1,542 research outputs found

    Infrared coronal emission lines and the possibility of their maser emission in Seyfert nuclei

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    Energetic emitting regions have traditionally been studied via x-ray, UV and optical emission lines of highly ionized intermediate mass elements. Such lines are often referred to as 'coronal lines' since the ions, when produced by collisional ionization, reach maximum abundance at electron temperatures of approx. 10(exp 5) - 10(exp 6) K typical of the sun's upper atmosphere. However, optical and UV coronal lines are also observed in a wide variety of Galactic and extragalactic sources including the Galactic interstellar medium, nova shells, supernova remnants, galaxies and QSOs. Infrared coronal lines are providing a new window for observation of energetic emitting regions in heavily dust obscured sources such as infrared bright merging galaxies and Seyfert nuclei and new opportunities for model constraints on physical conditions in these sources. Unlike their UV and optical counterparts, infrared coronal lines can be primary coolants of collisionally ionized plasmas with 10(exp 4) less than T(sub e)(K) less than 10(exp 6) which produce little or no optical or shorter wavelength coronal line emission. In addition, they provide a means to probe heavily dust obscured emitting regions which are often inaccessible to optical or UV line studies. In this poster, we provide results from new model calculations to support upcoming Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and current ground-based observing programs involving infrared coronal emission lines in AGN. We present a complete list of infrared (lambda greater than 1 micron) lines due to transitions within the ground configurations 2s(2)2p(k) and 3s(2)3p(k) (k = 1 to 5) or the first excited configurations 2s2p and 3s3p of highly ionized (x greater than or equal to 100 eV) astrophysically abundant (n(X)/n(H) greater than or equal to 10(exp -6)) elements. Included are approximately 74 lines in ions of O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, and Ni spanning a wavelength range of approximately 1 - 280 microns. We present new results from detailed balance calculations, new critical densities for collisional de-excitation, intrinsic photon rates, branching ratios, and excitation temperatures for the majority of the compiled transitions. The temperature and density parameter space for dominant cooling via infrared coronal lines is presented, and the relationship of infrared to optical coronal lines is discussed

    Patterns of differential introgression in a salamander hybrid zone: inferences from genetic data and ecological niche modelling

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    Hybrid zones have yielded considerable insight into many evolutionary processes, including speciation and the maintenance of species boundaries. Presented here are analyses from a hybrid zone that occurs among three salamanders – Plethodon jordani , Plethodon metcalfi and Plethodon teyahalee – from the southern Appalachian Mountains. Using a novel statistical approach for analysis of non-clinal, multispecies hybrid zones, we examined spatial patterns of variation at four markers: single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in the mtDNA ND2 gene and the nuclear DNA ILF3 gene, and the morphological markers of red cheek pigmentation and white flecks. Concordance of the ILF3 marker and both morphological markers across four transects is observed. In three of the four transects, however, the pattern of mtDNA is discordant from all other markers, with a higher representation of P. metcalfi mtDNA in the northern and lower elevation localities than is expected given the ILF3 marker and morphology. To explore whether climate plays a role in the position of the hybrid zone, we created ecological niche models for P. jordani and P. metcalfi . Modelling results suggest that hybrid zone position is not determined by steep gradients in climatic suitability for either species. Instead, the hybrid zone lies in a climatically homogenous region that is broadly suitable for both P. jordani and P. metcalfi . We discuss various selective (natural selection associated with climate) and behavioural processes (sex-biased dispersal, asymmetric reproductive isolation) that might explain the discordance in the extent to which mtDNA and nuclear DNA and colour-pattern traits have moved across this hybrid zone.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/79135/1/j.1365-294X.2010.04796.x.pd

    A genome-wide ordered-subset linkage analysis for rheumatoid arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, complex autoimmune inflammatory disorder with poorly known etiology. Approximately 1% of the adult population is afflicted with RA. Linkage analysis of RA can be complicated by the presence of phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity. It is shown that the ordered-subset analysis (OSA) technique reduces heterogeneity, increases statistical power for detecting linkage and helps to define the most informative data set for follow-up analysis. We applied OSA to the family data from the North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium study as part of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 (GAW15). We have incorporated two continuous covariates, 'age of onset' and 'anti-CCP level' (anti-cyclic citrinullated peptide), into our genome-wide ordered-subset linkage analysis using 809 Illumina SNP markers in 5713 individuals from 606 Caucasian RA families. A statistically significant increase in nonparametric linkage (NPL) scores was observed with covariate 'age of onset' in chromosomes 4 (p = 0.000003) and 9 (p = 0.002). With the covariate 'anti-CCP level', statistically significant increases in NPL scores were observed in chromosomes 2 (p = 0.0001), 18 (p = 0.00007), and 19 (p = 0.0003). Once we identified the linked genomic region, we then attempted to identify the best plausible parametric model at that linked locus. Our results show significant improvement in evidence for linkage and demonstrate that OSA is a useful technique to detect linkage under heterogeneity

    Percutaneous repair of an ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm with a septal occluder device

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    Agronomic and Economic Performance Characteristics of Conventional and Low-External-Input Cropping Systems

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    A 22-acre field experiment was conducted in Boone, IA, from 2003–2006 to test the hypothesis that low-external-input(LEI) cropping systems can produce yields and profits that match or exceed those obtained from conventional systems. A conventionally managed 2-year rotation system [corn (Zea mays L.)/soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)] was compared with a 3-year LEI rotation system [corn/soybean/small grain + red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)], and a 4-year LEI rotation system [corn/soybean/small grain + alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)/alfalfa]. Triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) was used as the small grain in 2003–2005; oat (Avena sativa L.) was used in 2006. Over the period of 2003– 2006, synthetic N fertilizer use was 59% and 74% lower in the 3- and 4-year systems, respectively, compared with the 2-year system. Similarly, herbicide use was reduced 76% and 82% in the 3- and 4-year systems

    The Role of Mycobacteriosis in Elevated Natural Mortality of Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass: Developing Better Models for Stock Assessment and Management : a final report

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    Mycobacteriosis is a chronic systemic disease of fishes caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Mycobacterium. The disease currently affects striped bass throughout Chesapeake Bay and prevalence is higher than 90% in certain age groups. Two recently described species, M. shottsii and M. pseudoshottsii, are the most common isolates obtained from diseased fish and are considered the primary etiologic agents. Recent indications that natural mortality (M) has become elevated in Chesapeake Bay striped bass and that mycobacteriosis may be the underlying cause, has caused concern among fishermen, fisheries managers and scientists. However, fundamental questions, such as transmission mode, duration of disease states, impacts of disease on fish movements, feeding and reproduction remain unanswered. A central unanswered question is whether the disease causes mortality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop new approaches for estimating the contribution of mycobacteriosis to natural mortality in the striped bass (e.g., disease-associated mortality component of M)

    Early Onset of Franciscan Subduction

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    The Franciscan subduction complex of California is considered a type example of a subduction-accretion system, yet the age of subduction initiation and relationship to the tectonic history of western North America remain controversial. Estimates for the timing of Franciscan subduction initiation are largely based either indirectly on regional tectonic arguments or from the ages of high-grade blocks within mélange. Many of the high-grade blocks record counterclockwise pressure-temperature paths with early amphibolite overprinted by later eclogite and blueschist; however, their origin and significance with respect to subduction initiation have been debated. In contrast, some high-grade blocks show evidence for clockwise pressure-temperature paths and an early eclogite assemblage overprinted by later amphibolite Zircon U-Pb ages from inclusions in garnet and Lu-Hf estimates of initial garnet growth ages from these samples record early eclogite metamorphism at ~176 Ma. Matrix zircon U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf estimates of final garnet growth ages record a barroisite-amphibolite assemblage overprint of eclogite at ~160 Ma. Combined with petrologic data and existing geochronology, the data suggest that (1) Franciscan subduction was underway by no later than 180 Ma, (2) continuous subduction metamorphism occurred for at least 100 Ma, and (3) Franciscan subduction initiation predated the formation of the overlying Coast Range Ophiolite, supporting models that form the ophiolite above an east dipping Franciscan subduction zone
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