP(ND) results obtained from quantitative low count brain PET studies using [(11)C]PHNO and reconstructed with Q.Clear with β < 400, which is the value used for clinical [(18)F]FDG whole-body studies, demonstrate the lowest bias versus the typical iterative reconstruction method OSEM. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13550-022-00883-1
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