215 research outputs found

    N=1N=1 supersymmetry and the three loop anomalous dimension for the chiral superfield

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    We calculate the three loop anomalous dimension for a general N=1N=1 supersymmetric gauge theory. The result is used to probe the possible existence of renormalisation invariant relationships between the Yukawa and gauge couplings.Comment: 18 pages. Uses Harvmac. Revised version includes discussion of the special case of the Wess-Zumino mode

    Gravitino condensation in fivebrane backgrounds

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    We calculate the tension of the D3-brane in the fivebrane background which is described by the exactly solvable SU(2)_k x U(1) world-sheet conformal field theory with large Kac-Moody level k. The D3-brane tension is extracted from the amplitude of one closed string exchange between two parallel D3-branes, and the amplitude is calculated by utilizing the open-closed string duality. The tension of the D3-brane in the background does not coincide with the one in the flat space-time even in the flat space-time limit: k -> infinity. The finite curvature effect should vanish in the flat space-time limit and only the topological effect can remain. Therefore, the deviation indicates the condensation of gravitino and/or dilatino which has been expected in the fivebrane background as a gravitational instanton.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    The Self-dual String Soliton in AdS_4\times S^7 spacetime

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    We construct self-dual string soliton solutions in AdS4×S7AdS_4\times S^7 spacetime, starting from the covariant equations of motion of M5-brane. We study the properties of the solutions and find that their action are linearized, indicating the BPS nature of the solutions, and they have the same electric and magnetic charge. The straight string soliton solution represents the configuration of the membranes ending on M5-brane with a straight string intersection, and it behaves like the spiky solution in flat spacetime. The spherical string soliton solution, which could be related to the straight one by a conformal transformation, represents the membranes ending on M5-brane with a spherical intersection.Comment: 15 pages;typos corrected, references added;published versio

    Supergravity Solutions for BI Dyons

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    We construct partially localized supergravity counterpart solutions to the 1/2 supersymmetric non-threshold and the 1/4 supersymmetric threshold bound state BI dyons in the D3-brane Dirac-Born-Infeld theory. Such supergravity solutions have all the parameters of the BI dyons. By applying the IIA/IIB T-duality transformations to these supergravity solutions, we obtain the supergravity counterpart solutions to 1/2 and 1/4 supersymmetric BIons carrying electric and magnetic charges of the worldvolume U(1) gauge field in the Dirac-Born-Infeld theory in other dimensions.Comment: 17 pages, REVTeX, revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Scheme dependence and the NSVZ β\beta-function

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    We investigate the connection between the NSVZ and the DRED forms of the gauge β\beta-function in an N=1N=1 supersymmetric gauge theory. We construct a coupling constant redefinition that relates the two forms up to four loops. By abelian calculations, we are able to infer the complete non-abelian form of βg(3)DRED\beta_g^{(3)DRED}, and also βg(4)DRED\beta_g^{(4)DRED} except for one undetermined parameter.Comment: 29 pages, including 4 figures (in 7 files). Plain TeX. Uses Harvmac and eps

    The spinorial geometry of supersymmetric heterotic string backgrounds

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    We determine the geometry of supersymmetric heterotic string backgrounds for which all parallel spinors with respect to the connection ^\hat\nabla with torsion HH, the NS\otimesNS three-form field strength, are Killing. We find that there are two classes of such backgrounds, the null and the timelike. The Killing spinors of the null backgrounds have stability subgroups K\ltimes\bR^8 in Spin(9,1)Spin(9,1), for K=Spin(7)K=Spin(7), SU(4), Sp(2)Sp(2), SU(2)×SU(2)SU(2)\times SU(2) and {1}\{1\}, and the Killing spinors of the timelike backgrounds have stability subgroups G2G_2, SU(3), SU(2) and {1}\{1\}. The former admit a single null ^\hat\nabla-parallel vector field while the latter admit a timelike and two, three, five and nine spacelike ^\hat\nabla-parallel vector fields, respectively. The spacetime of the null backgrounds is a Lorentzian two-parameter family of Riemannian manifolds BB with skew-symmetric torsion. If the rotation of the null vector field vanishes, the holonomy of the connection with torsion of BB is contained in KK. The spacetime of time-like backgrounds is a principal bundle PP with fibre a Lorentzian Lie group and base space a suitable Riemannian manifold with skew-symmetric torsion. The principal bundle is equipped with a connection λ\lambda which determines the non-horizontal part of the spacetime metric and of HH. The curvature of λ\lambda takes values in an appropriate Lie algebra constructed from that of KK. In addition dHdH has only horizontal components and contains the Pontrjagin class of PP. We have computed in all cases the Killing spinor bilinears, expressed the fluxes in terms of the geometry and determine the field equations that are implied by the Killing spinor equations.Comment: 73pp. v2: minor change

    Super D-branes from BRST Symmetry

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    Recently a new formalism has been developed for the covariant quantization of superstrings. We study properties of Dp-branes and p-branes in this new framework, focusing on two different topics: effective actions and boundary states for Dp-branes. We present a derivation of the Wess-Zumino terms for super (D)p-branes using BRST symmetry. To achieve this we derive the BRST symmetry for superbranes, starting from the approach with/without pure spinors, and completely characterize the WZ terms as elements of the BRST cohomology. We also develope the boundary state description of Dp-branes by analyzing the boundary conditions for open strings in the completely covariant (i.e., without pure spinors) BRST formulation.Comment: 31 pp; journal version, expended discussion of D-brane pure spinor constraints in Section 2.

    Superparticle and superstring in AdS_3 x S^3 Ramond-Ramond background in light-cone gauge

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    We discuss superparticle and superstring dynamics in AdS_3 x S^3 supported by R-R 3-form background using light-cone gauge approach. Starting with the superalgebra psu(1,1|2) + psu(1,1|2) representing the basic symmetry of this background we find the light-cone superparticle Hamiltonian. We determine the harmonic decomposition of light-cone superfield describing fluctuations of type IIB supergravity fields expanded near AdS_3 x S^3 background and compute the corresponding Kaluza-Klein spectrum. We fix the fermionic and bosonic light-cone gauges in the covariant Green-Schwarz AdS_3 x S^3 superstring action and find the light-cone string Hamiltonian. We also obtain a realization of the generators of psu(1,1|2) + psu(1,1|2) in terms of the superstring 2-d fields in the light-cone gauge.Comment: 32 pages, late

    Supersymmetric non-linear sigma-models with boundaries revisited

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    We study two-dimensional supersymmetric non-linear sigma-models with boundaries. We derive the most general family of boundary conditions in the non-supersymmetric case. Next we show that no further conditions arise when passing to the N=1 model. We present a manifest N=1 off-shell formulation. The analysis is greatly simplified compared to previous studies and there is no need to introduce non-local superspaces nor to go (partially) on-shell. Whether or not torsion is present does not modify the discussion. Subsequently, we determine under which conditions a second supersymmetry exists. As for the case without boundaries, two covariantly constant complex structures are needed. However, because of the presence of the boundary, one gets expressed in terms of the other one and the remainder of the geometric data. Finally we recast some of our results in N=2 superspace and discuss applications.Comment: LaTeX, 23 page

    String Theory, Unification and Quantum Gravity

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    An overview is given of the way in which the unification program of particle physics has evolved into the proposal of superstring theory as a prime candidate for unifying quantum gravity with the other forces and particles of nature. A key concern with quantum gravity has been the problem of ultraviolet divergences, which is naturally solved in string theory by replacing particles with spatially extended states as the fundamental excitations. String theory turns out, however, to contain many more extended-object states than just strings. Combining all this into an integrated picture, called M-theory, requires recognition of the r\^ole played by a web of nonperturbative duality symmetries suggested by the nonlinear structures of the field-theoretic supergravity limits of string theory.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables; Lectures given at the 6th Aegean Summer School "Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology", Chora, Naxos Island, Greece, 12-17 September 201