2,001 research outputs found

    A general purpose stabilised balloon platform

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    The development of a three axis stabilized balloon platform capable of being operated in three modes of increasing accuracy is discussed. The system relies on angular motion sensing for primary feedback with linear accelerometers, magnetometers, and a star sensor for positional information. When under primary control the system will acquire and stabilize on any accessible part of the celestial sphere. A video verification system is included to provide pointing confirmation. Under improved accuracy control, the star sensor is used to lock onto a target star

    Efficient Constellation-Based Map-Merging for Semantic SLAM

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    Data association in SLAM is fundamentally challenging, and handling ambiguity well is crucial to achieve robust operation in real-world environments. When ambiguous measurements arise, conservatism often mandates that the measurement is discarded or a new landmark is initialized rather than risking an incorrect association. To address the inevitable `duplicate' landmarks that arise, we present an efficient map-merging framework to detect duplicate constellations of landmarks, providing a high-confidence loop-closure mechanism well-suited for object-level SLAM. This approach uses an incrementally-computable approximation of landmark uncertainty that only depends on local information in the SLAM graph, avoiding expensive recovery of the full system covariance matrix. This enables a search based on geometric consistency (GC) (rather than full joint compatibility (JC)) that inexpensively reduces the search space to a handful of `best' hypotheses. Furthermore, we reformulate the commonly-used interpretation tree to allow for more efficient integration of clique-based pairwise compatibility, accelerating the branch-and-bound max-cardinality search. Our method is demonstrated to match the performance of full JC methods at significantly-reduced computational cost, facilitating robust object-based loop-closure over large SLAM problems.Comment: Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    Perfect countably infinite Steiner triple systems

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    We use a free construction to prove the existence of perfect Steiner triple systems on a countably infinite point set. We use a specific countably infinite family of partial Steiner triple systems to start the construction, thus yielding 2ℵ0 non-isomorphic perfect systems

    Complexity Analysis and Efficient Measurement Selection Primitives for High-Rate Graph SLAM

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    Sparsity has been widely recognized as crucial for efficient optimization in graph-based SLAM. Because the sparsity and structure of the SLAM graph reflect the set of incorporated measurements, many methods for sparsification have been proposed in hopes of reducing computation. These methods often focus narrowly on reducing edge count without regard for structure at a global level. Such structurally-naive techniques can fail to produce significant computational savings, even after aggressive pruning. In contrast, simple heuristics such as measurement decimation and keyframing are known empirically to produce significant computation reductions. To demonstrate why, we propose a quantitative metric called elimination complexity (EC) that bridges the existing analytic gap between graph structure and computation. EC quantifies the complexity of the primary computational bottleneck: the factorization step of a Gauss-Newton iteration. Using this metric, we show rigorously that decimation and keyframing impose favorable global structures and therefore achieve computation reductions on the order of r2/9r^2/9 and r3r^3, respectively, where rr is the pruning rate. We additionally present numerical results showing EC provides a good approximation of computation in both batch and incremental (iSAM2) optimization and demonstrate that pruning methods promoting globally-efficient structure outperform those that do not.Comment: Pre-print accepted to ICRA 201

    Money and Goldstone modes

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    Why is ``worthless'' fiat money generally accepted as payment for goods and services? In equilibrium theory, the value of money is generally not determined: the number of equations is one less than the number of unknowns, so only relative prices are determined. In the language of mathematics, the equations are ``homogeneous of order one''. Using the language of physics, this represents a continuous ``Goldstone'' symmetry. However, the continuous symmetry is often broken by the dynamics of the system, thus fixing the value of the otherwise undetermined variable. In economics, the value of money is a strategic variable which each agent must determine at each transaction by estimating the effect of future interactions with other agents. This idea is illustrated by a simple network model of monopolistic vendors and buyers, with bounded rationality. We submit that dynamical, spontaneous symmetry breaking is the fundamental principle for fixing the value of money. Perhaps the continuous symmetry representing the lack of restoring force is also the fundamental reason for large fluctuations in stock markets.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    VISUALISE: Enhancing the spectator experience

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    Improving the efficiency of Bayesian inverse reinforcement learning

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    Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) is the task of learning the reward function of a Markov Decision Process (MDP) given knowledge of the transition function and a set of expert demonstrations. While many IRL algorithms exist, Bayesian IRL [1] provides a general and principled method of reward learning by casting the problem in the Bayesian inference framework. However, the algorithm as originally presented suffers from several inefficiencies that prohibit its use for even moderate problem sizes. This paper proposes modifications to the original Bayesian IRL algorithm to improve its efficiency and tractability in situations where the state space is large and the expert demonstrations span only a small portion of it. The key insight is that the inference task should be focused on states that are similar to those encountered by the expert, as opposed to making the naive assumption that the expert demonstrations contain enough information to accurately infer the reward function over the entire state space. A modified algorithm is presented and experimental results show substantially faster convergence while maintaining the solution quality of the original method.United States. Office of Naval Research (Science of Autonomy Program Contract N000140910625)

    Biting flies and zebra stripes

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    In all probability, biting flies are the evolutionary force that has shaped the extraordinary coat colouration of the zebra, but there are a number of questions raised by this contention, which we address in this review. We divide our discussion into: (1) which groups of biting flies are thwarted by contrasting black and white striping; (2) the variety of ways in which stripes might interfere with normal landing behaviour of flies; (3) the ecological assumptions underlying fly-zebra sympatry; and (4) the zebra diseases for which flies are vectors. We note that tabanid species differ in their landing sites on equids, and that glossinids may not be affected by the stripes in the same ways as tabanids. We argue that disruption of optic flow is a possible candidate for thwarting tabanid landing behaviour but current evidence speaks against this and in favour of sudden target disruption. We show that tabanid and glossinid distributions closely overlap those of zebra species, at a geographic and microhabitat scale, and that flies can carry several diseases fatal to zebras. We suggest that future research be targeted at the mechanism by which stripes thwart proper landing performance and identify which diseases and which carriers most impact zebras