33 research outputs found

    Sperm storage and mating in the deep-sea squid Taningia danae Joubin, 1931 (Oegopsida:Octopoteuthidae)

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    Spermatangium implantation is reported in the large oceanic squid Taningia danae, based on ten mated females from the stomachs of sperm whales. Implanted spermatangia were located in the mantle, head and neck (on both sides) or above the nuchal cartilage, under the neck collar and were often associated with incisions. These cuts ranged from 30 to 65 mm in length and were probably made by males, using the beak or arm hooks. This is the first time wounds facilitating spermatangium storage have been observed in the internal muscle layers (rather than external, as observed in some other species of squid). The implications of these observations for the mating behavior of the rarely encountered squid T. danae are discussed

    Deep-sea predator niche segregation revealed by combined cetacean biologging and eDNA analysis of cephalopod prey

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    Fundamental insight on predator-prey dynamics in the deep sea is hampered by a lack of combined data on hunting behavior and prey spectra. Deep-sea niche segregation may evolve when predators target specific prey communities, but this hypothesis remains untested. We combined environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding with biologging to assess cephalopod community composition in the deep-sea foraging habitat of two top predator cetaceans. Risso’s dolphin and Cuvier’s beaked whale selectively targeted distinct epi/meso- and bathypelagic foraging zones, holding eDNA of 39 cephalopod taxa, including 22 known prey. Contrary to expectation, extensive taxonomic overlap in prey spectra between foraging zones indicated that predator niche segregation was not driven by prey community composition alone. Instead, intraspecific prey spectrum differences may drive differentiation for hunting fewer, more calorific, mature cephalopods in deeper waters. The novel combination of methods presented here holds great promise to disclose elusive deep-sea predator-prey systems, aiding in their protection

    Optimisation of three-dimensional lower jaw resection margin planning using a novel Black Bone magnetic resonance imaging protocol

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    Background MRI is the optimal method for sensitive detection of tumour tissue and pre-operative staging in oral cancer. When jawbone resections are necessary, the current standard of care for oral tumour surgery in our hospital is 3D virtual planning from CT data. 3D printed jawbone cutting guides are designed from the CT data. The tumour margins are difficult to visualise on CT, whereas they are clearly visible on MRI scans. The aim of this study was to change the conventional CT-based workflow by developing a method for 3D MRI-based lower jaw models. The MRI-based visualisation of the tumour aids in planning bone resection margins. Materials and findings A workflow for MRI-based 3D surgical planning with bone cutting guides was developed using a four-step approach. Key MRI parameters were defined (phase 1), followed by an application of selected Black Bone MRI sequences on healthy volunteers (phase 2). Three Black Bone MRI sequences were chosen for phase 3: standard, fat saturated, and an out of phase sequence. These protocols were validated by applying them on patients (n = 10) and comparison to corresponding CT data. The mean deviation values between the MRI-and the CT-based models were 0.63, 0.59 and 0.80 mm for the three evaluated Black Bone MRI sequences. Phase 4 entailed examination of the clinical value during surgery, using excellently fitting printed bone cutting guides designed from MRI-based lower jaw models, in two patients with oral cancer. The mean deviation of the resection planes was 2.3 mm, 3.8 mm for the fibula segments, and the mean axis deviation was the fibula segments of 1.9 E. Conclusions This study offers a method for 3D virtual resection planning and surgery using cutting guides based solely on MRI imaging. Therefore, no additional CT data are required for 3D virtual planning in oral cancer surgery

    Intra-annual variability of biological, chemical and physical parameters at the Senghor seamount Cruise No. MSM61 18.02.2017 – 27.02.2017, Mindelo (Cabo Verde) – Las Palmas (Spain)

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    The main goal of cruise MSM61 was to install an autonomous multidisciplinary observatory at the summit of Senghor Seamount off the Cape Verdean archipelago. A suite of different mobile and moored instrument platforms equipped with physical, biological and biogeochemical instruments was deployed during the cruise in order to investigate spatio-temporal variability of physical and biogeochemical conditions and how these affect the local ecosystem at this openocean seamount. The research program further included hydrographic work, biological and biogeochemical sampling as well as video transects in the meso- and bathypelagic zones both at Senghor Seamount and at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO)

    Die Lebenswelt der Tiefsee

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    Die Tiefsee beginnt in einer Tiefe von 200 m. Der darĂŒberliegende Bereich lichtdurchfluteter Wasserschichten wird „photische Zone" genannt, da hier genĂŒgend Licht zur VerfĂŒgung steht, um die Fotosynthese zu unterstĂŒtzen, die fĂŒr das Wachstum von Pflanzen und Algen erforderlich ist. Unterhalb von 200 m kommt nur wenig Licht an, nicht genug fĂŒr die Fotosynthese. Dieser Bereich heißt DĂ€mmerungszone oder auch „mesopelagische Zone"

    A shot in the dark: same-sex sexual behaviour in a deep-sea squid

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    Little is known about the reproductive habits of deep-living squids. Using remotely operated vehicles in the deep waters of the Monterey Submarine Canyon, we have found evidence of mating, i.e. implanted sperm packages, on similar body locations in males and females of the rarely seen mesopelagic squid Octopoteuthis deletron . Equivalent numbers of both sexes were found to have mated, indicating that male squid routinely and indiscriminately mate with both males and females. Most squid species are short-lived, semelparous (i.e. with a single, brief reproductive period) and promiscuous. In the deep, dark habitat where O. deletron lives, potential mates are few and far between. We suggest that same-sex mating behaviour by O. deletron is part of a reproductive strategy that maximizes success by inducing males to indiscriminately and swiftly inseminate every conspecific that they encounter